Wednesday, June 22

Guest Post: Hope and Hamsters

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means:  it's Hope's turn to blog!  Yay!

Hello again!  Today I'm going to talk about the story of when my hampster died.  Wednesday I was watching tv and my mommy told me to pause it.  (I was watching Hey Arnold)  She asked me if I wanted the good news first or the bad news first.  I said good news, but she said that that was only a curdisy question, so she she told me the bad news first.  My hampster Spritz died.  I cried a lot but she told me that I was going to Big Surf the next day (that's a waterpark) and I cheered up.  (That was the good news.) 

 (This is me with Spritz.  I got him for Christmas.)

A few days later we went to the pet store (it was Petco.) to look for a new hampster.  I found one I really liked.  I named her Pearl.  She is tiny and fast!

The next day we went back to the pet store.  The first day we went there were two hampsters in the cage.  One of them was Pearl.  I decided to go back to get that other hampster because it was Pearl's sister.  I named her Coconut.  I bought her with my own money.  Pearl, Coconut, and me lived happily ever after.  -- Hope

***This is a video from when we brought Pearl home.  These tiny hamsters really are fast!!!***


  1. oh my goodness. when i grow up, i want to be just like hope.

    also, i'm jealous of the hamsters. i want some but my cat won't let me.

  2. Beautiful story - that video make me giggle! We can't get hamsters here in New Zealand, so you are super lucky!!

  3. Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about Spritz! Coconut & pearl look lovely, though!

    I used to have hamsters when I was younger, too. They're great :D

  4. This post is melting my heart so fast! I have a hampster named Rhino. He's been alive for quite a while! But I know I'll be very sad when he dies. I'm glad that Hope got to buy Pearl's sister, I'm sure they happy they get to be together too! :)

  5. I really want a guinnea pig - they are the cutest! But they need a lot of space. Maybe I should start with a hamster...take good care of the little ladies, Hope!

  6. I'm from New Zealand too and I've always loved hamsters, but can't have them. You're one lucky girl! I do have a lovely kitty though, and guess what? Her name is Pearl too! Here is a picture of her when she was a little baby, just like your Pearl :)


  7. Aw, Hope, I am very sorry to hear about Spritz. I know how hard that can be. But I am sure he's in a much better place and very happy! That's what I think about mine, anyway. ^_^

    Pearl and Coconut are SO CUTE!!! You're very lucky!!! My wife and I both love animals very much, we have two kitties and a cockatiel. ^_^ I had a hamster growing up named Friskie... He often bit me, haha.

    Have a beautiful day!

  8. Hope I'm so sorry to hear about Spritz :( I'm sure he had a lovely life with you though and you should be proud you had some fun times together :)

    Pearl looks lovely! I'm glad you brought Coconut home too :) Did you know that Pearl is a Russian Dwarf Hamster? My sister used to have a girl a few years ago; she called her LeeLou and boy, was she speedy!!
    My sister and I also had Russian hamsters when we were your age, they do make lovely pets. I now have 12 rats as my pets though! You're welcome to view pictures of them over at my blog if you like :) (They're a bit bigger than hamsters though!)

    xo Amy

  9. Dear Hope,
    I'm sorry to hear about dear Spritz. But I also liked the story about your two new buddies a lot! I think that it was a very good descision from you to get pearl's sister also.

    I think you are an amazing girl (and what a lovely dress on the first picture!)!

    Can't wait till next wednesday!!

  10. Cool, I've never seen a hamster before, we don't have them in Australia.

    So sorry Spritz died, I'm sure you two had lots of fun and great memories and that you'll have the same with your new hamster sisters!

  11. Aw, I'm so sorry about Spritz! It's horrible to lose a friend

    But Hooray for adopting Pearl and Coconut! I hope you three have lots and lots of fun together! :)

    I really love when you blog Hope! I was looking forward to this post all week.

  12. Oh, that video! Bless!
    I love your blog posts Hope! You make me wish I was a little girl again :)

  13. I've always said there are two types of people out there, hamster people and non-hamster people. Old and young alike, if they are hamster people they love to talk about and tell stories about hamsters. One time my brother forgot to put the end cap on my habitrail and my hamster ended up in the furnace! Fortunately it was during the summer and my mom heard it scratching from inside. My dad had to dismantle it, but we got my hamster out, safe and sound.
    Loved your post Hope, and I look forward to every other Wednesday (I wish it were ever week)

  14. i'm glad you got a new hamster, hope! (and i'm sorry about the one that died.) i remember when i was 11, and my best friend got a baby hamster. on the drive home she took him out of the box, and he crawled down her pants. :)

  15. lmfao - that video is so cute! Hope you are a doll - you rock my world sista! I love your blog posts |-------------------| this much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{multiplied by a gazillion}

  16. Aww I'm sorry Hope. I had a hamster that only lived for a few months too, it's so sad when they go :( I'm glad you're feeling better and you picked great names for your new girls!

