Friday, January 8

Happy Birthday and Nonsense About Me

So here we are.  January.  Are these years passing faster, or is it just me?  I celebrated one of my very favorite days of the year on Wednesday:  MY BIRTHDAY.  I love my birthday.  I'm in love with my birthday.  No matter how crappy the weather or how tired I am from the December holiday extravaganza, you can't get me down on my day.  My day was awesome.  I spent the day with my family and then met a bunch of friends for roller skating and then karaoke!  Never in a million years would I have expected myself to turn into a "karaoke person", but here I am.

I was actually thinking about that the other day.  I'm SO MUCH different from the person I was in my younger years.  I was a shy, insecure, ultra quiet person.  It took me a lot of years to get here, and though the process was probably a lot longer and harder than it should've been, I made it.  I mean, obviously there are ways in which I hope to continue to grow, but I'm learning to own who I am... and that's a good feeling.

I know a lot of you have been reading this ol' blog for some years now, so I thought I'd share some things about myself that you may not know.  This will be more than the typical "I like sprinkles on my donuts" kind of thing.  Or, at least I hope it is.  Here are some things:

1.  I am an ULTRA sensitive person.  I used to be extremely ashamed of this.  I would refuse to cry in front of people, and I'd over compensate by being callous.  These days I cry a lot-- happy and sad.  I actually like this about myself now.  It has turned me into a very caring and thoughtful friend, which is one of the most important things to me.

2.  I had a very serious battle with depression last winter.  I haven't been ready to talk about this on the blog until now, even though I always knew I eventually would.  With the help of a few wonderful friends and a very caring doctor, I found my way to medication and began my swim back up to the surface.  I've tried to be very open about all of this with Hope.  My family never talked about mental illness when I was growing up, and I've spent a lot of years identifying myself as just "kind of a sad person".  Happy at times, of course, but the low days were so low.  And started becoming way too frequent.  I want to be as open and honest with Hope (and eventually Poesy) about my journey, so they know it's okay to ask for help if needed.

3.  I plan to never "act my age" as some people might suggest.  I mean, a least not in the ways I enjoy life.  Sure, I'm a grown up and I take care of my family and pay my bills and whatnot, but I hope to never be too adulty for quarter machines and arcades and dressing up and being generally silly.  I'll probably be the glittery-est elderly woman you've ever seen.

4.  There is no quality I value more in a person than empathy.  I hope to instill this in my daughters and rub it off on whoever I'm around.  Truly caring about another person's struggles is everything.  Everything.

5.  This year my biggest goal is to do a Skunkboy Creatures ecourse or pattern book.  I'm finally ready to share some of the animal patterns I've developed with people who are interested in sewing them!  I'm super pumped about it!

6.  Okay, so this list wouldn't be complete without the donut distinction: I'm a toasted coconut instead of sprinkles kind of gal.

Happiest, happiest Friday to you all!  Poesy's birthday party is tomorrow, so I'm headed out to finish buying supplies.  Girl wants a karaoke party!!  It's going to be awesome.  xo.


  1. Thanks for sharing about your depression battle. I feel like mental illness is finally getting a voice, the more people feel like they aren't alone. The Bloggess is very candid and open about her struggles and I think it's a great conversation to have across a huge spectrum of people.

  2. Wow. This is the best post i have read from you so far.
    We would be totally in synch if we'd met, I'm so like everything you describe (and I have red hair now too ha!).
    Plus you just look fabulously gorgeous on those pics. Where did you find that beautiful dress? It did you do well and errr I really want it! (Hopefully someday I'll be able to make it myself).
    Anyway, I lied to learn about you and those are the most touching nonsense I have ever read.
    I'd love to know more and I'd love to be your friend.
    Be happy sweet Katie,
    Love from Bordeaux, France.

