Monday, October 28

A Pumpkin Patch With No Pumpkins

We made it to the pumpkin patch pretty late this year.  Traveling and busy weekends have kept us away until now, but we found a few hours to make that dream a reality before the (pumpkin) season was over.  Except, it really was over in our town.

Visiting the pumpkin patch on Saturday was pretty much a bust.  There were actually no pumpkins left that weren't broken or rotting, Poesy was a sleepy mess so the cow train terrified her, and we stood in line to get homemade ice cream only to watch the man in front of Hope get the last cup.  It was pretty comical how bad it was, but I didn't mind carrying sleepy Poesy around and both of the girls enjoyed all of the bouncy structures for a while.

The day was redeemed while watching Hope ride a horse.  It made for a good ending.

We learned a good lesson about waiting so late in the season to go, but honestly, I preferred the apple orchard anyway.  There was something a little sweeter about just being there to pick apples from trees and not having to worry about buying tickets for this or that and watching kids push and shove each other to be first in line.  Plus, we still have to go buy some pumpkins at the grocery store, so there's that.  ;)

Today we are finishing piecing (more) costumes together.  My kids have changed their minds 500 times about what to be for Halloween (we use our family costumes for parties, but Hope always wants a different costume for trick-or-treating), so today is the day that everyone has to make a final decision!

**Look at how little Poesy was last year and the year before!  I can't even handle it!


  1. Lovely photos - shame about the lack of pumpkins. But I think Hope's tshirt makes up for that wholeheartedly :)

    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  2. I noticed how adorable hope looks in that shirt! But so sorry about the lack of pumpkins and ice cream! I do agree though, I also prefer the apple orchards! Anyways, ^^ waiting to see the Halloween costumes!

    Loads of love, SJay!

  3. I just had the same experience! Such a bummer when all the pumpkins are rotting. But what a fun little area! Horseback riding certainly would take my mind off the lack of pumpkins! ;)

    1. I'm pretty sure horseback riding could cure any case of the blues. ;)

  4. Really beautiful photos! Sorry the day didn't go as planned, but it looks like you guys made the best of it! :)

  5. I haven't been to a pumpkin patch in years. I know it's too late in the season for this year, but I am definitely going next year. Love these photos!

  6. Its too bad about everything being all done by the time you got there. -Hanna Lei

  7. Ohh so sad you missed getting a pumpkin!


  8. awww what a funny day. Looks like you guys made the most of it, though. I love the cute tradition -- Poesy is so adorable in those past posts!

  9. we ran out of pumpkins at our patch early so i feel for these people! we never want ppl to be dissapointed but nature said this is how many you get and thats it! So give em a try again next year (or another local patch) because we would be sad here if you judged us on pumpkins alone :) that being said sorry it was a rough time!!! looks like she had fun anyway :)

    1. It's a tradition in our family, so we'll just try again next year... a bit earlier, though. :)

    2. Wish I could send some pumpkins your way. Our local patch still has a bunch that will be plowed under soon. =:-(

  10. oh, so sorry that your day wasn't as expected... but I hope you had at least some fun :) and I agree with you on preferring apple-picking :) I love apples! xx Cici

  11. We missed our annual trip to the pumpkin patch this year too. The beginning of our month was just too busy and on the day we planned to go last week the weather was terrible! I'm choosing to look on the bright side though - not making it to the pumpkin patch because we are too busy with other good things really isn't that bad of a deal. Glad you could find some silver linings in your not so perfect day.

  12. It looks like you girls were able to salvage your day! still seems pretty fun.
    Leah Faye
    a clover and a bee

  13. Oh, that happened to me last year! I waited too long and couldn't find a pumpkin for the life of me! This year I made it in time and my pumpkin started rotting last week. :/ Oh well. You guys all look super cute, though!

  14. Bummer about the pumpkins being all rotted, but it looks like fun anyway! Plus, a horse!

  15. I actually think this post is kind of adorable. It's always almost laughable when things like this happen, but I think the most unreal bit was that the man got the last scoop of ice cream. I can just imagine wanting to shake my fists at the heaven due to that final injustice. At least you had fun at the apple orchard.
    xx Abby | a geek tragedy

    1. We could not stop laughing once the ice cream incident happened! What are the odds?? It was pretty comical. :)

  16. your girls are so pretty! and i love your outfit!!


  17. awe looks like you still made the best of it even without those pumpkins!

  18. We made it to ours pretty late this year too.
    Sigh, life got in the way of our pumpkin carving, but like you we made the best of it.