  17. Pearl and Coconut are so cute! I'm glad you used your own money to keep the sisters together, that was very nice of you. I had four hamsters growing up named Fluffernutter, Alfalfa, Lucy, and Teddy!

  18. hope, you are so cute! you hamsters are cute too. sorry about Spritz! thanks for sharing with us! i can't wait to see what is next Wednesday!

  19. I adore your compassion and creativity, Hope. What a special family you are in!!

  20. Pearl looks like a dwarf hammie! I had one of those for about two years. They are precious, but you are right... most of the time they are pretty fast! I am glad you found one that she can hold though! My first one wouldn't let me hold her without her dashing off around my room and me spending 40 mins to find her.

    Health and happiness to Pearl and Coconut!

  21. Another great post, Hope! I'm glad you have two new additions to your family, especially since they are sisters!

  22. Pearl and Coconut are just beautiful names:)

  23. I'm not normally the comment type, but this post was just the cutest. That video made my day. Hope you are seriously adorable! I love your blog posts each week :)

  24. I'm glad you have such sweet parents to let you have two hamsters instead of just one! I can't wait till your next post, Hope. :)
    Love and Turtledoves,

  25. Awwww!! Hope is just TOO cute for words!!! I am so sorry about Spritz but Coconut + Pearl look just darling!!! {And quite speedy!} ;)
    Have a wonderful day sweetie!! xo

  26. What wonderful names!

  27. Hope, your new hamsters are going to be so happy with you!

    I wanted to name my puppy Coconut after one of my favorite foods, but my partner said no:( We named him Linus instead, and it suits him just fine, but I've always loved Coconut:)

    You are a great storyteller little lady and I hope you, Pearl, and Coconut enjoy your summer!

    Emily in Wisconsin

  28. Hope, I'm so sorry that Spritz died. I'm really glad that you have two new babies keeping you company though. =] I had a hamster named Lua that I loved very much. They are really fun pets!

  29. Hope you are too cute! And I love all the hamster's names!

    that dress, in the first photo, is fabulous!

  30. Good story, Hope! I'm so sorry about Spritz, but I'm so happy to hear you got two new, cute sister hamsters!

    Keep up the great blogs! You're doing so good!

  31. Too cute! I loved having hamsters when I was growing up.

  32. I had a tiny, fast hamster that died too. :(

    But I'm so happy you found a new one named Pearl :)

  33. yeah Hope!! Noah and Logan have a hamster named George that they love too!? But ours sleeps a lot during the day....does yours?
    Pets are always fun :) Have fun at the water park.

    Katie- I love the good/bad news question ;)
    Have a great day sweets.

  34. What a great story Hope! I think you dye their hair pink :)

  35. It's alright, I cried when my hamster died too.
    Pearl and Coconut are the cutest!

  36. Yay Hope! I love your guest blogs :) I'm really sorry about Spritz. It's always sad to lose a beloved pet! I'm glad you've found two new hamsters to love on though. Pearl and Coconut are very lucky!

  37. This is the cutest thing! the video is funny x

  38. Hope, I am so sorry about Spritz! I always get really sad when my pets pass away. That is so cool that you got to adopt two hamster sisters though! Now they get to be together forever! I bet they love you a lot for that!

  39. This is adorable! Great story!

    Reminds me of when I was a little girl and Santa brought me two little hamsters for Christmas! They were both girl hamsters so I named them Tara and Sara. One day, a few months later, I woke up to find a bunch of strange looking teeny baby hamsters in the cage. I of course had no idea where they came from or how on earth they got in there. But turns out Tara was a Tommy, and that might have had something to do with it. Santa should have checked a little closer when choosing two hamsters that were going to live together.

    The hamster babies all went to good homes and I even got to keep one of the babies, an albino named Caramel. So the story of my hamsters ends well but it's got a moral; Make sure you check very closely the little hamsters parts lest you want to have to find 8 hamster cages in a hurry!

  40. They are adorable Hope! I'm sorry to hear about Spritz, but I'm sure Pearl and Coconut are going to bring many happy memories. Have fun with your newest furry family members.

  41. So sorry to hear about Spiritz , but your new little babes are cute ! Congrats ! :D

  42. Pearl and Coconut are such great names! That was a close call when she jumped right out of your hands! She's a trickster!! I bet Coconut is sooo glad you came back for her so she can live with her sister forever =)

  43. oh my word! hope, you are absolutely, positively the cutest little blogger in all of the land! i adore you! im so sorry about spritz, but i am so happy you now have pearl and coconut! give them little kissies for me! :)

    xoxo. madison

  44. Hope, I'm sorry to hear about Spritz, but so happy that you now have Pearl and Coconut! I had a hamster named Delia who was very loud and insisted on being awake and running in her wheel while I was trying to sleep! My mom even lost her in my room once--they're escape artists, watch out!

