Monday, November 30


I've stayed away from "Currently" posts this summer and fall, because mostly they would read "playing a bunch of shows and packing/unpacking boxes".  We're finally in a place where I find myself setting new goals for the coming months.  Like, my brain is ready to let me be a person again.

**Browsing:  Home goods.  Surprised?  I didn't think so.  I mostly haven't ever treated myself to new pieces of furniture, just because thrifting is so much more affordable.  Well, I bought the bed frame of my dreams and a beautiful, classic couch over the past couple of weeks, and I absolutely can't wait for them to arrive!

**Creating:  I just finished up this advent village for ABM, and right now I'm working on a post about curtains, and I've been enjoying dreaming up Christmas crafts for our home.  I'm in the process of cutting a million little felt leaves to spice up our banister garland.  I'll share when it's finished!

**Traveling:  Johnny and I are taking a trip this week for some Christmas shopping and down-time and sleeping in fancy hotel beds and eating all the delicious things.  It's going to be so good.

**Listening:  I've been listening to quite a variety of music lately, but I just picked up a new Dolly Parton record while out thrifting, and I can't stop listening to this song.  It's in my "Pep in Your Step" playlist and it does just that!

**Planning:  I'm in the middle of ironing out all of the details for our band's NYE show.  We're teaming up with Springfield's late night talk show, The Mystery Hour, and it's going to be insanely fun.  (They just won an Emmy!  Woo!!)  Plus, I love any excuse to shop for glitzy decorations and party dresses.

Well, there's a little of what we've been up to.  Happy Monday, friends!

**Currently posts originally inspired by Dani Hampton.

Tuesday, November 24

Dresser DIY (FAIL)

DIY Fail
I love a beautifully photographed DIY post as much as the next person.  I really do.  You know what I also love?  Seeing the things that DIDN'T work for someone.  For those of us intent on DIYing things in our homes, we can relate.  Those grand ideas of making something unique or special sometimes don't pan out.  Here's a story about that.

DIY Fail
First, a little backstory: our new house is wonderful.  WONDERFUL.  But.  Johnny and I are both lacking closets.  I found a pretty good/affordable dresser on Amazon, but because I have too many clothes, had to acquire another dresser for his clothes (thanks, Craigslist!).  I know you're probably thinking, "Why did you even feel the need to DIY this, Katie?  It's white.  It's simple.  Leave it alone!"  Guys, sometimes I feel the need to put my magic touch... on everything.

Dresser diy DIY Fail DIY Fail DIY Fail
I started with the "Looking Glass" paint, but realized a couple of drawers in that it's recommended for use on actual glass.  D'oh.  I finished painting the drawers with silver metallic paint, but as you can see, the brush strokes from the original paint job show through in a pretty bad way.  That coupled with the paint not curing all the way and the drawers basically being untouchable, I decided to call this project what it was:  a DIY fail.

DIY Fail DIY Fail
You know what, though?  It happens.  I *think* I have an even better idea in mind for this dresser, and if it works out, it's going to be one of the cheapest, prettiest DIYs I have under my belt.  I promise to keep you guys posted either way!  xo.

Thursday, November 19

Weekly Wears: Skadette Status

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
I've talked time and time again about how many creative souls I've had the pleasure of meeting through my blog and social media.  It often strikes me, thinking back on a time with less opportunities to connect with so many talented people, just how lucky we are.  We get to present our artistic offerings to the world now, AND meet people who encourage and inspire us to follow dreams.  It really trips me out sometimes.

Dress: 23 Skidoo;  Tights: ModCloth;  Boots: Seychelles;  Hat: Free People;  Bag: Bali ELF

My friend, Courtney, made this dress.  I met her through Instagram and am constantly in awe of her talent and eye for design.  This is my second 23 Skidoo dress, and I hope to grow that collection for years to come.  (You can see my first dress as a Skadette here.)

Anyway, keep on making, fellow makers!  You are inspiring and awesome and following your dreams!  xo.

Tuesday, November 17

My Sensitive Firecracker

Snapshots Snapshots
My little firecracker has been having a little bit of heartache about not being in our old house this week.  It's been a good reminder for me, that even the most fun, outgoing, hilarious personalities can still be sensitive souls who need a hand sometimes.  Just asking how someone is feeling and letting them know that those feelings matter is one of the most important things you can do for human connection... regardless of age.

This really has been on my mind a lot lately.  People with empathetic, caring hearts are the kind of people I strive to be like.  A friend who shows you how to love better is truly a friend to keep around.  I sincerely hope all of you have at least one person in your life like this, and maybe you even feel like shooting them a quick text or call today to let them know you are thinking of them.  xo.

Thursday, November 12

Weekly Wears: Opal Visions

Weekly Wears
It's been a good little while since my last outfit post but, guys-- this week I unpacked all my boxes/bags of clothes.  Oh, and I kinda sold my dresser a little over a week ago, so all of my dresser things had been living on the floor of my bedroom.  Anyway, I conquered it all, and now I can actually find my clothes again!  In the grand scheme of unpacking, this one was huge for me.  I don't have a closet in my new bedroom, so I've been having to get creative with where things live.  I had a very real nemesis in our last house that I dubbed "clothes mountain" and I refuse to let myself live like that again.  Making changes for the better- yes!!!

