Friday, September 20

What's Your High and Low of the Day?

I can remember the first time we were sitting around with a group of pals and my friend Brittany leans over and says, "Okay.  What's your daily high and low?  What's your high moment of the day, and what's your low moment of the day?"  Then everyone went around the table and recognized their great moments and their not-so great moments. Now whenever we all get together, everyone goes around the table and we all share.

I love this so much for so many reasons.  What better way to really get a glimpse into someone's life AND really get to know them than to listen?  It makes me feel so loved when all my friends are willing to listen to the important things, but also the things like "I REALLY stubbed my toe on my bike that was sitting in the living room and I saw red for a minute!"

It's also a good reminder to not just put on a happy face and clothe yourself in all of the "good" things, but to be real and acknowledge that life is life and it's healthy to recognize all facets.  Out loud.  Whoa. ;)

So... what's your daily high and low?


  1. Oh my goodness - I absolutely love this idea and am saving it for future reference.

    And what you said about being authentic in feelings? So much YES! We aren't taught that enough in every day life.

    My daily high today was enjoying the cooler weather with delicious coffee and my girlfriend. Also, it's Friday and Friday's are just awesome.

    My daily low is realizing I need a lactose-free and wheat-limited diet which is really hard to do in college.

  2. we have friends that do this with their family everyday, only they call it the "roses and thorns" of your day, which I think is really neat.

    the rose of my day was the fresh tomato with mozzarella and basil I ate for lunch. the thorn is my kids constantly annoying each other... on purpose, of course. :)

  3. hmmm, that's interesting. maybe it could even be used to analyze or talk about your marriage? i would love to gather in a group and talk about this! ps. i stubbed my toe yesterday, not once, but twice, and i saw red too. it hurts!

  4. So funny you wrote about this because I went to a small group for church and they asked this question.. It was my turn and I just met everyone and I didn't want to say my "low" because I just ended a relationship and didn't want this group of people I just met to feel sorry for me so I just came up with a random "low" instead.

    I like the idea of hearing other people's highs and lows to know you aren't just the only one going through something..and everyone has high and lows. It is the way we see them that is important: knowing the lows happened for a reason and they can turn into positive things later.


  5. How lovely!

    high... two jobs today, making some money!
    low... ate too much for lunch, feel terrible!

    Valentina Duracinsky Blog
    -- Facebook Page

  6. My friends' family does that at dinner but they call it "roses and thorns" as well.

  7. My high is that my hubby is home from work now and it's date night.
    My low - I was suicidal today as my depression just keeps getting worse even after all the treatments and over 20 years of trying to deal with it xx

    1. I'm sorry, Carrie. I hope you are feeling better today. <3

  8. daily high is definitely going to the gym and feeling good...daily low..feeling wiped out at the end of the day for sure

  9. I worked at a camp a few summers ago, working very closely with 9 other young adults for 5 weeks. Every night before bed we would share our "happies and crappies," and I really think it does draw people closer and just.. cuts any BS that someone might be hiding behind. Glad you love it, too!

  10. Isn't the game called High/Low/Thankful? You also say what you were really thankful for that day?

  11. Every night around our dinner table we do 'Best and Worst'. We've been doing it since our eldest son started talking (he's 10) and we now have 4 children. We do it if it is just us and if we have visitors for dinner they just join in. We've had to make some rules, so it is a more peaceful experience- like whoever thinks of it first chooses who starts and then that person chooses who goes next and so on. You have to have a best (or no more than 2 bests), but you don't have to have a worst. It has been a great way for getting our children talking, finding out more about their day and gives us the opportunity to probe deeper into some of the things they come out with. People who are joining in with our family seem to enjoy it too. Sometimes if we are having a busy day the kids want to do 'lunchtime best and worst' too. A great thing to do with friends too. Cx

  12. yesterday for example.

    low... getting yet another rejection for a job I would be great at. Didn't even get an interview this time. Struggling after 3 years of some version of this to see the light at the end.

    high... seeing one of my favorite musicians live in a small venue with my wonderful boyfriend


  13. I love this - I'm thinking I'm going to use this on a daily basis!

    My high of the day so far was that I was told I'm no longer subject to quality reviews at work because my work is so pristine. I'm a perfectionist, so this is a major thing for me! :)

    My low of the day was -almost- hitting a squirrel on my way to work and swerving all over the place to avoid it. Scary situation, for both me and the squirrel!

    xo Kristina Rose

  14. Love this! My low today is mourning the loss of my uncle yesterday, but my high was watching my toddler twirling and singing in the middle of office depot and having beautiful children, a wonderful husband and a caring God to put a smile on my face.

  15. Ahh this is such a lovely idea, me and my besties all live far away from each other at the moment though, not sure if it would work by text but would be a great way to check in :) my high was that I finished making my first toy commission and got to spend the rest of the day baking and playing uke, my low was finding out I have to wait at least another two weeks before starting work whilst the checks go through. I love this! x

  16. Love this idea! My high today was having lunch alone and enjoying a pot of jasmine tea to myself. ;) And my low was "morning" sickness, which typically lasts more than 7 hours.

