**Rollerskating dates on Wednesdays
**Fancy press-on nails from best friends
**Lunch dates and school time at our favorite local spot
**Taste-testing the new
Askinosie x Target flavors
**Having magical days with magical friends
**A new (more appropriately sized) accordion
**My new favorite
Culture Flock shirt BECAUSE E.T. (!!!!)
**Taking a Monday off even though you probably shouldn't
Life in our house has been pretty a-typical lately. As I've mentioned, we're planning to move in the next month, Hope has just started back up with school, and this is our band's busiest month of the year. Routines don't really exist right now, and that is perfectly fine with all of us. We've been peppering in as many dates and fun things to off-set all the packing. I'm definitely not complaining, though-- this great purge that has been happening in our house is making me 20 levels of happy.
I have a homeschool post coming for you guys this week (for real this time). I'm excited to share what's working for us this year! In the meantime, have a wonderful Tuesday, friends! xo.