Friday, January 31

Culture Flock Clothing Giveaway!-- CLOSED

I'm very excited to have my pals, Culture Flock Clothing, on the blog today!  You might recognize this sloth design from right here on the blog-- I have a t-shirt, tote, and dress all with this little guy on it!  I love him.  :)

Culture Flock is offering 3 winners a chance at winning a prize pack containing a sloth shirt, tote, and sticker!

To enter, visit Culture Flock and pick out a favorite tee.  Leave your favorite in the comments here!
For added entries you can:
Like Culture Flock on Facebook
Follow Culture Flock on Instagram

Please leave a separate comment for each entry, and make sure your email address is linked somewhere.  I will draw the winner on Friday, February 7th and announce shortly after.  Good luck friends!!
Here are the winners for this giveaway:

**As a bonus, Culture Flock is offering a discount code for 10% off with code skunkboy!

Thursday, January 30

Goal Getting

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to learn to play slide guitar-- specifically, the lap steel.  Our best friend from way back when used to play lap steel in our old band, and it seriously made every song way more beautiful.  I'm happy to report that I'm trucking along nicely and it's a great feeling to be pursuing something purely as a hobby.  I like making time for hobby stuff-- I should do it more often!

Bunny Sweater: c/o Emerging Thoughts;  Velvet Leggings: H&M;  Good/Bad/Rad Barrettes: via Emerging Thoughts;  Necklace: Datter

It's weird starting fresh at something and being kinda bad at it (I like being GOOD at things!), but it also keeps you humble.  I like humble.  It's a good quality.

Wednesday, January 29

Weekly Wears: Winter Dreams

I've been thinking about style a lot lately, and wondering where I fit into the style spectrum.  Sometimes I enjoy a really sweet girly frock, sometimes I dress straight out of the 90s, and I often take those 60s dresses out for a spin.  My closet is extremely varied these days, and I have been feeling a little insecure about it.  I mean, in the grand scheme of issues, this is really not one at all, but on the topic of clothing (because this is an outfit post, after all) I don't know who I am these days.

It wasn't until I read this post by Mandi yesterday that I really thought:  "Oh, yeah.  Who cares?"  She's absolutely right-- fashion is fun!  You should wear what you like, I should wear what I like.  Do we really need to conform to some rigid sense of style?  That post was the perfect reminder of why I dress the way I do: because I like it.  And that's it.  Sometimes you just need a little reminder.  :)

Dress: c/o Free People;  Tights: ASOS;  Shoes: Bali ELF;  Flower crown: handmade (during this post);  Lipstick: Tarino Tarantino c/o Emerging Thoughts

So... shout out to one of the loveliest dresses I've ever owned.  This dress is dreamier than dreamy and I've already been plotting out the different ways I can wear it.  Adding a denim jacket or some boots could dress it down for more of an everyday look.

One more thing:  I accidentally deleted about 12 comments that I meant to approve yesterday, so if you signed up for the NatureBox giveaway yesterday, check to make sure your comment went through.  Whoops!
I hope you all are having a great week so far!

Tuesday, January 28

Nap Diaries // 1

I have a million photos like these logged in my phone and computer.  Rather than lose them in the sea of photo files in my computer, I'm going to try out a small series called "nap diaries".  It most likely won't be a long-running series since Poesy is working her way out of nap time, but for a little while it could be fun.  :)

Monday, January 27

Living Room Makeover (And Sign DIY)

I've gotten bitten by the redecorating bug.  Chalk it up to cold weather and being stuck in the house more than usual, but right now I just want to give everything in my home a face-lift.  I've been browsing new furniture and dreaming of ways to switch stuff up.  After a crazy-hectic/messy house week, I decided on a whim to switch up the mantle to give this side of our living room a fresh look!

To make this sign, I first printed letters out on some scrap paper.  Easy-peasy now that we have a printer at home again (I'm way too excited about this).  I cut the letters out and traced around them with a white colored pencil.  Chalk works great for this, too.  After the letters were traced onto the board, I filled them in with Elmers glue and poured glitter over.  When the glitter was dry, I dusted the excess off and went to work on switching things out.

It's amazing what a few plants and a DIY sign can do to make things feel new again.  We just moved the bison over a wall, so he is still a big part of our living room decor.  I'll share more home bits as more progress is made!

Friday, January 24

Etsy Love: Ceramics Inspiration

As Hope and I have been dipping our toes into the world of pottery and ceramics, I have a newly realized admiration for the handmade artists out there.  The top piece and one below are both pieces by MudPuppy on Etsy, who I've been a fan of since my very early Etsy days!

Pottery Lodge is another favorite of mine!  So many pretty pieces.

What I wouldn't give to have a mermaid sink like this beauty from Clay Opera!

I love this fun mug from Bar Ceramics!

This jewelry dish from Sculpture in Design is too fun!

I'll be doing my first bit of firing in the kiln today, so we'll see how that goes!  I'll share progress photos soon!

Thursday, January 23

What We Put In (NatureBox Giveaway-- CLOSED

I think it's true that the time you put in with your kids helps build that relationship like nothing else.  Take our family game time for example:  the more games and play time we put in with the girls, the sweeter and more loving they seem to be toward us (and don't even get me started on how NOT a board game person I am)--  the quality time helps build those relationships better and stronger.

The same goes for what we put into our bodies.  It's important to put in the good things and nourish our bodies. NatureBox sent over a yummy package this month and I was pleased at how many things the girls really liked.  In a family who loves their treats (you know the ice cream/pie/pizza posts) we do our best to balance these things out with healthy snacking and meals.  The snacking thing is especially important for Hope-- she's a gymnast and since she burns so many calories a day, she eats more often than the rest of us.  We've gotta fill that girl with good stuff!

To give you a little more info about NatureBox, it's a subscription service that delivers healthy snacks right to your doorstep.  You get to choose the snacks that come in your box monthly, and they are nutritionist approved.  The boxes come in different sizes and prices, and ship free (within the continental US), so you can pretty much tailor your snacks to fit your family.  I love that.  :)

NatureBox is offering a free 6 month subscription to 2 different winners!  To enter, all you have to do is  visit NatureBox and leave a comment here sharing what snack(s) you are most interested in trying.  The girls knocked out those Whole Wheat Blueberry Figgy Bars in a matter of days.

This giveaway is open to US residents only (sorry, international friends).  The winner will be drawn on January 29th and announced shortly after.  Please make sure you have an email address linked to your name so we can contact you if you win.  Good luck, friends!!

The winners for this giveaway are:

**If you are interested in getting your NatureBox now, use the code SKUNKBOY for 50% off your first box!

Wednesday, January 22

Goof Off.

It's good to be goofy and we can be some real goofs sometimes.  If you've been feeling any blues lately (winter or otherwise) take a little time to goof off today.  :)