Monday, April 1

Easter Traditions: Part 2

Every Easter we start the day before the sun rises.  The girls check out what the Easter bunny brought them and then have an Easter egg hunt around the house with the eggs we dyed days earlier.  After the eggs are found and much candy is consumed (Mama always says "yes" on Easter!) we get dressed and head to church.
We follow church with a family lunch with Johnny's brother and parents, the girls hunt MORE eggs, and then we head to my mom's for a little more celebrating.  By the end of the day we are completely exhausted, but it's worth it.  As you can probably tell, family is really important to us and I couldn't skip any of these traditions.
 Poesy and I crashed big time after all the excitement was over.  I think we had our fill for a while.
I let the girls choose their own dresses this year... meaning Poesy tried hers on and refused to take it off, insisting she was a ballerina princess.  I think every once-in-a-while a girl just needs a giant fluffy dress.  ;)  My dress was from ModCloth.  It's out of stock now (sorry!) so I'm really glad I got a chance to snag it when I did.

Just for fun, here is our Easter post from last year.  The girls look a lot bigger to me now.  Bittersweet.  


  1. Awww your girls are so cute! It certainly looks like you all had an awesome Easter :)

  2. looks like such a sweet day! the girls do look so much bigger. it's nice to have this little record of all your memories....that's how I think of my blog - something that I will look back on years later :).

  3. That princess dress is too sweet! Poe makes the best faces!

  4. Oh, these photos are so cute! Your little ones look lovely :) and I love your dress, also!

    You're In Brookelynn

  5. Oh they HAVE grown a lot! I just looked back. I love Poe's dress, she looks adorable~

    The Occasional Indulgence

  6. Lovely traditions and everyone in a dress looks like a princess. :)

  7. you ladies all looked so pretty! I love that there's a pic of you crashed out too, ha!

    I also love where you say that mama always says "yes"--I found myself being okay with saying yes a lot more than I would normally, but it's a special time so why not all enjoy it?

  8. Your sweet beautiful girls are lucky to have a mama and papa who value family and traditions the way you do. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  9. Absolutely love the dress you wore!

  10. Love your girls nearly matching dresses, very sweet, we don't have much in the way of traditions, usually we have boiled eggs for breakfast that my mum has dyed and drawn our faces on, we give each other gifts, usually a book and some chocolate

  11. ha, your last picture is what my Easter afternoon looked like too. I accidentally took a nap before cooking our Easter lunch. so it turned into an Easter dinner. :) and I let the kids eat all the candy they wanted yesterday too. part of me just wants them to finish it ALL in one glorious binge so they can't ask for it anymore.

  12. I too fell into bed last night so tired, but so thankful. Love holidays, especially Easter.

  13. Really, really sweet. You all look adorable, and I love that you have such special traditions. <3

  14. Such a cute family! I love all your outfits and traditions! :)

    Ngaio xx

  15. These pictures are adorable! I love your dress too, the yellow looks great on you. Glad that you had a such a wonderful and family filled holiday!


  16. So cute! The baskets remind me of when I was a kid. :3

  17. their dresses are so cute! I think its so worth making the effort even if it is exhausting, will be such happy memories for them to cherish! x

  18. You look like a little kid sleeping there. So cute.

  19. You are such a pretty mama, do you have a post where you talk about how you stay in shape?

  20. Your photos are always great thanks for the info!

  21. This looks like the perfect Easter, I hate being at that inbetween stage where I can't expect chocolate anymore, but I don't have my own kids yet to give them to either. Although I do usually organise something on my own. This sounds like the perfect family day - you look knackered in that last photo :)

  22. Every girl does need a big fluffy dress! Sounds & looks like a wonderful Easter!

    Ergo - Blog

  23. I love how Hope is always dressed first thing. The sleeping in the lap photo is adorable!

  24. p.s. I'm in the middle of making myself a big fluffy dress. Apparently some of us never grow out of it.

  25. Wonderful dress with the blue color for spring Easter is bright color and good. They look so cute.

  26. Your girls are total Disney Princesses in those dresses! So cute.
