Monday, January 30

Sponsored Giveaway: ohdeardrea

I am so happy to have this super sweet giveaway from my even sweeter sponsor ohdeardrea.  First of all, if you aren't acquainted with Drea's blog, here's a little bit about her:

"I'm Drea. I'm a mama to beautiful daughter, Marlowe. We reside in South Florida and live as simply, naturally, and as happily as possible. I've got a big love for simple pleasures, food, cooking, healthy lifestyles, veganism, and all things creative and aesthetically pleasing. If you've been reading this blog from the beginning, you know this has been quite a journey that the two of us have been on. While my story isn't perfect, it is my own, and it is real and honest. I hope you enjoy your time here while you take a peek into our little lives with big hopes and dreams."

Drea is offering up one of her lovely handmade mobiles to one lucky winner!

To enter, simply leave a comment here stating what you would do with this pretty mobile.  For additional entries, you can:

**Follow ohdeardrea on Bloglovin.
**Like ohdeardrea on Facebook.

Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry.  The winner will be chosen on Friday, February 3rd.  Good luck!  xoxo Katie

Thursday, January 26

Weekly Wears: Movie Moment Dress

ModCloth has recently started carrying several different Eva Franco dresses, and quite frankly, I'm smitten.  I was asked to style this pretty heart-covered dress (which is PERFECT for Valentine's Day) while here in Florida.  This dress is so cute as is, or would be just as darling with a lovely cardigan and clutch for a special night out. 

Dress/belt: Eva Franco Movie Moment Dress via ModCloth;  
Heart Headband: Giant Dwarf (borrowed from Elsie);
Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens;  Necklace: handmade

This is THE BEST dress to twirl in.  You know... in case you're that kind of girl.  ;)
Have a lovely Thursday!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 24

Hello From Disney

I don't know if I've said this previously, but this is my very first time at Disney.  I'm not a theme park fan (at all), but there have definitely been some magical points.  The Japan store at Epcot?  So fun!  Watching the lady cut out tiny silhouettes of my kids?  Amazing!  Going on the "It's a Small World Ride"?  Heaven.  Just... can I please live in there?  I'm considering moving to Florida so I can work in that ride.  Okay, maybe that isn't a true statement, but in my dreams...

Here's a bit of "Music Monday" love for you as well.  I stayed up waaaaay too late watching episodes of Austin City Limits the other night, and I was reminded all over again of my love for Joanna Newsom.

We are off to the beach today because my poor little ankles can't handle anymore walking.  It's a good trade if you ask me.  Have a wonderful day, friends!  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 20

Florida Bound

Nope.  We are not Florida bound, actually.  We are here already!  Tonight is for relaxing, eating take-out in bed, and enjoying early bedtimes.  If you want to follow along with our vacation, you can find me on Instagram under skunkboycreatures.  If you don't have an iPhone, you can view my Webstagram here

I'm also doing a little call for sponsors, because... well... it's almost that time again!  If you are interested in sponsoring Skunkboy Creatures in February, you can check out my sponsor page or email 

Have a lovely weekend, friends!!  I can't believe we escaped the 29 degree, sleeting weather in MO and slipped into the glorious 80s here in Florida.  I'm feeling very spoiled and grateful right now.
xoxo Katie

Thursday, January 19

Weekly Wears: BananaRama

Have you ever had a pair of tights that you plan your whole outfit around?  Yep.  I adore these tights.  My husband (who knows me oh-so well) got these for me for Christmas, and they immediately shot to the top of my "most fun to wear" list.  Sure, I get some sideways glances from older ladies when I'm out and about, but I really don't care.  I just wear what I love.  It makes me happy.

