Monday, January 4


Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
Whew.  It feels really good to be done with the holidays.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas and NYE, but I'm ready to get back in the swing of real life.  Here are some bits and pieces of our life lately.  Johnny and I got all the Christmas decorations put away yesterday and I'm excited to start chugging away on house stuff again!  As I keep saying, we're making some serious headway.  I'm officially devoting most of today to my bedroom.  It will be so nice to have more rooms fully unpacked and put together.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are excited about starting the new year!  We had a super fun get-together with friends last night, and it made me look forward to all the gatherings to come this year.  I haven't made any real resolutions or goals yet, but I know my main theme of the year is to surround myself with love.  Happy 2016!

**White and gold coasters and hedgehog mat both c/o ModCloth.


  1. love how your home is coming along! I'm also loving Hope's bed! Is that a vintage find?

    1. It's actually from Wal-Mart. I was thrilled to find it!

  2. Sadly, I'm with you. I loved having friends and family visit but I am so glad that the next month is quiet and that we don't have anther visitor for months!

  3. That red, dip-dyed curtain is marvelous!
    I love seeing how you're making this house your own. :) Thank you for sharing so much.

  4. Hi, Katie, love your blog with all it's colors and creativity!
    Just wanted to say careful with those Lilies - cats like to eat them and they're extremely toxic to them (causing acute kidney failure). Sorry, I'm a vet, so had to comment. cat looks cute!
    Happy and healthy new year to you all

  5. Ficou de mais! Eu adorei as suas imagens!! Beijão <3 ♥

  6. It's looking beautiful!!! Happy Birthday, friend. I hope it's such a special day!

  7. This may seem like a strange comment...but lilies in a house with a cat really isn't a good idea. Ingesting any part of the plant (even licking up a few scraps of pollen that may have caught on their fur) can be fatal. A quick google should yield more info.

  8. Your home is looking lovely, Katie. I'm inspired to spend more friend time this year. Love the red dipped curtain - very sweet :)
