Wednesday, October 30

Spooky Playlist

Spooky Tunes by skunkboy on Grooveshark

Here's a fun little Halloween inspired playlist!  I can't believe tomorrow is Halloween-- we're getting excited over here!

Tuesday, October 29

On Being A Maker

Being a maker means being one step ahead.  You always need to be plotting for the next season and planning for the next holiday, well before anyone else even has to consider it.  Right now I'm chugging away on my Christmas ornaments as I'm simultaneously prepping every little thing for the girls' Halloween costumes.  It's a strange world to live in and I know many of you can relate.  Whether you offer a product or are a blogging extraordinaire, being one step ahead is an important thing.

I'm extremely excited to have an extra set of hands helping me with my ornaments this year.  I've done every season of everything by myself ALWAYS, so the thought of someone alongside me, stitching up animals twice as fast, is something my brain hasn't totally been able to wrap itself around!  It's going to be wonderful!!

I've also been knocking out my custom orders along with planning the new holiday collection.  These koalas traveled all the way to Australia.  I love that!

For all of you makers and bloggers out there, do you enjoy the planning ahead, or do you wish you could just be "in" the season?  I used to have a hard time with it, but now it's become my version of normal and I quite enjoy it.

Monday, October 28

A Pumpkin Patch With No Pumpkins

We made it to the pumpkin patch pretty late this year.  Traveling and busy weekends have kept us away until now, but we found a few hours to make that dream a reality before the (pumpkin) season was over.  Except, it really was over in our town.

Visiting the pumpkin patch on Saturday was pretty much a bust.  There were actually no pumpkins left that weren't broken or rotting, Poesy was a sleepy mess so the cow train terrified her, and we stood in line to get homemade ice cream only to watch the man in front of Hope get the last cup.  It was pretty comical how bad it was, but I didn't mind carrying sleepy Poesy around and both of the girls enjoyed all of the bouncy structures for a while.

The day was redeemed while watching Hope ride a horse.  It made for a good ending.

We learned a good lesson about waiting so late in the season to go, but honestly, I preferred the apple orchard anyway.  There was something a little sweeter about just being there to pick apples from trees and not having to worry about buying tickets for this or that and watching kids push and shove each other to be first in line.  Plus, we still have to go buy some pumpkins at the grocery store, so there's that.  ;)

Today we are finishing piecing (more) costumes together.  My kids have changed their minds 500 times about what to be for Halloween (we use our family costumes for parties, but Hope always wants a different costume for trick-or-treating), so today is the day that everyone has to make a final decision!

**Look at how little Poesy was last year and the year before!  I can't even handle it!

Friday, October 25


Poesy the ballerina- to her, people eat in restaurants just to be her audience and any platform was built just to be her stage // Dr. Dog B-Room // Library day // Pretty purse from Noonday Collection // Sleeping angel

We are looking forward to Halloween parties and Hope's first gymnastics competition of the season this weekend!  It's going to be a good one!  Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?

Thursday, October 24

Weekly Wears: Powder Pink

I'm a sucker for these little felt cat masks.  We took the girls to the Halloween shop for fun and I came home with this guy.  I probably won't be wearing it on most normal-life days (except the ones where I'm feeling a little extra spunky) but it sure is cute hanging from my bulletin board.  Those whiskers kill me... I feel a new collection coming on.

Coat: Family Affairs c/o Emerging Thoughts;  Shirt: The Mixtapes;  Skirt: H&M;  Tights: Emerging Thoughts;  Purse & Shoes: ELF

I'm a girl who would typically shy away from pink, but I'm pretty sure this fluffy pink coat is going to break me of that this Fall.  It's too pretty and soft not to!

***Emerging Thoughts is offering Skunkboy readers 15% off the tights and the coat from this post, and orders of $75 or more get a free junk food necklace!  Just enter code skunkboy at checkout!

Wednesday, October 23

Finishing Up Colorado

These are a few more photos from our trip.  It's weird and wonderful to have friends who you don't get to see all that often (ahem... Holly) but you just pick up right where you left off every time you get together.  All of these women are incredibly special to me and I'm so thankful for trips like this.

Poor Emma had the task of driving us around the whole weekend, so I'm giving her a special shout-out for being the leader and driver for four days.  We love you, Em!  You really are the best!

Right now I'm getting settled back into "real" life.  My family and I were mutually happy to get me back where I belong.  There's a sweetness to being missed/missing loved ones.  I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!

Monday, October 21

Colorado Travels

We have been enjoying some time in Colorado Springs with Rachel and Holly, and Emma and Elsie.  It's been fun and relaxing (and a little chilly... brr).  We fly back home tomorrow, so for now we are soaking up all the time we can!

Friday, October 18

Sew & Stitch Embroidery

My friend Alyssa just sent over her new book called Sew & Stitch Embroidery and we've been having a good time looking through it.  I've been online pals with Alyssa since my early days of plush stitching, so it's so neat to see how far she's come!  Actually, Alyssa and I did a swap way back when and she has one of my very first horses!  
Hope and I decided to tackle a little cross-stitch project out of the book first.

We both really enjoyed flipping through the book and planning our next activities.  I think once she finishes this one up, it will hang proudly on her wall.  Do you remember your first crafty endeavors?  It feels so great every time you tackle something new!

Be sure to check out Alyssa's book Sew & Stitch Embroidery if you're looking for a good crafty-type book.  I'm proud of you, Alyssa!

Thursday, October 17

Weekly Wears: Sometimes Anytime

We spent a little time outside at the park earlier today and it made me feel all nostalgic.  I'm a sucker for every season, so I couldn't help but soak up what this one has to offer.  The chilly air, the smell of a distant campfire, the warmth of the toasty beverage in my hand... it was all good.  It was a nice little break in the day since I've been working day and night to get everything taken care of before I leave for a girls' trip this weekend. (!!!)

Sweater: c/o Choies;  Jeans: Levi's;  Boots: c/o ModCloth;  Purse: ELF;  Hat: thrifted;  Glasses: BonLook (La Marquise)

Thank you guys SO, SO much for all of your kind words about my Bjork costume and our Peter Pan & the Lost Boys costumes.  It's always nice when a labor of love (or 3 or 4) is well received!  I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!