Sunday, May 26

OMG... We Grew Something

My new favorite thing is to go out early and water the plants.  It's such a peaceful, relaxing time.  It makes me feel a little like a grandma... like I'm just getting a taste of what I'll REALLY be into one day when I'm retired.  Poesy and Hope usually come out with me.  Hope inspects the fruits and veggies while Poe helps me water all the plants.  One day when we went out last week, there was a green pepper ready to come off the plant and into our home.  You could've almost mistaken this day for Christmas in our home.

My kids took turns holding it, carried it around, and named it 'Pepper'.  (You can see Poesy snatching it to have a look when it was first picked.)  It made me wonder why I ever spend money on toys!  We could just grow play things!

It really was a lot of fun watching the girls get so excited about growing this pepper.  It was a good reward for all of the time they have been putting in with me to start our little garden.  We did enjoy the pepper in our salads a couple of days later... I had to give them a little time with Pepper before they had to say goodbye.  ;)

**My top is from Ever+Mi.Crush and shorts are these jeans cut off.  :)


  1. It must have felt really fulfilling!
    Great for you to grow vegetables!

  2. Oh, how sweet! I love that you all got so much enjoyment out of the garden... I'm sure this will happen more as the season goes on :-)


  3. Family gardening! So cute. It's so exciting when your first fruit or vegetable comes in! I remember that the first strawberry I ever grew seemed like the tastiest one that had ever existed. Congratulations on a successful garden!

    Ladyface Blog

  4. it's so exciting when you get to harvest something! I'm a major nerd about it. How fun!

  5. Your garden looks so lovely:-) And yeah, Kids have always fun watching things grow and care about the plants. My boys are the same.

    Xo, Kate

  6. Aw... I was wondering whether they'd be able to eat their new friend :) Adorable.

  7. How fun! That pepper is huge - hope it tasted as good as it looks!

  8. Ohhh, congratulations! Ben has been growing some salad lettuce; only thing is, he's so proud of it he won't et us harvest any!Rx

  9. What a lovely family moment and tradition! Really adorable girls!
    I hope you'll get more surprises from your garden to show us!

  10. Oh, I had the same joy last year when my first tomato was fully grown on my balcony! It's so nice to care for the plant and to be rewarded with yummy fresh vegetables =D
    I love that you share this with your kids btw, you seem like a lovely, warm family =)

  11. One day I will have my own garden & grow my own vegetables...

  12. How wonderful to see the fruits of your labour (literally!). Really inspiring to see that your kids are so into vegetables!

    Maria xx

  13. I think this is my favourite post ever! So cute and endearing! And such a lovely example that kids don't need big flashy techy toys to get excited about something :)

    Thanks for this x

    Turquoise Flamingo

  14. Oh man, fresh peppers, yes!!! I'm 23, almost 24, and I still love playing with fresh grown fruit and veggies and herbs, haha!

  15. I really love your cute post!
    stayy gorgeouss <3

    visit mine in ue spare time x

  16. Its great that you're already getting things out of your garden this early Hanna

  17. I wish I had the space in my garden to grow something as big as peppers! The quality of the ones I've seen in grocery stores lately have been awful! Your's is so gorgeous! And you're all having so much fun!!

  18. so fun!! I've been wanting to practice my green thumb lately too! Well done guys :)

  19. aw so sweet! i definitely want my own garden when I have my own house :)
    Rebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca

  20. Haha that's so cute! There is nothing better than fresh vegetables from the garden. It's so exciting to see that things can be grown yourself. I am currently trying to save a basil plant that has been on the verge for a few weeks! :)

  21. soooo adorable! it really is the little things

  22. I love how Hope looks at her sister in these pictures!

  23. Such an accomplishment when you grow something :) I always remember when the first strawberry is ready to be picked and eaten :) So lovely.

    Carina xx

  24. How fun! I remember when I first started my garden my husband laughed at me because I killed about every plant in the past. BUT when my first round of squash came through I was thrilled, and showed him up! It makes it so much fun when the kiddos are involved too :)

  25. lovely and awesome! and your little ones named it! :)

  26. There's nothing like growing your own veggies. Wish I could get it right :)Jana @ 333 Days of Hand Lettering

  27. Eek this is too cute! Makes me really want to start gardening soon!

  28. So special to get them excited about the garden.

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  29. Hi--I have a random request, but can you please post photos of your wedding? I feel like it would be so cute, unique and gorgeous!

  30. How precious are they!
    Congrats on growing something all your own!

  31. Your top is THE CUTEST thing, as is Poe's!!! xo

  32. I am like that too with my plants. Grandma here we come.

  33. I am like that too with my plants. Grandma here we come.

  34. Where is Poesy's dress from? It's adorable!
