Sunday, January 30

Bunting DIY

Today I'd like to share a super easy DIY.  I know a lot of you are collectors of pretty things, just like me, so many of you probably have lots of vintage scarves hanging around.  Here's a fun way to utilize some of them:

scarves;  ribbon, string, or yarn (I used finger garland I had around)

1.  Hang your ribbon or string wherever you desire.
2.  Fold scarves in half to form triangles and hang side by side.  It should look like this:

There you have it!  It's a super easy/super pretty scarf bunting!  
I hope you enjoy!  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 28

What I Wore: Post Baby

This is my first 'What I Wore' post since Poesy was born 2 1/2 weeks ago.  It feels good to be able to fit so many of my dresses already.  I actually have quite a bit of weight to lose still, but I'm really not sweating it for the most part.  I mean, I have more important things to worry about.  ;)  My family got all dressed for a family portrait earlier this week, and I had Johnny take a few shots of just me.  The lighting was terrible, hence the mega processed, grainy photos:

Blazer: vintage
Tights and Belt: ModCloth (last year)
Shoes: vintage
Starlette Sparkler: Giant Dwarf

Immediately after viewing these pictures I ran in and cut my bangs.  My depth perception is much better now.  ;D

I hope you have a lovely weekend-- we are off to spend some time with friends out of the house (I never knew that would be such a big deal)!!!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, January 26

Sleep Deprivation 101

Checking my mailbox everyday is almost like Christmas.  We keep getting gifties galore.  Unfortunately, I was having a weepy day and did not take pictures of all the pretty things I'm excited about, like I had planned.  I mostly moped around and felt sorry for myself for how little sleep I'm currently getting... then I would take a look at sweet Poesy's face and become terribly happy again.  Sleep deprivation makes me crazy, can you tell?  ;)

So, here is a pretty filler picture of my blue haired Blythes wearing their Tiny Bazaar headbands:

Aaaaahhhhh... so bright and colorful... it makes me ready for Spring! 

If you have emailed me about getting something for Valentines Day, I haven't forgotten you... I just haven't quite made it that far.  I promise to get back to you super soon.  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 21

Photo Shoot #2

My little gnome baby decided to be a little more cooperative today, and we had a second little photo shoot with her...

This little bundle is a week and a half old now, and we have enjoyed every minute so far.  She really is such a precious gift.  xoxo Katie

P.S. While I had the camera out today I also shot some Blythe photos, so I'll blog those soon!  <3

Thursday, January 20

These Days...

Yesterday our sweet friends Elsie and Jeremy came for a little visit to meet our new little one.  Elsie and I tried to have a little photo shoot with Miss Poe, but it was very short lived.  Like, we set up and as soon as I turned Poesy over to lay her down, she immediately woke up (hungry and unhappy!).  Elsie did snap some pretty photos before we decided to call it quits, though:

It was very nice to see our friends and feel a little life from the outside world.  We've sort of become hermits as of late.

Speaking of the outside world, I took Hope on a little mommy/daughter date today.  She's been really great about our new addition... I've been terribly nervous about her getting jealous/hurt/sad about not being the only perfect little girl in the house these days.  I can see a little flicker (haha- I just typed flickr...) of jealousy in her eyes every once in a awhile, but as a whole she's been such a trooper.  Not to mention, she really does adore her new little sis.  So, ANYWAY... we had our little date and it was marvelous.  :)  If any of you have any advice for this kind of situation (former only child meets new baby) I'd love to hear it.

It's time for this momma to try to get some sleep while everyone else is sleeping.  Happy Thursday!  It's snowing here!  xoxo Katie

Monday, January 17

Project Restyle?

Okay, I don't know if this actually counts as Project Restyle, but I did take a before picture of the nursery.


(click to enlarge)

Thank you all for the kind words about the nursery!  It's such a peaceful place to be. :)  And, I promise to stop with all the incessant baby talk soon, but for now you'll just have to bear with me a little.  ;) 

I hope your week is starting off wonderfully!  xoxo Katie

Saturday, January 15

Where It's At

I'm so glad we powered down and got a nursery together for Poesy before she arrived (two days before she arrived, to be exact).  It's made up of some of Hope's baby leftovers (mostly just the crib), a bunch of stuff from my studio, and several things I had bought and stashed, not really knowing where they'd go.  Although it is still a bit of a WIP, spending my late nights/early mornings in there makes me so happy.  Here's a little peek for you:

I love that she already has a huge book collection (mostly not pictured).  Hope went through all of her books (that girl has a MAJOR library) and made a baby pile.  I really hope Poesy is a reader just like her big sis.

She mostly doesn't use this room yet, except for a nap in the afternoon here and there, but it's so peaceful at night.  It's where the cool kids hang out.  ;)

xoxo Katie

Friday, January 14

Thank You

I just wanted to give a little update and send out a HUGE thank you for all of your love.  We are adjusting well to being at home and soaking up all of this special time that we can.

