Sunday, December 5

Blog Love

My friend Elsie is doing an amazing new e-course called Blog Love.  I think it's such a brilliant idea, and who better to learn from than the blogging master?  I would encourage anyone with a blog to check out this course.  Honestly, it could only leave you excited and inspired...

You can check out full details here!  xo Katie


  1. I'm reading the blog love course at the moment and it's inspiring for bloggers, but I also think it will help me with time management etc when I go self-employed in (eek!) 10 days. It's nice and fun too xx

  2. Oh looks like an amazing course, I am going to check this out!

  3. hi!
    i've been blogging for almost five years and i still signed up for the course. i *LOVE* it! she has so much information and it is presented very well and very *prettily* (as elsie is the master of doing!). :-)

  4. It's such a great course! I love it so far!

  5. Brillant indeed! I'm working through the course now and love every bit of it!!! :)

  6. :) I signed up!
    I had to show you this!
    I've been loving paper crafts lately -this one made me think of you!

  7. I'm done reading your blog.. trully, you have a life blog :)
    keep it up!

    wanna to visit back?

    don't forget to comment on my blog.. I wait you :*

  8. This course is amazing...I have just finished it. I couldnt come away from it and now have a journal full of ideas and plans!

  9. I bought the e-course and adored! I thought it was so helpful and I instantly did a few tweaks to my blog! (and still am!)

    Your blog is amazing..i just found it this morning and have been reading all your posts. I think your so cute!

    Merry christmas and a happy new year,
    La x x