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Jacket: Marshall's;  Bodysuit: F21;  Skirt: c/o ModCloth;  Knee Socks: c/o Tabbisocks;  Shoes: Bali ELF;  Eye necklace: c/o Moorea Seal;  Glasses: BonLook

Since this is an outfit post, let's talk about some of my favorite things about this outfit!  Firstly, I got this Opal Visions Pendant necklace from Moorea Seal this week and haven't taken it off!  I'm not a huge jewelry girl-- well, you probably see my lucky baby necklace in many of my photos-- but I'm IN LOVE with this necklace.  The skirt is my newest wardrobe staple.  Actually, I just ordered it in black, too, because it's so great and comfy.  Beware though-- since it's so flouncy, shorts are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY when it's windy.  I learned that the hard way.  D'oh.

I hope your week is going well, friends!  My agenda for today includes some thrifting for home stuff, prepping for an IG sale (3rd round of closet purging-- I'm getting there!), and happy hour with a new friend!  It's going to be a good day!

Tuesday, November 10

Indoor Gardening

Indoor Gardening
I've been missing my summer garden... like, a lot.  It's my favorite thing to obsess over, and my favorite way to relax and zone out.  Lately, I've been repotting plants like crazy and circling the house with the watering can, just to fill that green hole in my heart (dramatic much?).

Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening
Did you spot that venus fly trap up there?  Yeah, I know it's completely impractical and I'll probably kill it within two weeks, but hey, you only live once right?
What are some of your favorite indoor house plants?  I'm still a chronic succulent killer, but it doesn't stop me from trying!

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Wednesday, November 4

Poesy's Bedroom: A Work in Progress

Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress
We've been working away on getting unpacked, and just keeping up with life in general.  Finding a starting point is the hardest thing for me, because I'm terrible about jumping around from room-to-room.  Yesterday, I took a good, long look at Poesy's room and decided to conquer it.  Her bedroom is far from done, but it's nice to have a space with little chaos.  Here's where I started:

Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress
The room wasn't terrible to begin with, and Poesy has been insistent about keeping the "dotty" wall and the "lello" door.  Ooookay.  That made my job incredibly easy.  I used the existing rope shelving as a book shelf (which is perfect!) and kept the room as simple as possible.

Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress
Johnny helped me hang the Poesy photos because... well... I'm not really what you would call a "measurer".  I just bang some nails in the wall until I'm happy.  He's a good balance in that regard.

Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress Poesy's Room: A Work In Progress
It's nice to have a breath of air without boxes stacked everywhere.  Oh, and Poesy has been feeling a little down about missing her old bedroom, so it was nice to see her reaction when I finished.  She's happy to have her own little space again, and told me she wants to live here forever.  ;)

This little room makes me so happy.  I found the dollhouse that Johnny and I built for Poesy hiding in our basement, and as soon as she saw it, she squealed with delight!  I love that I get the opportunity to make special things for my kids.  This actually goes hand-in-hand with an IG campaign I'm a part of right now called #CreateALifeYouLove for Kathy Davis.  Kathy Davis is all about following your dreams and curating a life that is meaningful to you.  If you're interested in following along (or participating, which would be even better!) you can follow me (@skunkboy_) and @KathyDavisBrand.  Make sure to tag your photos with #CreateALifeYouLove!  I can't wait to see what you guys post!

Monday, November 2

DIY Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015
Well, this past week/weekend has been about as full as I could possibly imagine.  We spent the week packing, The Mixtapes played a crazy show on Friday night, I finished up sewing costumes just in time for Halloween on Saturday, and we said our official goodbyes to our first Springfield home on Sunday.  Guys, this week has been a whirlwind, and I don't think I've ever been so happy to just sit on my couch and blog.  Whew.

But, this IS a Halloween post, so here's the skinny on this year's costumes: I didn't have time to make our family costumes this year because of packing and moving, which kinda bummed me out if I'm being completely honest.  I still managed to bust out costumes for the girls, though, and that's really what's important.  Hope really wanted to be a heart-eye emoji and, after changing her mind at least a dozen times, Poesy settled on being a bat.  I spent all of Saturday sewing Hope's costume (talk about last minute), and finished just in time.  Every year I think, "This is the year I can't possibly compete with last year's costume" but so far, so good.  And really, as long as she is happy, I am happy.

Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015  Halloween 2015  Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015
Poesy was the cutest little bat EVER.  After her initial, "Trick-or-Treat" she would wish everyone the "Happiest Halloween" in her tiny voice.  She melted all the people.

I look forward to seeing what costume Poe decides on every year.  This girl definitely has opinions of her own-- and I love it!  (Her costume inspiration was from this post on MerMag.)  Oh, and just wait until I get to share the theme she has chosen for her birthday party.  It's going to be amazing.

Hope was as pleased as punch to strut around as a big, squishy emoji-- basically all of her 13 year old dreams came true that night.  I definitely high-fived myself once or twice while we were trick-or-treating around the neighborhood for pulling it off.  Now that Halloween is over, we're planning to remove the straps from the costume and make the front portion into a giant pillow for her bed.  It's gonna be so cute in her new room!

Well, friends-- today, I'm forming a game plan for massive box-domination, because I'm SO ready to get unpacked and settled!  I hope your Halloween was wonderful!  xo.