Tuesday, July 25

Cocktails on the Farm

Cocktails on the Farm
We have so many cute farms around Springfield, MO.  You may remember my post about Millsap pizza night a while back.  They take ingredients from the farm and allow the community to come out and enjoy pizza and music.  Another favorite place of mine is Urban Roots Farm.  This farm is located within the city and they make stellar use of the land.  Cocktails on the Farm is an event they host and it is so much fun!  I had the pleasure of meeting up with some friends for the last one and we learned how to make some delicious cocktails using, you guessed it, produce from the farm and locally brewed beers!

Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm
The "full circle" was possibly my favorite.  I never would have imagined tequila and onion shrub in the same beverage but it was so good!  Also, how cute is Jacki?  Geez.  She is a friend I don't get to spend a ton of time with, but whenever we do it's like we never missed a beat.

Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm Cocktails on the Farm
This event was ladies only which is always a great excuse to round up all the lady friends and enjoy the evening.  I seriously have so much fun and learn something new every time I attend!  I'm hoping to start volunteering when my schedule will allow, but for now I'll just enjoy the event when I can!


Tuesday, July 18

Styling Plants Around the Home

I think at this point most of us can agree that plants bring a fresh and calming element into the home... not to mention the fact that they're extremely addictive.  I enjoy seeing how others style plants around the house, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite green spots!

Plants Plants Plants Plants
My favorite way to display smaller plants is in a fun grouping.  I love collecting fun planters and mugs and mixing them in with more traditional pots.  Throwing in little unexpected touches like this wooden bonsai tree from Under the Shade of a Bonsai Tree and the vintage kid's "chow chow train" are so much fun to me!

Snapshots Plants Since my living room is starting to feel like full on crazy plant lady status, I like to balance out my quirky vignettes with some more uniform and traditional groupings.  Basically, that's just so I can add allllll of the fun displays my vintage loving heart desires!

Plants Plants
I do tend to keep the dining room and bedroom a little more traditional, so I guess I go a little extra overboard in the living room.  ðŸ˜‰

Plants Plants Plants
I get asked a lot where I find a lot of my planters, baskets, etc. and the answer is almost always SECOND HAND SHOPS.  Places in your town like Goodwill or smaller thrift shops are usually great for $0.25 baskets and fun mugs.

Oh, and there are some places in my house where I'm not above styling with fake plants.  If there are places where I continue to kill plants over and over, I'll get some plastic guys to round out the bare spots.

I hope this was a fun read!  I just love seeing other people's home decor style, so if you have any links to yours, please leave them in the comments.

Also!  One more thing: one of our future projects might be white washing our bedroom floor.  You can see how rough it is in the photo above-- we have quite a bit of that happening.  Have any of you had good experiences with a project like this?  I need a good push!

Tuesday, July 11

Shop My Vintage on Whurl!

Vintage Pretties 
(photos by Allison Marshall/Wonderlass)

I have some vintage goodies over on the ShopWhurl app right now!  I've been meaning to clear more out of my closet for some time and this is a great way to buy and sell vintage!  Actually, the app is kind of addicting and I've been buying more clothes than maybe I should.  Ha!  I guess that's the cycle.  ðŸ˜‰   Purge a little... buy a little...

Vintage Pretties Vintage Pretties Vintage Pretties
(photos by Elise Abigail Photography)

Have a peep and see if there's anything you can't live without!  I'm in the process of redoing my clothing/craft room, so getting as much out of there as possible is ideal!  Happy shopping!


**Oh, and I'm pretty sure the app doesn't work for Android--sorry, guys.

Friday, July 7

Weekly Wears: Betty and Veronica

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Guys.  I'm in love with a jumpsuit.  I haven't owned a jumpsuit yet that I feel comfortable in... until now.  Hooray for stepping out of your box and discovering something new!  It can be hard for me not to just throw on a skirt and top in the summer, so this feels big for me... ya know, in the way of dressing myself.  ðŸ˜‰

Jumpsuit: c/o Betty and Veronica // Bag: c/o Kelly Moore // Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens // Pin: Nostalgia Vault // Scarf: vintage

So, I haven't asked this in a while: what are you guys watching right now?  I keep starting shows that I like in the beginning, but I get bored quickly.  We did just finish "Glow" last week and I loved that one!  Gimme your recommendations!  We have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, so keep that in mind!

Happy weekend, friends!