Friday, October 7

Feature Friday: Favorites

Here's another round of favorites I've gathered this week:

1.  I'm loving this coat from ASOS.  It's too bad that I have my eye on, like, 5 different coats for this winter:

2.  I'm so excited about my friend Diana's newest endeavor, Gadchick!  You can read all about it here.

3.  I had so much fun doing this guest post over on A Beautiful Mess this week!  I've loved seeing all of the hair bow pictures you've sent me!!

4.  I'm dying to try this cinnamon roll recipe that Holly used!  'Tis the season for treats (that's actually every season in my house)!

5.  I need to get my hands on one of these Danny Brito Chubby Books!

I hope you all have a great weekend!  We have more bonfires and baby showers to attend, so our schedule is full of fun!  xoxo Katie


  1. Ahh!!! I adore all of these!
    I need to try the hair bow!

    xo katie

  2. I'm loving that coat too! And those cinnamon rolls, to die for.

    ♥ sécia

  3. That cinnamon rolls look sooo delicious! and I wish I could wear a cute coat, but the heat wont go away here):

    Hope you have a lovely weekend(:

    Carmila Ponycat

  4. I loved your sweet feature! Aren't hairbows the greatest <3 And the ASOS coat is gorgeous! Whenever Autumn rolls around here I spend hours doing make believe coat shopping on their site!

    Lost in the Haze

  5. Those cinnamon rolls are making me drool! So yummy.

    And I loved your guest post over at A Beautiful Mess- I can't wait to try a hair bow when my hair is long enough!


  6. I know the feeling about winter coats! I just scored an amazing tweed-like/houndstooth vintage coat with a rusty colored neck tie, then the next day the Anthro catalogue arrived and they had something very similar. My coat was only $40! Woohoo!

  7. That coat is AMAZING. Love it (like everyone else) ;).

  8. The coat is sooo beautiful! I saw you DIY-hairbow guestpost and I thought it was so much fun! And I'm still really jealous at your lovely hair :P

  9. I love that hair-do!!

    Stephanie May*

  10. Cute post! I did the hair bow, it was really easy to do! Love that asos coat.

  11. I just said to my boy how cute you were and he said you look like my sister! :) I think maybe just because I have the red hair and do the hair bow too though teehee! Hope your bonfires were magic and wonderful! :) Zoë x

  12. I loved your hair DIY! And I agree, I need a Danny Brito Chubby Book in my life [haha]. I've almost filled up my current notebook, so it's time to shop for a new one! :]

  13. It was your hair bow post that led me here, and I think your creatures are adorable and wanted to let you know that I think your little sidebar "about me" paragraph should read "musing of a plush-maker's life". Right? Because it's the life belonging to a maker of plushes. Ignore me if I'm being an obsessive-compulsive English major!

  14. I meant "musings", not "musing"! Way to make a mistake in my own "I think you made a mistake" comment. Haha.
