Tuesday, August 28


MightyNest is all about offering toxin-free products to help keep your family safe from potentially harmful chemicals.  I recently had the privilege of receiving one of their MightyPacks for review, which is full of healthy and safe products for your home.  I love surprise boxes, so I chose the MightyPack of the month, which has a variety of items.  Here's what was inside of mine:

I am especially loving the bamboo utensil set and the reusable shopping bag!  The bag folds up teeny tiny-- it's perfect to keep in the car or stick in my purse for shopping trips.  This was a fun box to open, I can't wait for the next time. 

MightyNest also has a really good blog devoted to giving tips for your healthiest home.  I've really been enjoying it.

I hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. I can imagine how great this soap's scent must be!! :)

    Oh, I love these kind of thing.
    I love the bamboo utensil set, too. And this cute ice pop mold! And I would need a bunch of these storage containers. :)

  2. Very nice stuff. I'm going to have to give them a look.

  3. SO COOL!!! That soap sounds heavenly - I love anything with peppermint. Also, I adore that tote.

  4. Cute bag! I love Dr. Bronner's castille soap. My husband's fav is the liquid peppermint and I switch between almond and lavender. They even have a safe soap for baby.

    1. I'm going to have to check out the almond and lavender! I bet they smell heavenly!

  5. Love that soap!! What a cute idea!! I'll check them out!

  6. Very cool! I need to get me some of that yummy sounding soap!!
    xo Heather

  7. Oooh! I love Dr. Bronner's soaps! My dermatologist recommended I try it because I have sensitive skin. I made the switch over 5 years ago and have never looked back. Their lavender scented one is amazing!

  8. Neat;) I have a bag like that too and I LOVE it! It holds a ton and no more mounds of plastic bags;)

  9. I am a wee obsessed with these monthly variety packs that have been so trendy lately. May have to add this one to my list!


  10. Love Dr. Bronner's! I actually used that exact bar of soap and made a huuuge vat of liquid soap to refill all my soap dispensers in the house. That stuff is amazing.

    1. Ooooh, that's a really interesting idea! I may just have to use it!

  11. What a great kit, I'm so jealous. I would love to review one too. Lucky.


  12. Oh I love this! Especially the cute shopping bag!

    Kate :)

  13. i keep a blue enamel camp cup and reusable silverware in my purse AT ALL TIMES. its amazing how often i use them.
