Wednesday, May 25

Scheduling and Weather and Whatnot

My blogging has been so mixed up lately!  This crazy weather, a terribly messy house, and a photoshoot that had to be dumped, have all been factors in my disorganization.  Not just with the blog.  I'm feeling disorganized in life as well.  Does a messy work area affect your productivity?  I really feel like it throws my emergency breaks on!

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day!  Once I can get this video camera working again I'll have a fun summer hair tutorial for you!  Oh, and once we stop having to run to the basement every hour or two for tornado warnings (I'm exaggerating) maybe I'll have a Weekly Wears post for you.  ;))

(The only picture that turned out of a WHOLE batch!  What I wore... to a failed photo shoot.  ;))

xoxo Katie


  1. YOU'RE SO ADORABLE! i miss you! and i'm so sorry that you all are dealing with these crazy storms!!!


  2. Well, even if the photoshoot didn't turn out good this is a great picture and the dress is beautiful. I totally have trouble being creative with a messy house/work area. I'm having that problem right now. Life has been crazy! I hope you and your family stay safe with all the storms.

  3. Such a cute picture of you! :) I feel the same way.. I struggle with being & staying organized all the time! Uggh! The weather has been soo crazy here too.. stay safe! xo!

  4. Oh no fair! My basement-running outfit consists of frizzy hair and exposed bra straps...not a cute look by any means! Silly Missouri. Katie's right, you are adorable!

    Be safe!

  5. I cannot get ANYthing done if my work area is messy! Most studio days start and end with clean-up for me.

    Cuuute outfit and photo!

  6. You look so cute!

    I hope the weather calms down for you guys real soon, too.

  7. You look so cute, as always. I hope this crazy weather you're getting over there passes soon!

  8. KATIE! Probably my favourite photo of you ever. Cutie pie!

  9. Aww! That is a pretty terrific photo if I do say so myself! :)

  10. You look so fresh and lovely in this photograph! I love the red gingham.

    Brittni @ With Love From Michigan

  11. Cutie!

    And I'm useless if our home is messy! USELESS!

  12. This doesn't look like such a failed photoshoot, you look fab! Love your dress.

  13. We haven't had any tornado warnings since I moved to Utah, but when I lived in Illinois we got them ALL the time. So I totally understand! I thought they were exciting and I still love stormy weather, but damn. Everything that is going on right now with the crazy tornado's is wretched. I can only hope they blow the heck over y'all and leave y'all alone!

    Annnnyway... I LOVE THAT OUTFIT!

  14. I would love to have a super tidy work area - but just so busy its always a mess! your photo is super cute - at least you got one fabulous shot!


  15. You look so sweet.

    I can't even imagine what experiencing a tornado warning must be like, let alone the tornado. Sometimes I am thankful for our dull british weather. Take care of yourselves x

  16. I love the one picture you did get. so sweet.

  17. hello. i kind of WANT YOUR HAIR! thank you.

  18. we have been painting the kitchen all week. our house looks like a a episode of hoarders! everything is pushed into the center of the room and we've eaten out every night this week. it's physically/mentally exhausting! here's to a better week next week (for both of us)!!!

  19. You're seriously one of the CUTEST people in all the world! I am not even joking. It's the truth.


  20. ok, I have been drooling over your blog for months now. You are sooo cute! :))
