Sunday, April 14

Welcome to Our Home: Poesy's Bedroom

Poesy's room gets a lot of traffic since it's the biggest of the girls' rooms.  Hope enjoys her privacy, so she opted out of the centralized room and chose the smaller corner room.  Both girls end up playing in Poe's room most of the time, so it's important to keep the room open and easy to pick up.  It's good to keep the girls cleaning up after themselves, not only to form good habits, but to also keep Mama sane.  ;)

We used to have a small bookcase in her reading area, but she would knock the books to the floor EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I didn't want to discourage book reading, so we moved most of the books to a large basket so they are easily accessible and easily put away.  Some of our more special books are on display in an old magazine rack that was handed down to us from a sweet friend.  We will most likely move back to a bookshelf for the smaller books when Poe gets a little bit older, but for now this works great!

Our piñata, Pancake, has been around for quite some time.  He first made is appearance as part of my studio in our last home, found his way to Poesy's nursery, and now hangs his head (HAR HAR) above Poesy's crib.  He's like a really low maintenance pet.  Oh yeah... and the kitties?  They are 3D.  Every little girl's dream decor.

You might recognize the kitchenette, the playhouse, the drums, the keyboard pillow, or the teepee as past projects over on ABM.  I love that the things I've been able to work on are actually played with and enjoyed well after their internet go-around.

Poe's room is a little bit of a hodgepodge of all the pretty things we've acquired over the years, but I love it and so do the girls.  It's a happy, sunny place to play and imagine.


  1. What a adorable room! Every single little detail is perfect, I love all the vintage pieces. She is a very lucky girl to have a creative mom like you. If you get a chance, please link this up to my linky party:

  2. what an sweet and lovely room! I can understand how much the girls must enjoy playing in there.
    'I love the Eloise book!

  3. This is the most beautiful room! So light and bright, and I love the book basket idea. Anything that makes my tidying time less would be fantastic! :-)

  4. Oh my, what an adorable place to spend so much time in! I wish I had a grown-up version of the playhouse. :)


  5. Omg - two things, not only do I looooove poe's bedroom, but what a surprise I had when I saw the second photo - a sweet creature canvas by none other than my very lovely, clever little step sister, Abigail brown!! Funnily enough I have thought for the longest time that you like each others work ... You remind me of each other ... So funny xxx

  6. Hello Katie, I discovered a few days ago and are dependent Skunkboy :-)
    I love your style, your family and your beautiful work!
    Looking at the pictures of the room there is a picture of P with a purple bamby, you did?
    Have a nice day,Serena

  7. This room is beautiful! Your girls remind me of me and my younger sister, we have roughly the same age difference and were also home educated. We even look similar, just all the way up in Scotland! All of my happiest memories come from that time and it seems your girls will have some lovely memories too!

  8. Beautiful hodgepodges are the best. This is wonderful and so full of personality. Can't wait to see more of your home.

  9. Your children are so lucky and blessed! I can imagine absolutely loving that room when I was little.

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  10. definitely the perfect place to imagine.

  11. I would love to have one of those book racks. It looks like a fun place.

  12. Oh Katie.. love this tour! The art grouping on her wall is adorable. But what I love most.. is that most of the things in their are sweetly created by YOU it seems.. awesome!
    Reminds me of how our kids room is crammed full of my creativity too.. lol
    (seen here if you'd like:
    Have a beauty day!
    needle and nest design

  13. This room looks so sweet. I remember when mine would throw the books on the floor everyday... It made me crazy. They find other ways to make you crazy as they age. :)But it's all worth it and fun!

  14. I spy a Ponyo doll! my girls love that movie

  15. what a lovely looking and creative room! this is what my dreams were made of when i was a little kid. so cute!

  16. Her dress is SOOOo cute!!!!

  17. So much pretty to gaze at, without feeling cluttered. That's one lucky, little girl! :)

  18. This room is amazing !!! I love the toys she has to play with. I can't wait to see hopes now !

  19. Wow she's so lucky. This is gorgeous

  20. such a beautiful sweet space! i love that's it's a hodge-podge of pretty things you've collected. the magazine rack is an fun treasure. i don't think i would of ever thought to use one to store children's books but now i'm on the hunt :)

  21. This is a gorgeous room with a place for lots of imagination and play.

  22. Seriously the cutest little girl room ever! I just love the way you decorate.

  23. I loveeeee eloise at the plaza, really happy (for some reason) that you encourage reading books!! Give Percy Jackson ago please #fangirling

  24. What a beautiful sun-filled space! I love it!
    I am inspired. My daughters share a room, so we have a LOT of stuff. I love your pinata trophy! What a great idea.

  25. Such a fun room! It's so cute and yet so playful! The teepee and the little house are adorable!

  26. Ah. So awesome. My room as a kid was totally lame. I would have been in heaven with my own book rack. Such a good idea.

  27. What a super sweet room. I LOVE when you put Poe's hair in a ponytail. And her face when you take pictures of her. And those adorable pink gingham curtains. xo

  28. it is so adorable!! As is Poesy!
    I love all the crafty ways you've decorated. I don't want children myself but I often wish I had some friends with kids so I could offer to decorate their bedrooms!!

  29. Such a cute room! I can't wait to decorate my own home someday!

  30. Ponyo!

  31. Adorable room for such a cute little girl. Katie I love all the little treasures. So cozy!

  32. This is such a lovely room, so many lovely things and bright colours. I'm particularly enamoured with those cheerful embroideries and the picture of Poesy with the microphone in her mouth

  33. I love this so much. I always love bright colors against white, keeps everything bright and happy, and I love all the vintage and handmade things. Beautiful and inspiring.



  34. she has the best room ever! i would have been in heaven if that was my room growing up :)

  35. Is it bad that I really wish that my room looked like Poe's? It's so lovely and cute!

  36. LOVE your decorating style. Her room is beautiful. I also love that you made things so accessible to her, like with the books, instead of worrying about shelves and things. You can tell this room is for her!

    My favourite idea is hanging the dresses on a mug organizer (at least I think that's what that is on the wall). Great idea, and super cute!

  37. Too cute. To be honest, I'm pretty jealous.

    xo Melanie

  38. One of the sweetest kids' rooms I've seen a while! Love all the adorable touches.

  39. i'm in love with this room. so many great ideas!

  40. love her room! it's so girly and fun. poesy is so cute!
    ~niki <3

  41. Way cute! I'd love to see Hope's room but you said she's super private!

  42. I love this room. I bet my daughter would LOVE a play date!
    I'm especially inspired by the cardboard box house. The roof is fantastic!

  43. i wish i lived in this room... and i can't get enough of little poe.

  44. This is such a beautiful and magical room. I wish I had had a room like this growing up.

  45. Lovely! I am so jealous of everything in Poe's room!

  46. Such a sweet room, LOVE all the details!

  47. it IS nice to see that your kids enjoy all the projects you've put so much work into! and I'm totally with you on the books in a basket. we have the same problem and as I put all the books back on my 2 year old's bookshelf (or, you know, just let them sit there making a mess ;) ) I'm starting to think I need to find an alternate way of storing them.

  48. This is the cutest room! Where do you put her clothes?

  49. This room looks like a dream come true for every kid (and grown-up, too ;)!

  50. complete and utter cuteness! :)

  51. This bedroom is adorable! I'd even use it!
