In the spirit of keeping things real, I'll just be honest and say- a good bit of our life has been really tough for the last month or so. These snapshots of shiny moments truly were happy bits, but Hope has been going through some anxiety issues lately and it has been very hard on everyone. I don't want to go in to too much because it isn't really my story to tell, but it's nice to just say, "Hey, life is good AND life is hard, blog friends." BUT, if life didn't have the hard stuff, we'd never grow as people. I try to constantly remind myself of that whenever I'm feeling more than spent. Here are some of the happy things from the past few weeks:
*I made these cats for a sweet couple a month or two ago. Wedding cake toppers are some of my favorite things to make.
*Since it's gotten really cold here Google has kinda sorta become an indoor cat. You can't leave a sweet cat outside to freeze, right???
*Poesy is 100% personality. Have you heard the term "threenager"? I'm pretty sure someone saw into the future and coined that after experiencing all that is Poe.
*Okay, this may sound like the most boring thing ever, but in times where I feel overwhelmed by life, I take a breath, fill my water can, and just enjoy the moment. I mean, of course I water my plants when I don't feel overwhelmed as well, but it's seriously calming for me.
*I helped a sweet friend paint her outdoor furniture THE DAY before Missouri decided it loved winterish weather more than fallish weather. We scored at the buzzer or some sort of sporty analogy I have no business using. ;)
*Our house is always overrun with music gear in inappropriate places right now, but I swiped
the rug from the dining room and put it in the living room. I'm loving the color it brings to the space.
Anyway, I hope you all have a super duper weekend! Many of you have emailed me asking about ornaments this year, and I AM going to be selling them. There won't be as many as last year, but I would be too sad to skip making them this year. It's something I always look forward to!
Happy Friday, friends. xo.