Friday, June 24

Little Poe: 5 Months Old

Wow.  I am SO behind on posting Poesy's 5 month pictures!  We took one set of photos already, but this girl has such sensitive eyes AND allergies that she can hardly open them when we go outside right now!  I had to scrap the whole first shoot because she just looked miserable.  Poor baby!

This month Poe is laughing a lot, FINALLY sleeping in her bed instead of her swing, talking a bunch, and rolling like it's nobody's business.  She's becoming especially easy going and generally happy.  As far as baby months go, 5-6 months is my favorite age.  There is so much sweetness and personality, but they are still immobile!  Once she starts moving around, it's all over.  Have I mentioned that my oldest girl likes to collect teeeeeeny tiny things?  Oh yes, baby proofing is going to be a challenge!

She is NOT fond of swimming.  She does, however, like drying off and having some mama time while the others swim.  I'm okay with it.  ;)

 Whew, that was a lot of family-bloggy stuff this week!  I hope you have a great weekend, friends!  xoxo Katie


  1. 5 months is pretty much my fave age too......and 7 months, and 9 months, and 1-2 years... :)

    that bikini is totally cute also.


  2. Aaaaawwwww!!! She is GORGEOUS!! You're such a wonderful family =) I love reading your blog Katie!

    Love, Katie! (The British edition!) xo

  3. Nice ... that sweet little girl!

  4. Love 5 months too, definately the best age, so smiley and interactive... although both my boys were beginning to move at 5 months, so the loveliness didn't stick around for too long!

  5. Gosh i cant beleive the littel cutie is 5 months already! its such a sweet little age :)

    Zoe x

  6. I was born in Springfield and lived there until I was 3. I had such bad allergies and eczema that my parents never took me outside or anywhere for that matter! I still break out in hives and my allergies flare up every time I go to visit if I don't pre-medicate myself!! Although, if it is any consolation, my allergies got tons better as I grew up!

  7. The picture of Poe and her daddy is exceptionally cute.

  8. Gosh she's gorgeous! Your little family is so adorable.

    Katie x

  9. wow she looks so much like the both of you!! what a beauty! :)

  10. Oooh she is soo cute! I love her little expressions in the pictures. :) You're a lucky mamma!

    Brittni @ With Love From Michigan

  11. She always looks so contemplative. Adorable!

  12. Awwwwww!! She is such a cutie!!!

  13. Ah! There's nothing cuter than a baby in a bathing suit. :)

  14. Awww, she is too cute for words. I have been nannying for a baby since she was 3 months old. She is now 8 months and i must say that i miss the 5/6 month stage of immobility.

  15. Aw. so cute! She looks so much like your husband!

  16. Seems like our daughters are the same age! Aura is turning 5 months on Sunday :)

  17. Sooo stinkin' cute. Those cheeks are irresistible! :) Love the bonnet.

  18. She's so cute, and they both look SO much like her father!

  19. Her eyebrow expressions melt my heart.

    ♥ sécia

  20. I agree, this age is SO adorable! My little girl Ellie is 4 months, and also just now is sleeping in her bed instead of her swing, I know the transition! Cute, cute pictures, your girl is so sweet.

  21. she still oooozes cuteness like crazy!! so sorry to hear about the allergies :( my littlest girl and I both suffer through terrible allergies and it is the worst!

  22. What a sweetie! You're such a gorgeous/fit mom, I would've never thought you'd given birth just a few months ago... props!

  23. Katie,
    I just found your you from reading The Beautiful Mess Blog. Love your Blog and look forward to reading your future posts.

  24. she is seriously the most gorgeous baby i've ever seen! she makes me want a baby!!!

    happy weekend!

    allister bee blog

  25. She is such a little sweet pea. Your family makes me smile so. <3

  26. You have such a sweet family! xxx

  27. wow, that's a cute baby! i'm all out of batteries for my camera, so i have not been able to keep up with my baby's changes and all. she is 3 months(:

  28. Oh goodness! She is beautiful! I love her little swim suit. 5 months is fun. My girl is 8 months now and crawling and she's SO FAST! It really does fly by!

  29. Awwww she is such a cutie pie!
    Looks like she's having fun :)

  30. oh my word! cutest baby ever! love that little bathing suit too :)

  31. Oh baby pictures make my heart melt! Not that I'm ready for my own kids just yet, but I love seeing cute pictures.

    Also, gotta love a baby with her daddy... so precious!

  32. She is so cute!! She looks so much like her daddy!!

  33. i just want to tickle the cute round belly!

  34. Hello, little Poesy! You looked super cute in that swimwear! I'm sure you'll wear more of those when you grow up! Hee hee! Children do grow up way too fast, sometimes faster than we expect them! Way to go, Poe! =)
