Tuesday, December 18


Looking forward to Christmas.  Duh, right?  I'm starting to get that random jump-out-of-your-pants excitement.  It's getting so close!

Peppermint bark.  Hmmm... would it be peppermint barking?  It doesn't matter.  I'm eating all of it.

Cramming in as much quality time as possible.  December is a weird month for my family.  Even though I'm home for a great deal of it, I'm locked away in my studio sewing until all of the orders are finished.  Now that the holiday rush is over, I'm extra-appreciative of these crazy kids.  I'm just soaking up all of the special moments I can.

Planning out some New Year's resolutions.  Yep, it's that time again.  I know some people really don't care for resolutions, but I think it's a good opportunity to set some goals I may otherwise ignore.  (Working off the peppermint bark may be on this list.)  ;)

Enjoying a little stretch of Internet.  Our Internet has basically not worked since we moved to this house in September.  It makes blogging interesting and keeping up with emails, well, extremely difficult.  We've had over 20 technicians out here to "fix" the problem, and it still hardly works.  Anytime I get a chance to blog in bed (LIKE RIGHT NOW!) I feel spoiled rotten.

Planning a trip.  The best vacations are the ones where you get away AND get to see friends you are desperately missing, don't you think?  I'm ready for it!

You can see my other "Currently" posts here.
(Like I always mention, this post was originally inspired by Dani Hampton.)


  1. We're peppermint barking over here too, haha! oh, and making new years resolutions...its our favorite time of year!

    xx Ashleigh

  2. ha! peppermint barking!! i love me some peppermint bark!!! you guys are just the cutest! i just commented over on a beautiful mess on how gorgeous Hope has gotten! she's growing into such a beautiful little lady and its been a blast to watch! xoxo

  3. I love peppermint bark! December is a weird month for my family too. I feel like it's so difficult to squeeze out time to see everyone and spend quality time with them.

  4. trip planning is THE best! oh and yep so is peppermint bark :)

  5. I love Poe's expression in this photo!

    New Year's Resolutions are fun!

    Hooray for internet! Blogging in bed is the best :)

  6. Love this as always Katie!
    Might I suggest an AZ vacation?! Just sayin'... ;)


  7. I love that all of your outfits match in this picture :) I hope you have an amazing christmas, and that your internet is fixed soon! x

  8. I can't believe Christmas is next week! I think one of my resolutions should be to stop giving Christmas gifts to Judah early. I get to excited and I just can't help myself. (this is not good bc I feel like I have to get him something else)

    So happy you get some spend some good quality time with your girls! I hope your provider finally figures out what is wrong with the internet. We had verizon for awhile and always always always had problems. Finally my husband decided to test out Cox, it was way cheaper and he figured out he would just sign up for a month to test it and it works a billion times better :-) they had to come in and instal an outside router or something like that bc the one that connected to the house was really old (they didn't charge for that either)

  9. I love your ruffle socks! Who makes them?? So cute with your boots!