I'm currently a very sleepy, very happy new momma... totally in love with her little family.  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 11


 8lbs 7oz, 21 inches, totally perfect...

My heart is so swollen with love.  xoxo Katie

Sunday, January 9

And Then There Were Four...

Tomorrow (Monday) I have a baby.  It's the most bizarre feeling to have everything so scheduled out... after all, this is childbirth.  I'm nervous and excited and feeling super sentimental.  We've been a 3 piece for so long.  I can't even wrap my head around being a family of 4, but I know once it's here it will be fantastic.  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.  Oh, and we did get the nursery (mostly) finished, so I'll post a tour in the very near future.  Until then, I'm signing off!  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 7

A Wonderful Day, Indeed

I have to admit, I was a little on the pouty side when I figured out I would be SO pregnant (plus a doctors appointment) on my Birthday.  My family and friends are wonderful, though, and made my day pretty amazing.

My kiddo woke up before the sun so that she could make me the perfect card.  Melt my heart!
I got a lot of thoughtful gifts, but the mug that Hope made me was just the sweetest.
I got to have lunch with some of our dearest friends, had way too many treats, and got to relax my tired body when all was said and done with.  It was a pretty great day.  xoxo Katie

Thursday, January 6

Hey, Guess What

Hey... guess what!  It's my birthday!  I know that usually someone you love is supposed to break into your blog and post some great birthday post, but I'm not above blogging my own birthday.  I LOVE my birthday (even though I'm a tad on the uncomfortable side this year)!  So here's the deal, I'll eat an extra piece of cake for you.  Sound good?  Good.  I have a feeling there is a lot of cake in my future...

This picture is from last year... obviously...

I'm off to enjoy my day.  Thank you for all the tweets and facebook posts!  You all know how to make a girl feel loved!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, January 5

Lampshade DIY

We've had this boring old lamp for ages, and the other night I decided I couldn't bear to look at it anymore.  I got out the hot-glue gun (my most favorite tool!), some vintage fabric I had stashed, and pom pom trim and went to town!

These were my pretty supplies!
After I measured out my strip of fabric, I hot glued it all the way around the lampshade, starting at the bottom.
Once it was glued, I trimmed off the excess.  The fabric I used was a polyester blend, so I didn't have to worry about the fabric fraying.
I then added my trim around the top and bottom of the shade.  I'm pretty sure I could use this trim on EVERYTHING!
All done!  Now I have a pretty, pretty shade that makes me proud whenever I look at it!  I'd like to note that my fabric was semi-sheer, so it doesn't block out much light when you use the lamp.
If any of you try this for yourselves, I'd love it if you left me a link so I can see your finished project!  

Hooray for restyling things and hooray for Project Restyle!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 4

Music on a Tuesday

Johnny and I are guilty of doing that nerdy thing where you buy each other the same record for Christmas, or whatever holiday.  Yes, it's a little cute, but it's something I try my hardest to avoid.  Fortunately, this year there was none of that!  It's awesome having similar tastes in music when you live with someone... it's like getting double gifts!  Here are a few of the records we gifted to each other this year (for Christmas) that I can't stop listening to:

Arcade Fire: The Suburbs.  This one hasn't left my turntable in 4 days.  I love everything about it!

Spoon:  Gimme Fiction.  I love every Spoon album I've ever heard.  Period.

Band of Horses: Cease to Begin.  This is the kind of album you never want to end.  BoH music makes me feel nerdy and emotional (or, nerdy for being emotional).

Nick Drake: Pink Moon.  This is one my most favorite albums.  I can't believe it's taken us this long to get it on vinyl!

The Beach Boys:  Good Vibrations.  We are a family who loves our Beach Boys.

So how about you?  Did you get any great music for the holidays?  I can't wait to hear.  xoxo Katie

Saturday, January 1

Goodbye 2010

Hello, 2011!  2010 was a good year for us... just like any year there will be highs and lows, but as long as you are growing as a person you can call just about any year a good one.  Here are some highlights from ours (super image heavy!):

I made lottttttssssss of animals!

I got a pretty new tattoo (only one because...)

I found out we were having a baby!

I did a Renegade and met lots of wonderful people (top photo is Katie's)!

 Alec's photo
I acquired several more Blythes, including a Kenner head that I cleaned up and gave a pretty body!

 I got to be part of a really fun shoot.  (Concept and styling by Elsie, photos by Alec)

I collected lots more records.

And I spent way too much wonderful time with these two.

All in all, it was a great year.  2011 will be interesting with a new baby who is almost here, a plan to relocate, and a ton of new schemes up our sleeves.  Here's to a great year ahead!

xoxo Katie