Friday, March 4

Exciting News!

Several of you may already know if you were on Twitter last night, but the rest of you may not, so I thought I'd share.  Jeremy Larson is putting on an amazing show next weekend (like you didn't already know), and I get to be a little part of it.  Stacy Dupree (Eisley) will be opening for him, and you will find me hanging out there in the background, squeezing my accordion.  I'm very excited.

I'll be practicing most days until the show arrives, just to make sure I'm flawless.  Here are a few shots from practice today.  I have to run the track through a soundsystem to get it loud enough to hear over the accordion.  My other option is to blare the track on my iPod in my tiny house, and that doesn't really please anyone.  ;)

That last shot is me trying to capture the top part of my new ModCloth dress, but the seatbelt didn't really help me out there.  I love the tiny red buttons.  They are so pretty!  In other (SAD) news, I got another dress from there, and of course it doesn't fit because I'm terrible about knowing my size right now.  It was a Final Sale item, and they are not budging on that (no matter how much I beg).  If any of you want to snag it from me, I'll sell it to you for what I have in it.  It's this one:

It's so pretty, but no one wants to see me walking around in a dress that I can't zip all the way.  That would be MOST unflattering.  ;)  Have a great weekend, friends!  I'm off to stitch up some new stuff for a tiny update on Monday!  xoxo Katie


  1. First of all, I love Eisley. If they are opening for Jeremey I should definitely check him out! Second, you are way to cute to be a new mama. Just sayin'

  2. Oh my gosh, how exciting!!!! You look absolutely to die for cute playing your accordion...good grief! You are going to be amazing, I'm sure of it!

    And hello Cutest dress ever! I just might be interested in snagging this from you!

  3. What size and how much? :) I wish I could see that show!

  4. What an exciting show!! And you look just adorable! Hang onto the dress,you'll fit into it soon enough xoxo

  5. I love that you play the accordion...soooo cool! Have a great time up there on that stage!!

  6. I love that dress too. Can you share sizes and price if it isn't snapped up already. Thanks x Janelle

  7. mamas who are also musicians are my favorite! good luck, will it be recorded?
    and the dress is so tempting but alas, i went on a little online shopping spree of my own this week. must. hold. back.


  8. Oh yes... a size would be helpful. It's a Small and I paid $48.99 for it. Shoot me an email if you want it!

    Annnd, thanks for the sweet comments! I'm really excited to be playing. They are making a live DVD and I'm sure it will be available shortly after!

  9. I think you are so cool for knowing how to play the accordion! How long have you played it for?

  10. Whoa awesome, Katie! I saw Eisley open for Brand New years ago and love them! Treetops was my fav :) so cool you get to play. Have a great time!



  11. Yes! Awesome! Love your accordion. I was just describing my dream accordion to a friend and said I wanted a "champagne" colored one - just like your's!

  12. Yay!! Can't wait to see photos!! What will you wear??

  13. you are my idol, accordian!!

  14. No way!!! You are a lucky, lucky girl, and I SO want to go to that show:( I wish Springfield and Denver were closer together!

  15. aaaahh! i love that you play the accordion!! i just found your blog recently, and need to catch up. :)
    best of luck at the show, you'll wow them with your fashion as well as your riffs!

  16. I order from ModCloth all the time and sadly, their sizes are NEVER right! However if the dress is close to closing you might try some Spanks underneath. That normally does the trick for me to smooth things out so that zipper will slide right up! No sense in getting rid of a perfectly cute dress! ;) I am in the same boat with the final sale issue. I bought the pink with black lace bottom dress and have it hanging as inspiration to lose those final 3 pounds!

  17. THIS is amazing!! Congrats, you will do great! :))))) I always love the idea of women playing instruments but you're so cute with an obscure musical piece. I love it!

  18. you're totally awesome! I love your accordion!! :)

  19. this is really exciting. to bad I live in europe. I would definitely come and chick this out. Have a great time!!

  20. yikes.. i Would have to live so far far away =P Really love your new dress & those tights are soo sweet!! (^_^)

    Have fun practicing! You'll be awesome, im sure =)

    Chloe x


    please folllow my makeup blogg ? :D xxxxxxxxx

  22. SO happy for you about the gig! I thinks it's amazing that you play accordian! I really want to get ctackin on this mandolin thing. Is there going to be a recording? Oh & FYI, you're adorable!

  23. Oh my gosh! How lucky are you?! Eisley, Stacy and Jeremy are all amazing!!!! Have a wonderful time!

  24. you play the accordion?! you've just gotten me smitten with you.
    i can't wait to see you play! i've been planning for this show for weeks!

  25. That's super exciting news! I wish I could come see the show!
    Cute dress btw, you look awesome lady!

  26. You play the accordion?! You are so cool, lady! I've always wanted to learn... my neighbor likes to sit on his front porch in the evenings and play his accordion, i think it's so beautiful.

    I love that you get to play with Stacy from Eisley! I hope you have an amazing time. :)

  27. A big congrats! I follow Jeremy's blog, and though I live in Texas and can't attend, it sounds just amazing!!!

    Best of luck to you!


  28. That's amazing!! You are going to do great. And you look so beautiful in that last picture!

  29. omg, you play the accordion?! Ive always wanted to learn. My grandpa plays and its awesome!
    p.s. great blog. :]

  30. Congratulations! That sounds sooo exciting! I love the dress you are wearing soooo cute! xo!

  31. So exciting! You look beautiful playing that accordion!

  32. Congrats! I love that you play the accordian! I'm your newest follower. :)

  33. SO jealous you get to meet Stacy! I have loved Eisley since 2003, before their 1st CD was even released! Take lots of photos!! The dresses are adorable too!

  34. That's so exciting! I'm sure it's going to be an awesome show - wish I lived closer! :) LOVE the dress you're keeping, so cute! :)

  35. You are too productive! You're like, "yeah, I just had a baby like five minutes ago, now I'm playing a show (obvoiusly still have time to practise!), making deer heads on chalk boards for my successful Etsy shop..." I agree with the above: you really are an inspiration :)
