Thursday, March 26

Sew With Us Ecourse is Here!!

Sew With Us
Rachel and I have been working for months on our sewing ecourse (heard me mention it once or twice?) and it's finally available!  I'm so excited to help people learn to sew their own clothing, and Rachel's home projects are just beautiful!  You can check out the course right here if you are interested.  Here are a few peeks from some of my lessons:

Sew With Us Sew With Us Sew With Us Sew With Us Sew With Us Sew With Us
*Sigh* That non-traditional kimono is still my favorite.

The Sew With Us ecourse is on sale for $30 right now (from $45).  I have to say, wrapping up a project this large has me feeling pretty giddy.  If you are interested in sewing, but haven't really taken the plunge... or, if you have dabbled, but are feeling a bit rusty, this course is for you!

Now, excuse me while I run off to do a happy dance!  xo.


  1. A sewing course would be the solution for me as I'm convinced no one sews worse than I :)
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Hi Katie! (sorry if my comment is double)
    Does your ecourse covers basic hand sewing or is it directed at sewing with a Machine? I don't have much experience with hand sewing other that attaching loose buttons, and I'd rather know if it covers the basics before purchasing as I don't have a sewing machine yet... They're quite pricy where I live.

    1. Hello! This is ecourse is for sewing with a machine, so I would wait to purchase until you have access to one. Thanks for asking! xo.

  3. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper cute. :) My favorites is the skirt with the buttons and the black dress. Did you take sewing lessons, Katie? Or did you teach yourself? I am currently taking some sewing and drafting (patterns) lessons from a lady from my church. She is really enthusiastic about it and she has been sewing since she was four or five. I had no idea how involved and interesting sewing could be!

    Have a lovely day!
    Anna Neumann from The Whistling Willow

    1. Yes, sewing is SO interesting! I'm mostly self-taught, but I think lessons sound so fun! I'm always learning when it comes to sewing.

  4. I am so excited that you ladies have put together a course to get people into the wonderful world of sewing. It's a great skill to have. You should have people send in photos of their makes from the course and do some round up posts!

    1. Yes! I love this idea~ I can't wait to see people making their own versions!

  5. Congrats on finishing this and putting it out for the world to see, Katie! It looks like it'll be a lot of fun. I've had a sewing machine on my wishlist for a while now, and when that finally happens I'll be sure to register for this!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  6. Love the kimono. Congrats on making the course!

  7. I'm so excited for this e-course. I got a sewing machine a few years ago as a gift from my mom and I've been so nervous to try any patterns, I'm excited for this to hopefully give me the confidence and knowledge I need to get it going.

  8. So excited for this! I've been sewing for awhile but I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys cooked up and getting inspired to sew again! I've been in crafting hibernation!

  9. I think I gasped out loud looking at that perfect crystal necklace in your kimono photo! You're making me want to buy a sewing machine and give it a whirl!

    xo. anna marie

  10. fantastic post, i love these pictures and this style!!

  11. this looks so fun!
    xx nikki

  12. How exciting. I love your black dress. I had sewing lessons as a kid and it has stood in good stead. Having the ability to mend things and create new things from old and completely new things is just wonderful. I do enjoy it :)

  13. I'm so excited for this! I'm definitely signing up. I can't wait to make a green skirt like that. It's beautiful!


  14. this ecourse is gonna be fun! :)

    xoxo, rae

  15. I have always wanted to learn to sew. My grandmother taught my mother who taught my sister, but when it came to me I was told, "No You wouldn't be good at it." I have needed an excuse to buy a sewing machine and teach myself this craft. I have taught myself needlepoint, knitting and crocheting... I think I will be a decent seamstress!

  16. Great giveaway! I am a sewing newbie so a course like that would be veey useful :) i have also tried and loved patchwork. Olga spi

  17. My kids are really getting into the sewing, especially my daughter, so I've been thinking about getting them a machine just for their use too. I'd love to hear what you think of this machine. remalladoras accesorios