  45. That was almost too cute to stand! I have gerbils and I love them so much!

  46. I'm so sorry about Spritz! I'm sure Spritz had an awesome life though and would be happy to know that two other little creatures now have a home!

    I had one named Walter when I was a little younger, but it was a girl. I also had a hedgehog when I got my first apartment because my mom wouldn't let me get one when I lived at home - her name was Petunia and she was white and she used to snuggle in my hair.

  47. Dear Hope,
    your hamsters are the cutest! so are you! i love when you blog. also, your hair is awesome.

  48. I once had a hamster named Marshmallow. She was a chubby hamster, so she wasn't as fast as your Pearl! You seem like a very caring pet owner; Pearl and Coconut are lucky to have you.

  49. Hi Hope! I'm so sorry to hear about Spritz. My daughter went through the same thing with her tortoises (they got sick). It's always sad to lose a pet, but things get better with time. Plus, you never forget them because they'll always be in your heart! And you know what? I bet that Spritz is so happy that you now have Pearl and Coconut to keep you company.:)

  50. Pearl and Coconut are the best names ever! Hope, so glad you didn't let the tough news bum you out too much! Way to stay positive, little missy!

  51. I am so sorry to hear about your hamster.. but really happy to hear that now you have 2 & I love their names! :)

  52. I'm sorry about spritz Hope! I never had a hamster but I did have a dog that died, and I was really sad, so I know how you feel!

  53. hope's posts are probably the best thing ever. She is the cutest. And her giggle in the video! Too cute!!

  54. My heart? Completely melted. Hope, you are delightful! Have fun with Pearl + Coconut :)

    Ps; I love your hair bow!

  55. Oh no! I'm so very sorry to hear about your hamster. Losing a pet is is so sad, but you handled it in the best way. And I'm SO happy for you and your new hamster friends! I bet they love their new home. :)

    You are awesome, Hope! <3

  56. hello hope,i wrote to you last time. if you read it anyway. i love your hamsters.i had a kitten called pearl [but it ate our chicks].i wish had a hamster!
    here is a video of me and my brother playing human golf. it is a game we made up.
    love from jada [nz] xo

  57. Congrats on your lovely new hamsters!!!! <3

  58. Hope, I love your weekly posts! You are too cute! I thought the video was a fun addition too :)

  59. Okay Hope, you are seriously the cutest little girl on the planet!I love your posts and your adorable style! Your whole family is just the sweetest!

  60. Sorry about Spritz. It's always heartbreaking to lose a pet.

    But Pearl and Coconut are precious. It was very nice of you to keep the sisters together. I bet they liked that! I was never allowed to have hamsters growing up, so I'm going to live vicariously through you.

  61. hope, you are simply adorable! i am glad your hamster is nice and sweet, i had one when i was little named Ginny and she used to bite me!

  62. Another great post Hope! Sorry to hear about Spritz, but happy for you that you now have Pearl and Coconut (great names!) - I'm sure you'll have lots of fun together x

  63. what a great blog! wonderful post. :) if you are in the mood for some yummy food check out my most recent post. your mouth will water. ;)

    follow me?

  64. ooh, hamsters! i used to have one when i was your age. his name was mucki. and he was a great escapee. somehow he managed to sneak out of his hutch from time to time. and after long searches we usually found him inside our sofa! i wish you many happy times with your two new friends.

  65. Hope, those little hamhams can be quite a handful to try and hold, maybe get a big plastic bin so that when you're holding Pearl or Coconut (love those names btw ^-^) and you accidentally drop one or she flips out of your hand, you don't have to worry about trying to get her out from under furniture.

  66. I absolutely adore Hope's weekly blogging! And I'm quite jealous of the blue hair!
    I had a hamster once named hamburger.

    Good luck with your new pets!

  67. so cute! Hope is such an amazing girl - her hamsters are very lucky. I love that she went back to get Pearl's sister; she is absolutely the coolest, most thoughtful girl ever.

    My very first pet was a hamster too. His name was Fuzzbutton :)

  68. I can honestly say that Hope's post are my favorite blog feature out of any blog I've ever read!

    Hope! You are super radical and one heck of a writer! xoxo Ali

  69. Aw, your hamsters are so cute, Hope :) I was sad too when my hamster died, but now he/she (never sure if it was a boy or a girl, pretty sure it was a girl) is in Hamster Heaven, right? ;)

    Hamsters are great little pets <3

  70. Aw, I love hamsters. I have a dwarf hamster named Zippy. I also had two other dwarf hamsters before Zippy named Skipper and Catkin. Skipper was my first and he also had a tragically short life, he got sick and died unexpectedly a couple months after I got him. Sorry to hear about Spritz! By the way, try feeding them a slightly broken-up cheerio for a treat now and then. My hamster loves those!

  71. Oh Hope, you never fail to make us smile! I feel sad for Spritz, but it's a good thing your daddy bought you Pearl, and she looks cute like you! How's Pearl, by the way?
