Thursday, May 3


Listening:  I don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but we are going to see Fiona Apple live in July.  I'm pretty excited, and 15 year old Katie would be dying right now.  I had some silly shrine made out of magazine-clippings on an entire wall in my bedroom in high school.  It's rare for me to still love new music from artists I enjoyed so many years ago-- I usually wear out by now.  She's one of the exceptions, though, and I've been obsessing a little about her new music.  This first single is pretty awesome.
Every Single Night

Pinning:  Home Inspiration like crazy.  I am the world's worst at organization, but my next house is going to be neatly organized and semi-decluttered (I have a lot of nic-naks).

Photographing:  More dresses for the Reloved shop.  I've been giving away clothes and selling clothes quite a bit lately.  It's been feeling really good to simplify my closet. 

Eating:  Pecan-caramel clusters!  We have the cutest local candy store called Grandma's Candy Kitchen and they make the most delicious treats.  We've been visiting multiple times a week lately.

Cracking up over:  This picture! 
First of all, it is SO HARD to get Johnny to smile for a picture.  The guy just won't (or can't) do it.  He finally does, and there is my crazy little tot going batty for a bite of yogurt.  It's one of my favorite captures ever.

Working on:   'Tis the season for weddings, no?  Well, I don't really know that for certain, but I am pretty booked up with wedding cake toppers right now.  I just shipped a dino couple off to Colorado Springs and I am working on some owls, giraffes, and bears.  Cake toppers are some of my favorite things to make!  Here's a penguin that I just finished up a couple of weeks ago.  She wasn't for a wedding, but sat on top of a wee one's birthday cake.

Anticipating:  Date night tonight!  Need I say more?  ;))

Wearing:  This ring from Oh My Deer! almost all the time.  It's so fun and adorable.

Happy Thursday!!

This post was originally inspired by Danielle Hampton of Sometimes Sweet.


  1. LOVE FIONA! jealous :)
    and that photo = priceless

  2. Awwwwww Lucy's penguin!!!! It was EVEN cuter in person!!! Thanks again, Katie!!!

  3. La la la LOVE that yellow dress and your perfect hair. JEALOUS.

  4. Fiona is awesome! I am really jealous. The pecan-caramel clusters sound so good! And the photo of your man a wee one is just too sweet :]

  5. Oh, Fiona! I get to see her in July, too! Also, I just saw today that she's releasing a deluxe edition of her album (via Amazon), that includes sketches, etc.

  6. You are so gorgeous! And that picture has me cracking up too. Adorable!

  7. That picture of your husband and baby- GAH! Adorable. And also your hair is so purty.

  8. I love the way this post was done. I'm inspired to try one myself. You should do them more often. The dress is adorable and you should tell you husband that he should smile in photos more often, his face shows a lot of expression when he does. I loved it all especially that ring.

  9. Ohhhh, the penguin! So cute!

    Your husband has a lovely smile - tell him to use it more often!

  10. that picture of your littlest and your other half cracks me up! such a brilliant picture, and loving the white dress, red tights and pretty ring combo! :)

  11. that picture is definitely awesome. you guys make an adorable little fam.

  12. Pretty jealous about the Fiona concert. I'm so excited that she has a new album coming out, though! Love that yellow dress in the first photo! Where is it from?

  13. Are you seeing her in Kansas City? Tidal was the first CD I bought (in 6th grade) and when I found out she was going to be two hours away from me, I freaked out. I bought my tickets within 5 minutes of them being on sale. Love her.

  14. oh fiona. my god her first video was racy for my teenage eyes! i was enraptured! i love her music! the only music i still love from my teen years are: smashing pumpkins, radiohead & oasis. i've evolved!

  15. That photo is amazing. He's saying "I love you love you love you" with his eyes!
    I saw Fiona play when I was 12! It was my first concert. She was great!!

  16. Ahhhhhh, Fiona Apple is the sound of my youth! I adore her, I'm going to check out is she's touring near me.Rx

  17. Nope, just checked and no sign of her in the UK- booooooo. Enjoy it for me.Rx

  18. Would love to pin the penguin because he is so adorable but you don't have a Pinterest button.

  19. Im currently loving this entire post!!!!

  20. You look so lovely in that yellow dress! And the picture of your smiling husband and hungry tot is priceless. Great post.


  21. So Awesome!!! I love your cake toppers. So cute! Oh, and the ring - so fun. Thanks for sharing it.

  22. That photo is so funny and precious!
    And I'm envious of your seeing Fiona Apple! A favorite for sure.

  23. I'm so jealous about you going to the Fiona Apple concert. I seriously have loved her forever. Your husband and baby girl look IDENTICAL! I bet you love that =)

    - Sarah

  24. That photo is the cutest! Love your dress in the first one by the way :) xo

  25. I am TOTALLY the same with Fiona Apple -- I am SUPER excited to see her in LA in July! :) I bought tickets as soon as they went on sale. I've been to a ton of live shows but Fiona is one of the few I still have to check off my concert "bucket list." WOO!

  26. I love everything on your list. And date night?! Always the best nights aren't they?!

  27. Hurray for Fiona Apple! And that penguin is to die for!

    - Angela Marie @

  28. Your penguin is soo sweet. I do like a bit of cross stitch (made a few pendants myself) - the ring is very cute.

  29. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing that Fiona Apple track! I didn't know she still made music...I used to love her so much!

  30. i love fiona too! can't convince my bf to see her live though (haha)

  31. Oh I just love your blog. And that dress you're wearing in photo #1? Awesome. I'm such a fanatic for yellow... Any ways. Hope your Monday is going well!

  32. Fiona played in DC last month and I paid more than I'm willing to admit for tickets! They sold out within 10 minutes so I had to scope some out through Ticket Liquidator. I didn't mind, though. IT WAS SO WORTH IT. I know how you feel - that paragraph could have been written by me! I love that woman. The show was amazing; I know you'll enjoy it! :)

  33. Beautiful dress and lol@baby hahah <3

  34. Lovely post, as always.
    Can't wait for the owls in the making.
    Definitely gonna buy one from you.
    My boyfriend loves owls and I love your creations!

    Love, Sari

  35. Oh the little penguin is just so sweet! I love your work! x Rachel
