Sunday, April 28

Weekend Bits

This weekend was a little bit different than most.  Somehow, Johnny and I found some quiet time during daylight hours on Saturday to lay in bed and watch a movie.  I know what you're thinking: "big deal."  Right?  Well, this might be one of two times this has happened since Poe has been born.  Hope was playing with a friend, Poesy was napping, and we were sitting around... until, suddenly, a lightbulb went off.  We could hang out together.  Weird.

Now, I am exaggerating a little bit for the sake of the story, but honestly, Johnny and I don't spend nearly enough time as just a couple.  We're both very busy with multiple jobs/side projects, on top of being a very tight-knit family, so the girls are almost always with us when there is down time.

After this small window of *quiet/zoning out/watching a movie bliss* together, we realized that we've been slacking.  Sunday, we decided to snag some more time together when the opportunity presented itself.  I made a big lunch and we went for a picnic in the park.  I love that when you are on a date with your best friend, it's not WHAT you are doing, but WHO you are with.  Although, I would never complain about a picnic.  Picnics are pretty much the best.

Coffee dates, lunch dates, movie dates... whatever the occasion, they are always a good reminder for us to do better at making "couple time" a priority.  Sitting down and having a conversation about... well... ANYTHING WE WANT can be pretty refreshing.  Plus, I kinda like him.  ;)


  1. Where did you get that stunning red dress?

  2. This is so cute, and I absolutely agree. It's always important to take time out to strengthen the relationship with your other half, and to remember why you fell in love with them. (Or re-fall in love with them all over again, yay!)

  3. this is truly adorable!! glad that you had such a nice time! xx

  4. I'm so glad you managed to find some time together, and I love the photo of you holding hands! :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  5. I agree. Any time spent as a couple is sweet time,
    after you start a family.

  6. It looks like you had a great time this weekend! :) Thank you for sharing! I hope you get to do these kind of stuff more often! ♥

  7. This is so sweet. I'm glad you had the chance to spend some time together :)

  8. there is nothing quite like those moments....and they definately are hard to come by...I have two "built in" baby sitters, but being close knit like you....we include every one as much as possible....its the surprise moments find yourself alone with your other soul that become so special.....enjoy your week

  9. I love this post and I completely agree. My fiancé and I don't spend enough time doing "couple" things. School, work, life get in the way. But you just have to make time for it, because those are the wonderful times :) (not that your time with the girls isn't wonderful too!)


  10. That first picture is so sweet (and I love that dress!)!


  11. Love the point you make about it being WHO you're with, not what you're doing. I try to remind myself of this often. Love!

  12. So true about spending time with your best friend. Hanna

  13. I totally agree with your post! My boyfriend and I do not have kids yet, but it is so hard finding that quiet time. We live with four other people, so there is always something going on here.. plus I work five days a week and hardly get any time to myself except for the few hours once I get home. I hope you are able to find more time soon!


  14. Very true! My boyfriend and I have had pretty relaxed schedules for the last couple of months, and I think we've started to take for granted the amount of time we've been able to spend together. Within the next few weeks, however, our schedules are completely changing, and it'll be lucky if we squeeze in dinner together between all the things on our agendas.

  15. I love the picture of you with all the trees behind you. Your hair looks so natural and you skin is LUMINOUS.

    Dates are so hard to fit in. Sometimes its because of business, but I think that just not recognizing that there is time to do something together is a big problem too. It is so easy to let an hour or 2 slip away so good job recognizing you had date time!

  16. I love picnics! So glad you got to have some alone time!

  17. Making time to just be a couple is SO important. My husband and I get so grumpy when we don't get to spend time together, haha! Glad you were able to reconnect...

  18. Hubby and I finally got some time alone this weekend as well! Went to see Iron Man 3 and everything :)

    Maria xx
