Thursday, October 18

Home School Diaries

"Angiosperms are plants that have fruit.  The cycle of making the fruit never stops.  First there is a flower, a bee comes and eats the pollen.  Some of it will get knocked down in the flower's ovary.  Then the flower's ovary will start to swell up.  It will make an apple let's say.  An animal will come and eat the apple.  The animal will either just leave the part of the apple with the seeds, or some of the seeds will make it through the animal's digestive system and get pooped out.  The seeds will make a new plant and the plant will grow a flower and everything will happen again and again."
Hope explains angiosperms... and that is a fake smile.  ;)


  1. what a cute and smart little lady you have there. I wish I could home school, but my kid is already lacking a social life and insists on starting school next fall <3

  2. i spy a little artist! very cute (:
    xo, cheyenne

  3. A good teacher explains in different ways. Text & illustrations, nicely done!

  4. Love her color usage! Beautiful illustration!


  5. haha my kids have some fake smiles too, but your daughter's smile looks genuine to me!!! haha. This is wonderful!! She has nice hand writing for her age! Mine was just developing for years and I have only been writing as I do since I was 14!
    You have a sweet little artist in the making there! Hooray for homeschooling!

  6. Aw, love it!


  7. how great! I love the artistry of the plant!

  8. I'm really happy to find your blog, gorgeous :)

  9. Hehe, so cute ... I'm really fascinated by homeschooling - I follow so many fantastic US bloggers who homeschool their kids, I really have NO IDEA how you guys fit in all the amazing blogging and cool jobs outside of blogging, as well as homeschooling - so admirable! I think me and my kids would end up strangling each other! Its not something you come across very often in the UK but it seems so poplar in the US, why do you think this is?

  10. I love how you can see your reflection in the panes of glass! Such a great shot, fake smile and all! Hope is turning into such a bright and beautiful young lady :)

  11. This is adorable.

  12. What a little smarty! I nearly cried when I found a stash of documents my dad has of things I wrote as a kid. So sweet.
    Win $50 to Modcloth at P+L!

  13. I love this, your such a good mom and an inspiration to us. I really want to home school Judah and want to start him on some things next year when he turns three. For now I will just take him on our weekly library date and walks around the neighborhood exploring things :-)

  14. Amazing and inspiring!

  15. thanks for sharing this! im also homeschooling :)

  16. She is adorable! Love her fake smile haha x

  17. I homeschooled Astrid (of A Girl Named Astrid is sixteen years old and has never once been to school. Looking back, I have nothing but wonderful memories of homeschooling and our lovely family life. In fact they are so wonderful that I find it difficult to adjust to this new 'grown up' part of our life. Our homeschooled son went off to Toronto at age 19 to sell Audi's and now Astrid is tiptoeing out in to the world with college classes and a new job and her blog responibilities. I can honestly say (having been through it) that IT IS WORTHWHILE and everything will work out and your children will be unique and bright eyed and full of beans. Follow your heart! You're doing an amazing job!

  18. I love home school! because I'm home schooled too.hehe:) Godbless!

    :)Jillian Myka

  19. Katie. This looks like Waldorf style learning. Is that what you're doing? My kids had about 5 years of it, a combo of home, charter and private, it's GREAT!!! They are older now, one's in highschool, both in public school and they are such enthusiastic learners. Not big on work sheets but they are thinkers! No regrets! LOVE your style AND that big head of hair!!! THANKS! kimi

  20. Love it, Hope is the sweetest and aw she's so grown, also I love how I can see your reflex in the door heheheh

  21. Plant science is the best. If you want some ideas for practical plant science, check out Science and Plants for Schools:

  22. That's a beautiful aquarelle, she's an artist!
    xo, Pili.

  23. That, right there, is awesome. And reason # 1,204,235 that I hope I can homeschool my kids.