  17. This is great! Such awesome elements of life to acknowledge. My high moment today? Understanding Marx's theory of labor and capitalism. My low moment today? Reading Marx's theory of labor and capitalism.
    Grad school can sometimes feel like a kick in the pants. But it's so worth it! :)

  18. I love this, sometimes I feel we can glide along in friendships without really discussing how we're feeling and what's actually going on for us. I always make a point to ask "How are you feeling?" rather than "are you ok?"

  19. Ah I love this, thank you for sharing, it's such a nice little way to finish off your day :) ox

  20. My high is a new collaboration that is in the works. It was completely unexpected and makes me feel like the work my husband and I are doing is finally being noticed. My low? Our car overheating. We are in desperate need of a new one. Hopefully within the next year...

  21. My high today was getting a ridiculous amount of work done. I work for three different companies/businesses and sometimes Fridays just feel like a little cop out day. I'm resolving to fix that and so today I worked really hard for all three. It felt good. My low today was snarking at my mom for not keeping my sister from eating all the ice cream I bought for myself at the grocery (I'm living at home right now, not ideal). She has no portion control and it drives me crazy! She had 6 scoops of oreo cookie ice cream today.

  22. High: Watching son coming home happy from school.(he doesn't really like school)
    Low: Missing hubby who is away on work.

  23. My college roommate and I would do this every night. It was the perfect way to wind down and have a little pillow talk. :)

  24. Fab idea! My high was going for a morning walk with my furball in the sunshine and having a productive morning. My low is that now I'm on the couch and I need to get up and start baking but I'm tired and don't want to!

  25. My day only just started so I'll go with yesterday: my high was finding a dress to wear to a wedding today only 5 minutes before the shops closed, I had been looking for something to wear all week and was starting to panic, I had a bunch of dresses to try on in the fitting rooms and the one that I picked up as a wildcard turned out to be perfect. My low was having to take extra work home with me because my job has gotten too hectic lately, and my boss keeps promising we'll deliver everything to impossible deadlines and then leaving me to pick up the pieces, which has lead to many nights at home continuing with my work lately x

  26. My high is getting recommended for a freelance gig ( which leaves way better odds than applying online for those) and my low having to sit in Friday LA traffic for an extra hour before getting out of town for the weekend with my love. But the silver lining is that we are out of town in idyllwild soooooo definitely worth the strife!

  27. I learnt about roses and thorns when I worked in a US summer camp, such a fun idea to sit around as a cabin each night. Except we did best thing of the day, and thing we were most excited about for the next day.

  28. My low point was only finding one pair of pants as I am short (4'9" to be exact). My high point is giving away things I no longer need to family.

    And yes, it's great to listen to others! :)

  29. My high today was apple picking and watching my husband finally pull out of the driveway with confidence on a motorcycle he's been working on for two years. My low was snapping at him over something really, really dumb.

  30. We do this around the dinner table with our kids - it's a great way to find out a bit more about their day, their feelings etc. It also keeps them engaged a bit longer and hopefully get them to eat a few extra bites!

  31. I really love this idea.. To listen is the best quality a friend can have - i believe. (to play with monkeys today was def. the high today!!)

  32. High: Listening to my 2yo daughter sing along to "House of Gold" by Twenty One Pilots. It was so cute I practically cried.
    Low: Drinking too much Mt. Dew! Yuck.

  33. My mom used to ask us this every night when she tucked us into bed :)

  34. High: the gymnasts I coach had their first meet of the season and they did a great job!
    Low: homework. But that's not so bad, really.

  35. We do this with our girls (Age 8 & 5) at the dinner table every night.. Usually they are small little things, but we all enjoy sharing our Happy and our sad!

  36. It's such a simple concept but is really actually pretty profound. I may bring this up at the next get together.

    PS. Today my high was actually getting up on time and not eating breakfast at my desk. The low is realizing how much stuff i have let slide all week and how much i have to get done before the weekend.

  37. High - seeing Kipper, my neighbours cat wandering in my yard and making my 3 indoor cats go nuts and my husband getting an early mark from work <3

    Low- Realising how many essays I have due, and it's making me procrastinate even more...eep

  38. I love this. I have a happiness journal where I record my happy moments, but it's so true how you say it's important to recognise your highs and your lows :)

    My high: trying like crazy to try and get the TV to work in the office so we could watch the grand final. We were all working as a team and trying so hard to get it to happen. The bonding.
    My low: The chicken I bought in for lunch from the camp kitchen wasn't cooked properly :(

  39. When I was an RA in college we used to do this at every staff meeting we had. It was kind of cool because you'd go through the week thinking - oh this will definitely be my up, and think to yourself - well, this will at least make a good down at the staff meeting on Thursday. It's an interesting thing to take a high-level step back on your life. My high of the day is the fact that I have dinner plans tonight, and my low of the day is the fact that after eating chocolate covered bacon with lunch I feel a little bit sick. Not too bad for a low though.

  40. My son and I do this every night before bed. It allows us both to let the day go and catch up on anything important we might have missed. It helps keep us connected. I love it.

  41. What a sweet idea. I just found your blog & so happy I did!
    You & your little fam are SO freaking adorable and your photos are amazing.

