Monday, April 8

Garden Beginnings

This is how we spent a good portion of our Saturday.  Hope and I have been scheming about all the different things we'd like to grow and this weekend we got our first little bit of planting done!

Our yard and flower boxes were an absolute mess.  We don't grow grass at all and I'm pretty sure no one has tended to the flower boxes in quite some time.  We pulled weeds and weeds and weeds for what seemed like forever before we could even start any digging.  There was a solid layer of roots (from weeds) that I had to dig up before anything could go in, but my trusty gardening companion was by my side pulling and digging right along with me. 

We bought bushes, roses, and filler flowers, but we are MOST excited about the strawberries and tomatoes.  I know there is a good chance that nothing will come from them, but I remember picking fruit and veggies from our garden as a kid and it's something I hope we get to enjoy as well.  The adorable bunny that lives in our yard part-time might make that a little bit interesting, though...

Somehow the ice cream man knew to come around right at quitting time.  What a guy. 
How did you spend your weekend?


  1. Ice cream men always have perfect timing! Good luck with your garden, I'm sure it will provide lots of wonderful bonding time for you and the little ones!

  2. How fun! I just recently got into gardening, my summer veggies are almost all planted and im so excited! My tomato plants are already huge, but im on the west coadt so i could plant earlier. Happy planting :)

  3. I dream of the day when I get to grow my own garden. This weekend my husband and I got to be a part of a photo shoot and pretend this awesome 1974 VW Bus was ours:

  4. YAY for gardens! I love growing mine with my boys!

  5. I love gardening! I've started growing basil, parsley and coriander.


  6. I'm hoping we get some warmer weather soon so I can get started on our garden, which is basically a giant mass of weeds.

    Hope is such a good helper, I wish my boyfriend had this sort of enthusiasm!

  7. there's nothing better as a kid than picking strawberries that you grew.

  8. I've never been into gardening, but this spring even I got my hands dirty and planted a few tulips. I guess the bug will really bite when we get our own house someday. I remember our big garden at my parents' house and how my Mom made me weed it every summer. I hated it, but loved eating berries and veggies from our own garden. Hope your garden turns out just like you imagined. Be sure to share pictures of the progress!

  9. I spent it gardening too. It's exhausting stuff isn't it?! :)

  10. ah the ice cream man, always there when you need him x

  11. Oh this brings back childhood memories for me, my Mom and I used to do the same thing! What a wonderful bonding activity:) Living in an apartment now, I miss being able to plant flowers and pick fresh fruits and veggies from our back garden. I'll have to come up with some kind of balcony solution;)

  12. We started putting our first garden together over the weekend and I am super excited to watch our veggies and strawberries grow! I can't wait to see if the chicken wire cage we made will actually keep animals out.

  13. i love it!!

  14. What a lovely way to spend the weekend. Those flowers are so pretty! xx. McKenna Lou

  15. To deter bunnies, my Mom used to save egg shells an clean them out, then crumble them up and spread them around the base of her flowers. Apparently they don't like the texture of them, so it'll keep them away from having a little snack ;) Good luck!

  16. put some coarse ground black pepper around your veg plants it will keep the bunny away

  17. I am obsessed with our yard. I love Camilla's, hydrangeas, azaleas, butterfly bush, and snowball viburnums. I love roses too but one must be very careful where planting them when kids are around. Those thorns do not make for happy campers.
    What a wonderful weekend and week here!! We are so happy! We cleaned out our garage, planted our veggies and herbs and went on the boat. I am so happy spring has arrived!! To make sure your veggies come up make sure you cage them and apply coffee grounds for an abundant crop!! (Kitties help keep bunnies away.)

  18. That's so awesome! I can't wait to live somewhere where I can have a garden!

  19. This year I've been thinking about some planting beds too! I even potted some lavender today. Hopefully it's not a short-term hobby for me! Good luck with the strawberries and tomatoes :)

    Turquoise Flamingo

  20. I live in an apartment, so I long for the days when I can plant an actual garden. For now I am content propagating basil cuttings and potting them indoors. Ivy also works well in an apartment setting as it doesn't need a ton of light. Beautiful photos :)


  21. The flowers look so bright, your garden is going to be so pretty :)

  22. I think I'm going to learn how to garden!(thanks to you ;)) do a post on basic gardening! :D

  23. I love gardening! Can't wait til I have some adorable little helpers like yours, though! :) My strawberries and tomatoes are already producing... Best of luck to yours!!! xoxo

  24. I'm jealous. I've been dieing to go play with my dirt, if weather permits I'll be in my garden this Saturday

  25. I'm excited to start my garden this year! I am pretty sure I am going to plant vegetables this year along with the flowers.


  26. We live in a condo so balcony gardening is a bit of a challenge but we always have some form of cherry tomatoes and a full herb garden since my husband loves cooking with fresh herbs! It's still snowy and cold up here in Canada and I can't wait to get started on our little container garden when spring finally shows up. How lucky you are to be planting already!

  27. Want a Greenhouse? Build or buy an afordable, sturdy greenhouse. That works. You want a greenhouse that absorbs as much solar energy (sunlight) as posible. In the greenhouse the solar energy is converted into thermal energy or heat. So you want a greenhouse that will hold that heat longer.
