Tuesday, October 29

On Being A Maker

Being a maker means being one step ahead.  You always need to be plotting for the next season and planning for the next holiday, well before anyone else even has to consider it.  Right now I'm chugging away on my Christmas ornaments as I'm simultaneously prepping every little thing for the girls' Halloween costumes.  It's a strange world to live in and I know many of you can relate.  Whether you offer a product or are a blogging extraordinaire, being one step ahead is an important thing.

I'm extremely excited to have an extra set of hands helping me with my ornaments this year.  I've done every season of everything by myself ALWAYS, so the thought of someone alongside me, stitching up animals twice as fast, is something my brain hasn't totally been able to wrap itself around!  It's going to be wonderful!!

I've also been knocking out my custom orders along with planning the new holiday collection.  These koalas traveled all the way to Australia.  I love that!

For all of you makers and bloggers out there, do you enjoy the planning ahead, or do you wish you could just be "in" the season?  I used to have a hard time with it, but now it's become my version of normal and I quite enjoy it.


  1. I'm not quite there in terms of anticipating the coming seasons yet. I don't make things to sell, but I am making several Christmas gifts this year and I'm only just getting them sorted out in my head and looking for materials. I do notice when I'm trying to plan my blog in advance it all runs a bit smoother though!

  2. It's a bittersweet feeling for me. On the one hand it's excited! I love planning for holidays. On the other hand, sometimes I wish I could plan for THIS holiday or season. Telling your friends they are invited to a Christmas party in November raises some eyebrows.

  3. I wish I could be a maker. My yiayia died a few months after the summer I spent with her learning to sew. I think sewing is such a useful skill.

  4. I'm happy to be ahead of the season... it means I just get to celebrate the holidays a bit longer XD

  5. I think it's more the doing everything on your own, especially when something new and unexpected comes in, that I struggle with when you're balancing a job as well. There's never enough hours in the day! Plus I forget that people are actually WAY more organised than me and are looking at Christmas gifts already, but I'm getting used to it. It's a nice excuse to act like I know what I'm doing, and that I'm more organised than I actually am! ;)

  6. It is definitely strange to live in a bunch of different holidays at once. I was working on Halloween orders for my shop, writing Christmas patterns for a website, and putting together photos for a Valentine's Day feature in a magazine. The cool thing is: it feels like time traveling! xoxo

  7. Ah man, those guys are super cute! Brilliant stuff xx

    Faded Windmills

  8. Oh goodness, those Koalas are adorable!

  9. I'm a fairly new maker, started early this year, so it's still strange for me hahah hopefully I will get used to it soon! I do enjoy it :)

  10. those koalas are so freaking cute! i want one :) hehe



  11. I love the koalas!! And I can only imagine how sweet a skunkboy flamingo will be! Your plush are my favourite, Katie. Hoping you have a super productive holiday season this year with another set of hands! xo

  12. I go back and forth between planning ahead and doing things more in the moment. I was doing some serious planning ahead for a while, but found that having such a long to-do list was giving me horrible anxiety. Now I'm trying to take things more on a week by week basis and it's been much easier on me. I'm sure I'll go back and forth again, but it works for now!

    Good luck with all the holiday prep!

    Ladyface Blog

  13. This is our first year blogging so it has kind of been an adventure! We don't always get that into holidays so it isn't too much of a plan ahead. We have started to think about our Christmas crafts though and quite honestly we are really excited to get started!
    Leah Faye
    a clover and a bee

  14. It's a little note, but I'm so glad you posted this. I've been selling artwork for a few years now, but am setting up a new paper goods shop for the holiday season this year. The holiday offset has really REALLY thrown me off. Like, way more than seems reasonable. I've been fighting against it, but I guess it's normal! Anything that helps me embrace the new direction of my life and shop is a good thing, so thanks. :)

  15. It's going to be so nice having someone to help you! How exciting!

  16. I personally love getting things done months ahead of time. I would rather plan out something happening two weeks from now than work on something due tomorrow. Considering I am working towards becoming a maker, this can be a strength, but it can also be really difficult at times. The beginning of a school semester was always hard for me, but the end was usually much easier. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

  17. I wish I was a maker. I try to do some kind of DIY every month, sometimes even more often. And when I do I love it, it puts me in the season and gets me excited...

  18. As much as I like being in the season, I am starting to realize the importance and necessity of planning ahead more and more. No one likes to get a half finished scarf for Christmas. I'm excited to see your batch of ornaments this year!

  19. Ever since I started working in retail looking ahead to the next season has sorta become my norm. Which is good for my blog but not so good for my everyday life. I now get excited to decorate for Christmas even though Halloween hasn't even happened yet! There's just too many cute decorations at Target!! :p

  20. I know how you feel! I'm currently working on all kinds of holiday cards for a craft fair next month. I kind of love it. It's really hard to not start playing Christmas music.

    Love the koalas! :)

  21. Hi there, I'm a new reader and a plan ahead person too. I recently found your blog through another blogger on Instagram, today is my first time really going through your shop instead of just reading posts. All I can say is, WOW, you do amazing work! There are so many cute things I suddenly feel as though we need. :) I'm excited to follow you. As a new blogger I am loving how much I have already learned from others. Can't wait to read more! Thanks!!

  22. ok, is that a future flamingo I see? gettinnnnnng excited about this Christmas release!

  23. I like being one step ahead by just a half step. . . I really try to enjoy the moment and the season I'm in, but to be able to do that stuff has to be made ahead of time and planning has to be a priority. It's a catch 22 isn't it?

  24. Confession: I never leave My Christmas mood; I can only hold it in till July then I'm back on planning everything making lists and spreading the Holiday cheer!!! haha
    In love with the Koalas, really am!!

    Loads of love, SJay!

  25. what you do is so beautiful, it must be great to be able to share that with others!

  26. I would love to say I stay one step ahead but that would be false. I'm just kinda winging it. ;)

  27. I have so much respect for ladies like yourself for being one step ahead. It's people like you that make each season a little bit more exciting and more fun to look at, so thanks for that!

  28. Oh God, as hard as I try I haven't got to the stage of planning ahead, yet! Half of my Summer collection only just came out a few weeks ago! Jewellery always makes a great gift, regardless of season, but it;s definitely a goal of mine to catch up and be a season ahead!!

    Congrats on having a helper! That's awesome :)))

    Sophie | Onetenzeroseven
