Monday, August 4

A Day At The Fair

A Day At The Fair
Last week the fair was in town.  I'm not the biggest fan of carnivals or fairs, but the girls love them, so we usually end up going every year.  We scored pretty big in the food department this year, so that was an absolute bonus.  We happened upon a yummy taco truck, introduced our pal, Justin, to Pineapple Whip (Hope's favorite), and Poesy had some sort of chicken thing on a stick that made her the giddiest gal in town.

A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair
Poesy was actually terrified of ALL the rides.  Even the carousel.  We ended up leaving the rides and moved onto games while everyone else finished up.  It turns out that despite being pretty good at darts, I am TERRIBLE at that dart/balloon game.  Who would've guessed.  The nice guy let Poesy pick a prize anyway.

A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair A Day At The Fair
It was a pretty good time, but I'm still thankful the fair only comes around once a year.  ;)
Happy Monday, friends!


  1. Aww such a cute family date! I wish we had a carnival here, I can't remember the last time we went to one.

  2. Oh my gosh -- THE FAIR! MY FAVE! We used to go every single year, but with every new kiddo added to the family our trips declined. My youngest is finally old enough to be excited by something like the fair, and it happens to come to town for us in two weeks. SO EXCITED!

    Loved these photos! Your little family has such a rad, beautiful vibe.

  3. poe's little bangs are too much. i can't handle the cuteness.

    xo, toolie.

  4. Can't handle the cuteness either, it's too much.

    / Avy

  5. Haha, oh Poesy! My daughter was like that about carousels when she was that age -- she was SO afraid of them!

  6. looks like so much fun!! poe is so adorable!


  7. Aw, poor Posey! My boy loves the carousel and swings but is scared of almost anything else. We haven't been to many carnivals as a result! But I look forward to both my kids being a little older so we can all enjoy the fair like I think families with kids should. (But geeez, so expensive!)

  8. Aww poor Poesy! That sucks she was scared of all the rides. But getting a free prize sounds better anyway :)

    Love these pictures of you all though!

  9. I love fairs! Good to see you guys had fun!


  10. SO fun. Love these pictures! What a great memory for your girls! I can only imagine how tired you all were afterwards! ;)

  11. We took our littles to the fair for the first time last year and they had a blast...but, I'm like you - not particularly a fan. haha!

    Love your pics from the day - they are beautiful!

  12. It looks like you all had a wonderful time, your photography is just beautiful Katie x

  13. Love your posts every time!!
    Kisses from Greece✿

  14. Aww sorry your little one was so scared, but yayyy to the nice guy for letting her pick a prize. That's so nice! Beautiful photos and it looks like you had a great day as a family

  15. Oh poor Poesy, bless her! So glad you had a lovely family day out though :) I'm with you, I'm just not a fan of fairgrounds - spinny rides make me so ill! xx

    Megan /

  16. Awh, bless! Such lovely photos.