Dress: vintage from Red Velvet;  Sweater: old old old;  Tights: ModCloth;
Shoes:  c/o Lulu's;  Necklace: handmade (Hope has the other half of the bf)

So... we are leaving for Florida today (yay)!  I still haven't packed or anything, so I'm off to do a whole lot of that right now!  I will still be blogging while we are on vacation, so you'll get to see peeks of our fun time.  
Have a great day!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 17

DIY Dip Dye Mittens

I have a fun little mitten DIY over on the ModCloth blog today.  If you are interested in making your own dip-dyed mittens from an old sweater you should pop over and have a look!

Have a great Tuesday, friends!!!  xoxo Katie

Monday, January 16

Thursday, January 12

Believe That Everything is Possible.

Whether you make "new years resolutions" or not, at some point this year you may find yourself making and completing goals.  I love new year goals... not the difficult/impossible kind, but the kind that make me excited and motivated for the coming months!

Recently, my friend Shana started this little project where she was hand-embroidering some pieces to send out to friends... and then her list started growing... and kept growing... I think she may STILL be working on more pieces to send out.  I received mine on my birthday (along with one of her AMAZING watches, which I am in total love with), and even though I'd seen them on Instagram, it was extra special in person.  "Believe that everything is possible in 2012."  Yes.  Yes!  In our house that will be our theme for this whole year. 

Everything IS possible in 2012!  If any time this year I am feeling less than positive, I will repeat this to myself.  It's such a good reminder to look forward and be excited about all life has in store for (all of) us.  

I also wanted to send out a HEARTFELT thank you for all of the birthday wishes!!!  I had an amazing birthday and I'm so grateful to every, single person who sent me a message or comment.  I <3 you!!

xoxo Katie

Wednesday, January 11

Baby's First Birthday

We had a little party for Poe on Sunday.  It was really small and low-key, with just a handful of close friends.  We packed everyone into our house, took my little runny-nosed grump (it was definitely nap time), put her in her high chair, and sang her a sweet birthday tune.  :)

The party decor was mostly made up of things I already had on hand.  I'm sure you may recognize that sheet from hair tutorial backdrops, the kitty teapot was a hand-me-down from my grandmother, the snack containers were canisters, the cupcake stand I bought for craft show display, and the box holding the little sodas was a fancy box that used to hold Hello Kitty pez.  Oh yeah... and her dress was thrifted.  Basically, we just bought some gold poster board and two small bags of balloons and had ourselves a little party.  ;) 

We skipped traditional party hats and threw on some pretty little crowns.  I just used a couple of empty paper towel rolls, cut them to look like crowns, painted them gold, and then sewed small hair clips to some felt I glued on the underside.  If only I could have gotten my tiny tot to wear hers a little longer.  She hated it. 

We opted for cinnamon rolls instead of cake, thinking Poesy might have an easier time with something more bready and less crumbly (oh, and Mama was SUPPOSED to leave the icing off, but forgot and iced them all).  We served apple juice for the little kiddos, and let some of them even help with the present opening.  All in all, it was a very nice party. 

If you want to see more pictures of the party, you can take a peek at my Flickr stream.  
Have a wonderful day!!!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 10

Happy Birthday, Poe!

Today is Poesy's first birthday!  We are spending our day giving her all of our attention.  I'll have pictures from her party later on tonight, but for now it's time to go make a little one year old feel very special.  :)

xoxo Katie

Monday, January 9

Friday, January 6

Excuse Me, I'm What?

Excuse me... WHAT???  I'm HOW old??? 


Today I am 30.  It's true.  Let's talk about that for a second.

Remember that episode of Friends where Rachel turned 30?  Yeah.  After I saw that episode I decided I NEVER wanted to be like that.  What is so wrong with getting older?  What is so wrong with aging with grace?  Why do we fight SO HARD against gaining a number?  I've been guilty of that.  I think I was just whining a few weeks ago about not wanting to turn 30.  But, why?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately.  For myself, I know the answer.  Somewhere in my head, I've decided that 30 means you are officially a grown up.  Not that I'm against being an adult, but I've been scared of personal expectations that I've put on myself... which is silly.  I love where I am in life.  I love my family, I love my friends, I love my job, I love my blog, I love so many things about my life, why in the world would I want to make myself feel bad about the handful of things I have not yet accomplished?  So silly.