  3. Happy birthday to you, Katie. I am brazilian and my english is not that good, but I hope you'll understand it. I've been reading your blog for a few years now and I have to say I love you. I love the way you take care of your daughters. I love your ideas. I love your photographies. I love that you share what you have the best in your world with us, readers. And you inspire me so much! Not just in my blog, but in life. I was kinda surprised when you sad that you had roug times because... I just can't see you that way. I always see you like the shiny happy redhead with the perfect house and the perfect family. But you know what? It's okay not to be okay sometimes. I wish just the best for you and all of your loved ones. Kisses from Brasil.

  4. Happy birthday Katie!! And thank you for sharing some of your struggles and learnings. I am also a very deep feeler (sensitive), have off and on struggles with depression, and I tested highest in my strengths finders test for empathy. Sometimes the journey of traveling those highs and lows can be difficult and leave me feeling misunderstood. But there is also a purpose, beauty and a strength in them. Thank you again! <3

  5. Happy birthday Katie!!
    Wow, what An intense post post today. I've been reading you 2 years and it's a Little surprise to know you a Little more. I'm glad For your strenght with mental illness. Thank you For sharing us this.
    Lots of kisses from Spain <3

  6. Happy Birthday!! Beautiful, honest, inspiring post. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Love Wren.

  7. Blogs have evolved so much over the last decade. They used to be so much more like online journals, full of stories about the writer's day-to-day life. Now they're mostly curated photos, DIY projects, and only vague glimpses into the real life of the author (often things that are appealing to advertisers, which is not a complaint, just an observation). I appreciate both, and I understand why things have changed, but I miss the openness and vulnerability from the past. It really made it feel like I was getting to know the blogger. All of that to say, this post felt like "old school" blogging, and I love it! Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  8. Thank you so much for writing openly about your struggle with depression, Katie! You're right, it's so important to talk about (especially with young women).

  9. Great post & thanks for sharing. You're very inspiring
    Lots of love from Ontario Canada xox

  10. toasted coconut instead of sprinkles?'s like i don't even know you anymore.

  11. So excited about the prospect of a pattern book!! I've been admiring your creatures for years :) And #3 is also my goal in life. And go you for sharing about depression. As someone who's gone through similar stuff and worked in mental health, it's so hard to talk about but so important. <3

  12. happy birthday, katie! and thank you so much for sharing these very personal things with us. you are an amazing person and mother, and the people whose lives you touch each and every day are very very fortunate :)

    - karina (

  13. We share a birthday AND a personality trait. Extreme empath/sensitive spirit over here too. Solidarity sister. What used to make me feel strange and sad now makes me feel empowered and aware.

  14. Happy Birthday! You look lovely and I'm glad you had such a fun day. I'm sorry to hear you have struggled with depression, I can't even imagine what that must be like but I am glad you are getting help and are able to talk about it. Also the image of you as a glittery old woman is great haha thanks for sharing :)

  15. thanks for sharing everything, you are a really cute person, Happy B-day! may all your wishes come true <3

  16. Thanks for sharing! As someone who has lived with anxiety my whole life, I think it's so important and helpful when people share their stories with each other about mental illness. I agree, being open with friends and family is incredibly important and freeing. I'm inspired by your courage to share your story with your daughters, and to your lovely Internet community. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Thank you for your honesty, today. I opened up about my anxiety on my blog, today, and felt so vulnerable about it. It's a scary thing.
    I love your dress, by the way.

  18. Happy Birthday!

    Almost everything on your list could have been written about me. Oh my gosh, I relate so much. Wow.

    Thank you for sharing.

    There's something quite reassuring in knowing that there are other people out there like yourself.


  19. Happy Birthday Katie! Posts like this remind me that everyone has struggles and problems, even if their life appears perfect (in a blog). You always amaze me with your style, talent, commitment, and strength. But I know it all takes hard work. Thank you for sharing! And I hope this year brings you everything your heart desires (including toasted coconut donuts).

