Tuesday, November 10

Indoor Gardening

Indoor Gardening
I've been missing my summer garden... like, a lot.  It's my favorite thing to obsess over, and my favorite way to relax and zone out.  Lately, I've been repotting plants like crazy and circling the house with the watering can, just to fill that green hole in my heart (dramatic much?).

Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening
Did you spot that venus fly trap up there?  Yeah, I know it's completely impractical and I'll probably kill it within two weeks, but hey, you only live once right?
What are some of your favorite indoor house plants?  I'm still a chronic succulent killer, but it doesn't stop me from trying!

Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. Indoor gardening is definitely the next best thing! My cactus had its once a year flowers last week, super exciting and pretty! And since its spring here in NZ Im planting all the flowers, and tomatoes!

  2. Money trees are my favorite indoor plants - I love their color green and they do really well by a nice window!

  3. how do you keep these alive!? I've bought maybe 5 succulents within the past year and 4.5 have died (seriously, 1/2 of one died and the other half is still there...looks funny in its pot). I have since tried cactuses and again, a half died. I thought these were idiot proof!? Any tips!??

    XO Sahra
    Que Sera Sahra

  4. So happy to hear of another succulent murderer. I have a cactus that I've grown from a tiny little baby nub and it is AMAZING! But other than that, I just ruin succulents. And all the blogs say it's so hard to kill them...
    My husband recently brought home some bamboo and we are loving it. It's so easy and grows and grows. It's really fun and TALL!

  5. I adore the baby head planter! So adorable!

  6. I am also very happy to hear, that I'm not the only one completely incapable of keeping succulents alive. Everyone always says it's impossible to kill them but somehow I always manage. Are there any plants that are fool proof, can't-kill-if-i-tried?

  7. I do well with succulents and my key is south facing light and only water when the top inch of soil starts to feel dry.

  8. How ecletic! Love it! 。◕ ‿ ◕
    - IVA http://cosyhippie.blogspot.com/

  9. I'm a chronic succulent killer too! Everyone says it's the hardest plant to kill, but that's so far from the truth (for me, at least!)

    Jasmine / www.jasminekeclipse.com

  10. Mini Palm Trees are my favorite! There are so many varieties and they're ADORABLE

  11. Z plants. You literally cannot kill them. :)
