Monday, July 8

Garden Days

We've been enjoying watching our garden grow bigger and bigger over the last several weeks.  Our cucumber plant has started sprouting tiny baby cucumbers, which feels especially exciting since we planted them from seeds.  I'm already planning all of the things I want to add for next year to really make this garden the best it can be for us!


  1. It's so wonderful that you've got a family garden going! You and the girls look like you're having a great time with it. Those tomatoes look like they're going to be awesome!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. I love your garden posts, I get so excited every time you show something you've grown, because my plants always die. I wish that tomato didn't look so delicious, because I'm terribly allergic! (aren't all allergies terrible? Can you be wonderfully allergic? maybe if you didn't like what you were allergic to?)

    Fashion and Happy Things

  3. I had such high hopes of garden growing adventures this year. Better luck next time :/

  4. There is nothing better than planting and reaping from your own little vege patch. Such cute photos!

  5. Hi Katie,

    it's crazy watching what becomes out of this tiny seeds, isn't it. I planted some peas in a box this year (because our garden is concret) and wow, was I proud when I actually had the first pea on the stock.
    Have a lovely harvesting season this year!

  6. wow, it looks great! My cucumber plant isn't even in flower yet... It's not looking like a great harvest this year!

  7. ah so much fun! I love how you've made it something that's fun for the kids to join in for. Hope is growing to be such a little lady now!

  8. Its so fun when everything starts to fruit!
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  9. Everytime I see yours, I wish I had a garden!! Your guys seem to have so much fun hanging out there and making it grow, it's lovely to see!
    Thank you very much for sharing this family project with us here!

  10. I love your small garden. I wish I'd had more luck with mine. -Hanna Marie

  11. Aw, your garden is adorable! When I have my own house one day I cant wait to have a little garden of my own

  12. How exciting! I have been meaning to grow my own for ages, but now I'm living in an apartment with no garden. So I'll just live vicariously through your lovely photos on the blog.

  13. That's amazing Katie. It must be so rewarding having your own garden. And yay, for your cucumbers growing!! We were just at a friends house over the weekend and they have a huge garden with over 20 + different veggies & fruits. It was amazing!! :) xo

  14. yeay, finally some tomatoes - ours are still very green

  15. omg, I love Poesy's expression in that picture! Adorable!
    I hope to start growing some plants, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm in an upstairs apartment though, so I have to find things for that!

  16. Love your cute garden! We have one too but so far it's been my husbands baby. Seeing all of your progress inspires me to get more involved. :)

  17. Your garden is lovely!!! I have a patio and am growing some herbs and arugula! Need a garden of my own - dreaming big! I love that the girls are learning about this early in life. When I was a kid we had so much land and my mom was a horticulturist but we never had a garden (ridiculous!) I think it teaches kids so much about life and apreciation when they see something grow from a baby plant or seed into something delicious!!

  18. I wish my garden was prime to grow our own veggies and fruit. I thought about growing our own garlic, but we've had such bad luck with our dirt.


  19. So jealous. I love the baby strawberries peeking through!

  20. What a beautiful progress!
    I look forward to see some of the grown veggies!