  20. Happy Birthday Katie. I am also a long-time reader of your blog. I really appreciate what you said about sharing your depression with Hope. My mom has had depression since she was a teenager. When I was growing up, my dad innocently thought it was better to close the door to keep my brother and I from disturbing her when she was low, with a migraine, or both. However, She wished she would have shared it with us earlier and I am grateful to have an understanding of what she goes through.
    Anyway! I love how much you share and I love your outfit posts!
    Thanks for being cool,
    Lauren :)

  21. Happy Birthday Katie! I'm currently battling depression, I'm on medication and my mood is a lot better than it was so I'm starting to come out the other side but I still have my bad days. Thank you for sharing this, it's so important for the world to stop hiding these things and making people who are already suffering feel ashamed on top of that. I think you're doing a wonderful thing for Hope and Poesy.

    I like to think of myself as an empathetic person and it's one of the qualities I value most too.

    Sending love your way! Robyn xoxo

  22. What lucky girls your daughters are. It is a rare parent/person who can have those conversations with their children, who can guide them through the experience of depression whilst also feeling their way through the process. Great work,mama. My heart goes out to you. I have had a similar experience myself and it's great to be stepping out the other side. I admire your approach to life and I love your blog, it stands apart, it exudes warmth and the love you have for your friends and family in a way other blogs dont manage to. Here's to much joy in 2016 xxx

  23. Oooh and HAPPY 'DAY by the way! Yeeey! Xxx

  24. Thanks so much for sharing <3 I struggle with anxiety and depression on and off, and during the low times I often feel so alone in it. It's reassuring (but of course also sad) to hear that others go through similar things. I hope you're having a better time this winter. Also really excited to see how #5 turns out!! I love your little creatures (and sewing)!

  25. You're a true inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story. A warm hug from The Netherlands!!

  26. Happy Birthday Katie! I agree with you about the importance of empathy. I think some people are born without it unfortunately. Thankyou for your wonderful blog, It always makes me feel uplifted! Love from Katy, here in little old London, England xx

  27. Its so good and brave to be open about this stuff. Thank you for sharing! :) I love your blog. Hope you have a nice weekend!

  28. Happy birthday! I know I'm not the first person to say it, but thanks for sharing and being honest. I also really admire what you share about the way you interact with your daughters. They seem really empathetic and true to themselves which is so cool.

  29. Happy Birthday, you are great!!!

    Greetings & Love

  30. Merry birthday Katie! Mine is this Wednesday, and I am super excited. This was a wonderfully honest and insightful post. Thanks for having the courage to share your journey. You are definitely not alone in this struggle, even though sometimes our brains try to make us feel that way. I had my own battle with anxiety this past year and am looking forward to a fresh start in 2016. Best of luck with Poesy's party and your book :)

  31. I feel you. Life can be a pain, and is important to be open about it and beat our struggles with help.
    Hugs from Spain, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Mine is on Dec 20th, so you can imagine the Chsirstmas stuff among my day :P

  32. Happy birthday and thanks for sharing. I have been a big advocate for mental health for years (St Dymphna is even my confirmation saint) and am always happy to see people acknowledge it publicly.

    On a happier note...that dress is divine. I may be considering remarrying in the near future and something like that would be amazing!

  33. Happy Birthday Katie!

    Thanks so much for sharing these things about you. Your second point on struggling with depression really connected with me - I've also always considered myself to be 'generally sad' until a year ago when I finally acknowledged that I actually had a problem and needed to ask for help. It was a difficult journey, but I'm also finally getting ready to share it on my blog. It's difficult to share, but so important so others know, like you said, that they can ask for help.

    So thank you so much. You're an inspiration, always!

  34. Hope you had an awesome birthday! Thanks for sharing, yay for being sensitive, its not the worst thing to be (just kind of annoying)!
    AND Im super psyched for you to share some kind of pattern book, since one of goals this year is to make myself some kind of awesomely cute, teeny tiny creature!

  35. Happy Birthday, Katie! First of all, love your dress and you look like an ethereal angel in your photographs.

    Second of all, thank you for sharing such a heartfelt story with all of us. It's true, you never know what's really going on in another person's life. You can never tell by just looking at someone. I suffer from depression and work on it but most people don't know that.

    I'm like you are, very open with my daughters about things that other parents shy away from. Life is hard and it's important that our kids know that they can come to us for help.

