Saturday, September 14

The Mixtapes

Okay, I guess the time has come where I talk a little more about my band here on the blog.  I'm in a 90s cover band called The Mixtapes.  There are five of us and we all sing.  I play keys and Johnny plays guitar.  We don't have a pro video as of now, but we're working on it, and we don't have any recordings because, well... in this band we don't play our original music.  Our shows are SO FUN.  Everyone in the crowd sings along and dances and has a blast.  I wish I could bring you all along.

We have a little webstore with t-shirts, but our website is still under construction.

Elsie just did a photo shoot for us and made up these awesome posters.  I could not be more in love with them-- they fit our vibe perfectly.

We cover a wide range of 90s music, but it's still all pretty much in the Alternative category.  I sing songs by the Cardigans, Lisa Loeb, No Doubt, Sneaker Pimps, Bjork, the Cranberries, etc.  Mine are less Alternative than Johnny's Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, etc. but they all still work pretty well together.  Right now we just play regionally, so if you wanted to see us, you would have to come to Missouri.

Anyway, welcome to this part of my life.  ;)


  1. Elsie did do a great job on those posters! They fit perfectly with the 90's vibe :) I have to admit the music was my favorite part of the 90's

  2. These posters look great! Being in a band must be so much fun! -Hanna Lei

  3. Katie, that sounds so fun and I would love to see y'all play! Isn't 90s music so fun?

    The poster Elsie designed is perfect!



  4. Love the posters! And good job with the Sneaker Pimps! They are WAY underrated!

  5. This sounds like so much fun, I'm sad Missouri is so far away! You play music from all of my favorites from the 90s'. :) Great posters too!

  6. These posters are crazy awesome!!!

  7. I love the cut and stick style of your posters, it sounds like you guys put on a really fun show!

  8. this sounds awesome! I really wish I could hear you guys. Perfect name, too.

  9. Those posters are amazing, and it's so cool that you're in a cover band. Thanks for sharing this part of your life, interested to learn a little more about it!

  10. I saw 2 videos you had on the facebook page and they were really nice!! You should definately post more videos from future gigs!

  11. I love your taste in music, linger by the cranberries is one of my favourite songs x

  12. those posters are sooo amazing! great job elsie :) and your band really does sound like tons of fun

  13. everything about this is so ridiculously cute & awesome. I Especially love the cake shirt.

  14. This is so great:) It sound like A LOT of fun!!! When Elsie shared an instagram pic of the yellow poster the other day , I thought I saw your little face in there:) Thanks for sharing!! Really cool

  15. I've always toyed with the idea of forming a 90's cover band. Who doesn’t love belting their guts out to Zombie, You Oughta know, Just A Girl, or Bitch. No one, that’s who!

  16. Katie, this is beyond awesome! What a cool thing to do. And those posters are amazing. I really love the first one.

  17. Pretty cool! Hope you guys come to st.louis, soon!

  18. these are so cute!
    -Deana, from Birds&Oxfords

  19. Amazing! Love me some No Doubt. Those posters are rockin!

  20. I love everything about this and watched a few videos and FELL IN LOVE. If only I could come see a show sometime!

  21. I would love to see you guys!! Nothing like a good 90's cover band!! All the music i listened to in high school!!! Awesome music I might add!! Rock on girly!!!


  22. The Cranberries are my favorite band! I'd love to hear you guys do Zombie or Linger sometime. I'm so happy for all of you. Good luck! (:

  23. This is truly cool. That's all I have to say

  24. Sweet! I love knowing this about you. I am a 90s music lover =-)

  25. 90's music will always be my favorite. I would love to see you guys perform! (If you ever tour to California...)

  26. Give me a shout if you hit England :)

  27. Those posters are wonderful, Elsie is so clever! Would love to see some videos :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  28. this is wonderful! elsie's posters are oh so lovely! keep on keepin' on!

  29. I hope to see you one time when we'll go to Missouri...or maybe if you come in France one day ;)

  30. all bands i know and miss hearing constantly on the radio! nostalgiaaaaaa... wish i were in springfield for a concert!

  31. So fun! I love the posters Elsie made for you guys. They're awesome!

    Ladyface Blog

  32. Your band sounds like my dream job! '90s music forever! I still listen to my No Doubt CD that I got in 6th grade. Only a few songs skip :)

  33. I wish I was near by... love 90's so so much!

  34. So fun! I love the posters Elsie made for you guys. They're awesome!

