Friday, February 24

Sick Day(s)

I've been very sick for over a week now, and even though I've been doing my best to power through and stay caught up on sewing and blogging, it gets tough when you just feel like eating ice cream and sleeping all day.  There have been some highlights to take my mind off it a little bit...

1.  A little online shopping.  I definitely do more online shopping when I'm feeling a little run down and want to treat myself.  This dress and a pair of these tights from Emerging Thoughts would be so cute for a mini golf date when I feel all better.

2.  These silly girls.  They can take any old box, rip out the contents, and have an all day adventure.  I love them so much.

3.  New Parks and Recreation.  That show kills me EVERY TIME.  And, hi, the addition of Paul Rudd?  Perfection.  He is just too funny.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend.  I think we may be taking Hope to see "The Secret World of Arietty" and getting some ice cream, so it's shaping up to be a good one over here.  xoxo Katie


  1. 1. I feel the same way when I'm sick.
    2. Your daughters remind me of me and my siblings when I was little
    3. I'm obsessed with Parks and Recreation

    Hope you feel better soon!


  2. Oh man that box pic with your girls is just the funnest thing ever. I can't wait for my little one to take interest in boxes. I tried yesterday and she didn't pay any attention to it lol!

    - Sarah

  3. Your daughters are hilarious.

    ♥ sécia

  4. Ah! Although I'm not caught up on Parks&Rec and didn't know about Paul Rudd, I am now sooooooooo much more excited to get caught up! Feel better!

  5. Feel better! I like your list of things to take your mind off of it. Your daughters are adorable, and I love Parks & Rec :]

  6. we've been struggling with it on and off here too. i hope you get over it very soon!

  7. Love that dress! I hope that you feel better soon. :)


  8. I hope you feel better soon! I still have to watch that parks and recreation show! Now Paul Rudd is in it? Most excellent! :) x

  9. hope you get better soon. the picture of your girls is too cute and so true.

  10. Awwwww.... There are also moments when I feel sick and all I want to do is sleep all day.. Hope you'll feel better soon!

    PS: your kiddos are suppperrrr cute! I love them! And please do visit my blog, it's http:.//

  11. i hope you get better soon, i've been feeling on the edge of rubbish this week too. You know, not so bad that i feel like i can take time of work but bad enough to feel rubbbish!
    The pic of your girls is lovely!

  12. You had me at Parks and Recreation. ::love:: hope you feel better!

  13. your girls are seriously the cutest little things!

  14. I have 2 kiddos and my hubs and I always tease that they don't need toys they need empty boxes, empty laundry baskets, and things to jump on :)

  15. Sickness came into our house about four weeks ago and still is here. I look sooo forward on times when this family here is all fit again.
    All the best to you!

  16. Eep! Hope you're feeling better!
    Arietty is magical and might I suggest watching My Neighbor Totoro with those gorgeous girls of yours. That Ghibli movie is just about the best thing ever.

  17. I love Parks and Rec so much, so many hilarious characters! Hope you feel better soon :)

  18. being sick bites. sending wishes for you to start feeling well again. i bet your girls amaze you every moment. paul rudd is my fave actor.

  19. Your daughters are so beautiful :)
    I hope you start feeling better soon!
    xo Heather

  20. Oh, no! Feel better soon!
    Oh, man, that picture of your girls is priceless.

  21. I love EVERYTHING about this post, right down to Adam Scott <3. I want to hold his hand.

    <3 cg

  22. feel better soon!
    i wish you could shop for me.
    i love your style but don't know how to do it!

  23. Parks is the best show ever. :) (i wish i had that much fun with boxes)

  24. I hope you feel better soon--when I am ill I just vegetate in front of the tv with lots of chocolate and crisps so you are doing way better than I would be.

  25. Parks and Rec is really funny. I love the way you dress your kids in the coolest clothes!

  26. secret world of arietty is SO GOOD. you guys are going to love it!

  27. Um ok, I'm going to need you to take your bebe's hair and put it on my child's head. Granted I love my little's white blond hair but she's seriously got some high fashion styling going on! <3

    Feel better soon!

    <3 Rae

  28. So sorry you've been sick! We've had a cold travelling through the house too {}, ah well, it is a good excuse to try new teas & surf the web~*

  29. That picture with Paul Rudd made my day!! seriously! LOVE!!