I will never stop at 29.  I will never lie about my number.  I will wear it proudly, embrace who I am, and be the best old lady I can be.  (<--just kidding.  I DO NOT think 30 is old.  If you do, you'll grow out of that someday.  ;))

So, tonight I will raise a glass to my 30s, because I've already said my goodbyes to my 20s.  I've learned SO MUCH through that decade and I am looking SO forward to this new one ahead of me.

Now, would someone PLEEEEASE pass the Birthday cake???

 xoxo Katie Shelton  
born January 6, 1982

Thursday, January 5

Weekly Wears: Colorblock

I love this dress.  I'm not normally a drop-waist sort of girl, but when I first laid eyes on this little number it was love at first sight.  The material makes this dress actually work for me.  If it were a stiff material it wouldn't fall where it needs to, but since it's so flowy/silky it doesn't create that typical box shape on me.  Have I mentioned I don't wear drop-waists?  I guess I stand corrected.

Dress: c/o ModCloth;  Shirt: UO;  
Knee Highs: Target;  Shoes: Golden Ponies

Have the loveliest day, friends!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, January 4

Faux Bob

I did a fun little post over on A Beautiful Mess yesterday on how to style long hair into a bob.  It's a pretty convincing hairstyle... meaning, I may or may not have sent that picture to several people telling them that I cut my hair.  Good times.

(And just so you know, I love short hair... just not on me.  Why?  Because I end up wearing my hair in pigtails for two years straight due to laziness.)  
You can see the full tutorial here.  If you have any questions pertaining
to this tutorial, you can leave them here and I'll do my best to help!
Happy Wednesday!  xoxo Katie

Party Inspiration

So, it's that time.  I am planning a birthday party for a soon-to-be one year old.  Her birthday isn't actually until the 10th, but Johnny's brother is having a baby next weekend (scheduled, anyway), so the party had to be a little early.  Pinterest is amazing for many reasons, and does not fail when you need some serious rush-party solutions.  Here are some of my favorite things I've pinned for party inspiration:

Love the balloon banner!  via Design Mom

Okay, sorry but those baby masks CRACK ME UP!  I laugh every time I look at them.  I'm hoping to make that happen for Poe's party because I think the bigger kids will find them equally hilarious!

I can't wait to show you how her party comes together.  So much going on this weekend!!!
xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 3


Well, it's officially 2012.  My brain doesn't actually want to believe it, but that's what my phone says.  We decided to keep it low key this New Year's Eve because I was just getting over an illness and really didn't have the energy to go out.  Hope and I got dressed up, I made fondue, and we drank our drinks out of fancy champagne glasses.  It was a really lovely night and we got so rowdy at midnight that we almost woke the littlest member of our family!

I do have a few personal goals for 2012.
**Get healthy.  I know, I know... what a cliche new year's resolution, right?  I don't care about being cliche, though-- I really want to get back into shape. I started back at the gym last week and I'm enjoying it immensely.  That first week back is tough (I was SO SORE), but now I'm pushing through that and I'm starting to feel great again.   
**House.  I want a house.  I don't have to own it.  I would just love to love the house I'm living in.
**Be kind.  I feel like I'm a pretty kind person as it is, but I want to take that to a new level.  I want to be MORE kind, MORE caring, and MORE available personally to the people in my life. 
**Be brave.  2011 was a pretty good year for me.  I pushed myself more than I ever have and took many chances that I would normally hide from.  I really want that for this year as well.  
**Spend more time with my friends.  This is just a fun little goal that I think we could all use a little more of, don't you think?

Tell me, do you have any great goals for 2012?
xoxo Katie

P.S.  The winner for the double giveaway is Manda Jane!  You will be contacted shortly.  :)

Monday, January 2

Music Monday: Gotye ft Kimbra

Happy first Monday of 2012!!!


xoxo Katie