Monday, February 7

How We Spend a Weekend

Here's a little peek into a typical weekend with the Sheltons:

Starbucks.  Hope made this terrible mess... ahem, art... with one of the employees.  See the honey?  I gasped when they got out the honey...

Spending time with friends.  Believe it or not, we are crazy for ping-pong.  :)

Baby bath time (knocks her out every time)!

 And, LOTS of playtime with Hope!

Life is a little bit slower (and sleepier) around here these days.  What's a typical weekend like at your house?  
 xoxo Katie


  1. looks like a great weekend, the baby is beautiful! and you look amazing!

  2. Such a cute little family! :]

    I love the mess.. ahem art! And Posey is absolutely adorable!

    AND YAY PING PONG!! I played a TON in college!

    We actually did a lot this weekend! Doughnuts, coffee, a trip to the mall for Jack to play, lunch, and Target. :]

  3. typicall day at mi casa would be the regular school day for the oldest, then lots of hands on with my youngest. Lots of tea parties and books read with her for sure. Then once dad and brother come home.. its dinner time. daddy studies while we go to taekwondo with the little guy, or my zumba! ::whew:: that was exausting just talking about it. =) thanks for sharing yours.. ♥ the photos.

  4. sleep a bit longer, coffee, hike, thrift store, afternoon of crafting, reading blogs or books, evening out for dinner making it an earlier enough night for a movie and wine on the couch with my love :)

    Can you tell I don't have little ones around yet! Your weekends look lovely though. Your kids are lucky to have such a creative mommy!

  5. Your daughters are gorgeous!
    I love Poseys hair, and look at those tiny legs!!!
    Newborns get me so gooey on the inside :)

  6. Little Posey is so sweet. What a gorgeous weekend you guys had!

    Talia Christine

  7. everyone is spelling her name wrong.
    It is POESY!

  8. Hello Katie,
    I got a nice award and have been told to give it to other nice Blog owners. I thought of you and maybe you are interested to join us. Wish you all the Best, Sindy

  9. Love that "I love you better"-part :)!

  10. such a wonderful family you have, weekends here can only mean ice cream :>

  11. Ohhhh, so cute...It's good to be a mommy, of little ones...while it lasts!! Love the ping pong and the playtime outfit!! xoxoxox!

  12. they are so cute!
    i thought you might be interested in some other mama/lifestyle blogs. i have updated some of my faves on my last post on my blog. please check it out!


  13. So sweet! Your family are so cute and happy!!

    This weekend I did a lot of craft shopping and bought loads of beautiful papers and some nice little accessories for my new card range.

