Friday, December 14

Our Advent Tree

As far as advent calendars go, this one has been our best by far.  We usually try to change it up every year.  Some years I just buy one from the store or some years I make a small one.  This year Hope keeps saying, "This is our best advent calendar EVER!!"  I have to agree.  Being that it was part of my job this year, I was able to plan out all of the prizes and activities in advance instead of rushing to get things together at the last minute. 
Hope wakes up before anyone else every morning to grab her prize from the tree.  I wanted to do a small one alongside it for Poe, but quickly realized that she's still too small to really understand what's going on.  That's okay by me... doing two advent calendars did seem a bit overwhelming.
There have been a lot of prizes.  Activities are fun and important, but I didn't want to take away the joy of opening tiny prizes or treats.  If you are curious, you can see a good deal of our prizes in the original post for the tree.  As for activities, we've been to the Bass Pro Winter Wonderland, had a frozen yogurt date, baked cookies, and are about to have a hot chocolate/Christmas movie night.  The best part about the activity cards for me is that there is no excuse.  I absolutely cannot get "too busy" because the dates are written out and there's no fudging it. 
I think this might be the tree that makes memories for a lot of years.  This has been a special first holiday season in our new town.  So far, so good.  ;)


  1. You seem like such a great mom :)
    This is such a fun and creative idea!

  2. Your first DIY advent post inspired me to make a homemade one as well! THANKYOU! My boyfriend and I have been taking turns writing little love notes "reason #567...why I love you, scavenger hunts and little trinkets as THANKYOU -taking the time to appreciate one another and focus on the positive has been so rewarding ...and we're only half way there! xo

    1. Oh my gosh-- I love that SO MUCH!! Thank you for sharing!! <3

  3. This looks like so much fun and I love how they are filled with activities too and not just presents!
    Almost Endearing

  4. This is so adorable! I love that they are lil presents for each day!! When I have little ones I would love to do something like this! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  5. This is incredible!!! Very creative and fun for the family.


  6. i think its possible that you're the best mom ever.

  7. I love this idea and so want to do it next year! So creative.

  8. That is the most adorable advent calendar! We are doing one this year for the first time with our little one and it is just a blast!



  9. This looks so fun, I love the wooden tree too, you could replace the little presents with ornaments after the date as it wood also be a lovely Christmas tree

  10. I love the idea of activities for advent, and that tree! It's so creative and will sure to bring great memories for your family for a long time.

  11. ahh I love that you turned this idea in to an advent tree!! very creative!!
    Due to living in a shoebox apartment,I made my own tree too this year, not too different to this one,if you get a chance, have a wee look here...
    it was soooo easy to make, my first DIY project!
    ps just LOOK at that wee face on the carosel sooo cute :)
    ash x

  12. I would absolutely LOVE this advent tree when I was little, scrap that I would love this whatever age! Thanks for sharing :)

  13. This is such a great idea! I'm planning on doing this next year for my little one, she'll love it!

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    1. I love your advent calendar! What a fantastic idea. I think I will "steal" it from you for next year :) Thanks for sharing this post!


  17. i love that you have a big kid to blog about too :) she seems like a lot of fun! mine is 5 and half going on 17 it seems...i am enjoying all stages of her life (even though i miss dressing her up as a baby/toddler), and interacting on a more advanced level with her this last year or so has been very rewarding. i'm happy to see you relate! and i love that advent tree.