    As far acting your age, I say never! I turn 39 in a couple months and I have kind of young look, or so I'm told, so I can pull off a lot of cute, girly outfits. In fact, my daughters have always borrowed my clothes. I love your persona and I think it speaks spades about who you are and which direction you are going in life. Keep doing what you're doing! It's working.

    Just wanted to tell you that your blog is one of the few blogs that I will keep reading for many years to come. I like how "real" you are and how authentic. That's a rare quality in blogs today. Thank you so much for this touching read!



  36. Happy Birthday! This post was really great! It's so good to read some more personal things about you, we're so similar! I hope you continue to grow and thrive this year!

    Jasmine /

  37. Happy birthday! And as others have said, thank you for sharing. Not just on this occasion, but all the time. I wish there were still more blogs like yours which gave us all actual insight into each others' lives, I think there's so much empathy we can gain from understanding others more deeply, and blogs are a wonderful way to do that.

  38. Kudos for being so open about your depression, especially to your daughter(s)! That kind of stuff is so important to just be honest about. I'm also super excited at the prospect of a Skunkboy Creatures ecourse/book! Your designs are the cutest!

    And I'm sorry, but I'm a glazed donut kinda gal. All the different flavors and sprinkles are great and all, but nothing beats the classic.

  39. Happy Birthday! THANK YOU for sharing but mostly thank you for sharing with Hope. It isn't talked about in my family and I so wish it was. I hope Poesy has a great party <3

  40. Glad you had a great birthday I just did a belated birthday post!
    Thanks for being so transparent and sharing your heart, I'm kinda surprised you were super shy and it's nice to know that everyone struggles with issues and I think it's awesome you embrace your sensitivity and want to instill empathy in your kids it's so important to care and be compassionate toward others <3
    That's super exciting about your creature patterns and or book, I have some crafty goals carried over from last year that I'd like to accomplish thanks for your inspiring perspective:)

  41. Also PS and by the way your dress is gorgeous:)

  42. First off, Happy belated!I have been reading your blog for a few years now and after reading this post, I respect and admire you even more. (I mean I did before, but allowing this type of vulnerability in public is a brave thing to do.) I am glad that you have the support needed and opening up to your daughters about something so difficult will help them embrace it with others that interact with them in their lives which they will thank you for teaching them.
    I actually have BPD and it's something that is still a hard thing for me to accept, but I find being an advocate for others helps me to find more meaning behind the illness and remember that it is not a crutch. It does not define me as a person. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Also I won't lie, I am really excited about the sewing projects even though I think they would make great prints (Painting, drawing, etc.) or even an animated short.

    Enough ranting. :) This was beautiful.

  43. Happy belated birthday Katie! Thank you so much for sharing a little snippet of your life and living with depression. You are a wonderful soul and I enjoy keeping up with you, your creatures, and your stories with your girls. Btw, I know you haven't written it yet, but I am SO ready to buy your future pattern book. I'll pre-order now, please!!

  44. Capricorn!!! YES, I KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugs , kisses and nice energy fron Argentina!

  45. You Inspire me a lot!!Im in the process of planning my wedding which has been so exciting. But last month my God Mother passed away very suddenly. Ive always had minor on and off battles with Depression and knowing that she wasn't going to be at my wedding just completely broke me. Thank you for being honest and sharing!! This just did wonders for me.I admire you as a mother and person..really thank you!

  46. Authenticity is so important and so brave. Thank you for sharing. I have had anxiety and some depression for a long time and I'm sure most people wouldn't guess that about me. People see me as a very outgoing and vivacious person (which I am!) but there is also a very real internal struggle happening most days and I'm learning to flow with it and not be ashamed of who I am. Ever. Medicine helps a lot and that's another thing I've stopped feeling guilty about. There's some good that comes from my anxiety which is gentleness and compassion, I think. Anyways, I don't want to romanticize anything but I will say that some of the most interesting, multi faceted people I know have struggles like these. You're not alone. And using this platform to share it, is really noble. I think you can help a lot of others normalize their own feelings and get a little internet hug. <3
