Tuesday, October 1

(The Last) Garden Days

I'd say this is our last garden post of the year.  I've cut back my cucumber and watermelon vines, and we're seeing our very last tomatoes and green peppers.  I'm planting my garlic in the coming weeks, and a friend suggested trying out potatoes.  Have any of you had experience growing them?  I hear they're really easy.  Anyway, we'll miss picking goodies from the garden, but I'm looking forward to using all the things I've learned this year and having any even better garden next year!


  1. we had our first frost about 3 weeks ago here so everything above ground is dead now. Carrots and beets are still waiting for me to get around to pickling them! We did pretty well with out potato's too this year and they are very easy! just remember to hill them up in about July so your potato's forming near the top stay covered with dirt. If they get too close to the surface they will turn green and you cant eat them!

  2. You've had a good run for your first year! :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  3. If you are planting potatoes now, make sure you get a winter harvesting one. They are very easy, just make sure they get plenty of water if it doesn't rain and as the previous commentor said, keep the earth high. Nothing tastes better than a potato cooked ten minutes after being picked!

  4. Great pictures! If you've got the space, I suggest growing pumpkins! :)


  5. Potatoes are great to grow especially if you have a part of garden you want to break up the soil for planting other things the year after. Just make sure you don't plant them in the same place each year they are best rotated around to keep your soil healthy.

  6. There are so many Winter veges you could try to grow :)


  7. I tried growing my own potatoes for the first time this past summer. I didn't buy seed potatoes like you're supposed to, I actually bought organic red potatoes and let them sit out until they started sprouting little shoots, then I planted them in a large plastic tub with a crack in the bottom for drainage. As the stems and leaves grew higher I added more dirt. When I eventually harvested the potatoes I got about 20 small red potatoes out of 6 that I originally planted.

  8. i can't wait to have a little land where I can start my own organic veggie garden

  9. my dad and i had a pretty productive vegetable garden when I was a kid. I had a pretty good "crop year" of carrots - they were also super easy!

  10. My garden didn't do very much this year which was a little bit sad. I think it had to do with the fact that I am renting and can only use pots. I can't wait until I have a real one! Hopefully that helps.
    Leah Faye
    a clover and a bee

  11. I loved your garden updates this year. -Hanna Marie

  12. so inspiring! I can't wait to live somewhere more permanently so that I can grow my own things :). My family have potatoes growing in their garden - the only problem is that they self-seed and end up growing everywhere!!

  13. If you do plant potatoes, don't plant them straight into the ground. You can never get rid of them! I'd suggest some sort of pot. Also make sure your soil is nice and soft so your potatoes can stay under the soil. If you have rock or clay it sometimes causes the potatoes to pop put of the dirt then they go green :(

  14. I'm so glad you had a good time gardening this year! I love that the girls got involved and excited about it, too. Also, really loving Poe's pocket full of toys. Too cute!

    Ladyface Blog

  15. Potatoes are so easy to grow and great fun to gig up, your little ones will love it!

  16. I'm still picking peppers and I will continue until they quit coming. I can't wait to make poppers.


  17. My peppers are still growing :) I had to move all my plants from my balcony inside because we ended up getting frost weeks ago!

  18. I love that you captured Poe's little collection of friends in her pocket. She is such an adorable little girl.
