Tuesday, July 5

Weekly Wears: Striped and Curls

A few nights ago I decided to rag roll my hair before bed.  If you are aren't familiar with this process, it's just dampening your hair and then rolling sections around pieces of fabric.  While the results were almost TOO good (crazy, tight curls everywhere!), I'm confident in trying this again and getting even better results.  I may even see a fun hair tutorial coming in the near future.  *wink*

Outfit Details
Dress:  Dear Creatures (borrowed from Elsie)
Bracelet:  Cookoorikoo
Shoes:  Swedish Hasbeens (also borrowed from a certain someone)

I hope your week is starting off right!  I'm off to help Hope prep for tomorrow's post!  xoxo Katie


  1. Oooh, please post a tutorial for the rag rolls! It looks like they turned out really pretty.

  2. LOVE it! The whole look is so darling! And yes, I have found that rag curls can be a little too curly - I think the trick is to use larger pieces of hair? I will have to try again:) You can also use paper bags to get the same effect, but it is uncomfortable to sleep in:)

  3. So pretty! Love the dress and would love to see the hair tutorial!!

  4. You are sooo pretty! Rag rolls won't be able to make nice curls from my dreads, but it suits you amazing! (:

  5. i LOVE this outfit! perfect length for a dress, and those silver shoes are wonderful. so cute!

  6. You are soooo beautiful! And your hair is so adorable! Love your whole look! :)

  7. I've never heard of doing this before--it would be great to see a tutorial!

  8. I'm in love with your blog! Your plush creatures are so adorable, and I love this outfit! SO cute. I have the straightest hair and I'm always trying to get it to curl. Maybe rag rolls would work really well for me :).


  9. Love your hair, and your back tattoo is just gorgeous!

  10. I'm pretty jealous of how beautiful you are. MWAH.

  11. that hairstyle is adorable! and i love the outfit! my hair is obnoxiously thick. I always feel like it doesn't hold curls so i just never bother :(

  12. Such a stunner! - Loving the hair and outfit! :D
    I used to love doing that to my hair when it was longer. Now that it's in a short crop though I'm not so sure about doing it as I may end up looking like a poodle. :D

    xo Amy

  13. Your hair is amazing! Yes, please to the tutorial :) -Emily

  14. katie your hair looks so pretty, as always. but i wanna know what kind of lovely green nail polish you're wearing.

  15. There's an awesome rag roll tutorial here:

    I've been doing them a lot lately too. So much fun

  16. Prettiest prettiest prettiest. <3 Your hair looks so lovely!

  17. I would love to see you post more about how you got those great curls!!! love your blog
    P.s I am a katy also!

  18. Please share a tutorial! Rag rolling my hair is something I've wanted to do successfully many, many times. I gave it a whirl several years ago, but something wasn't quite right and I haven't tried again. Your hair looks lovely as always!

  19. Rag-curls remind me of my good ol' theatre days. Heehee. I hadn't thought of trying them nowadays! Good idea!

    You look lovely, as always.


  20. Lovely. Can't wait for the tutorial. Although, my hair is naturally REALLY curly so it might be a disaster for me...

    ♥ sécia

  21. You look gorgeous!!! I hope you do post a tutorial. Me + anything new with my hair = frustration. :P So maybe a good tutorial would help me! I've wanted to sleep with curlers in, but I think that would be uncomfortable and probably TOO curly!

  22. Wow you look very cute! & that is a beautiful tattoo x

  23. you're so beautiful Katie. xoxo

  24. Can't wait to see if you do a tutorial for your 'do! I have shorter hair so it may not be a great fit for me since it would curl up to high heavens but it would still be a "good to know" tutorial! PS - I grabbed your button to add to my "Blog Love" Page...I love your blog!

  25. I adore your dress! You look amazing! :) and those sandals are so adorable!

    Meanz (Koi Story)
