Saturday, October 30

Happy Halloween!

Well... tomorrow.  :)  I hope you have a great holiday!  I'll be back on Monday with peeks from the Red Velvet shop opening.  It was so fun!!!

We used Chelsea's pretty DIY and added wings!

Happy Halloween!!!  loves*Katie

Thursday, October 28

Wee People!

Ohmygoodness... Free People has started making kids clothing!  I'm so excited!  Hope may be getting a pretty or two for Christmas.  ;)

Eeek!  They are so adorable!  
Do you have any lovelies already on your list? xo Katie

Tuesday, October 26

My 700 Prize!

If you've been reading this blog for long, you'll already know about the 100s prizes.  Every time I hit another 100 mark in my Etsy, my sweet family buys me a prize.  It really makes me feel so special and loved.  On Saturday, the Skunkboy Creatures Etsy shop hit 700!  Woo hoo!  Wanna see my prize?!

I know this totally makes me a girl, but it has sparkly keys! And it's pearloid! Swoon.
It's my favorite one ever!  Thanks, family.  :)

Thanks to all of you, too, for supporting me!  I can't believe it's 700 already. <3
xoxo Katie

You can see some of my other accordions here and here.

Monday, October 25

Pumpkin Patch

We spent a little portion of our weekend at the pumpkin patch.  We got to ride the tractor, shoot corn from a canon, and of course, pick pumpkins.  All in all, it was a good weekend.  :)

(Hope liked the wrist bands.)

What did you do this weekend?  xoxo Katie

Friday, October 22

A Little Help?

We spent the day yesterday running from craft store to craft store, in hopes of finding my specific kind of stuffing with NO LUCK.  I'm almost out, I have custom orders lined up, and I get myself in this predicament?  Sheesh, Katie.  So, I have to ask you... if you do plush, what kind of stuffing do you use?  I'm considering switching over to organic cotton, but I'd love to hear opinions on anything.  Typical polyfill is not good for what I do, because I can't stuff the animals firm enough.  I will be making a purchase this weekend, so any advice is good advice right now.  Also, thanks to those of you who have given me advice on Twitter. 

Though we were running like crazy yesterday, we did get to stop for a very quick and lovely visit with Elsie and Emma.  I'm pretty sure Hope would have stayed all night, if we would have let her.  ;)

Elsie's images

She's the queen of dress up, what can I say?  ;) 

I would like to give a HUUUUGE thank you to all of you who commented on the last post.  Seriously, sometimes being pregnant makes you feel weird and gigantic, and you all were so sweet.  I adore you.

Happy Weekend!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, October 20

Big Ol' Belly

Well, here are a couple of pictures, as promised.  I'll try to start posting more pictures on the blog-- maybe once every week or two.   I've been feeling quite camera shy, especially now I that have this ever-changing body, so it's a goal, to say the least. ;)

It's been 27 weeks now.  I can't believe how quickly time has passed!  I'll have a baby in these arms before you know it.  ;) 

xoxo Katie

Tuesday, October 19

What To Do With a Giant Head...

If you follow me on Twitter, you may recall me tweeting about a failed attempt at a fawn pattern, which resulted in a pretty large deer head.  A lot of you suggested that I use it for some sort of plush taxidermy, which was a really great idea, but it's something I've been stewing over for a long time.  There is a lot of plush taxidermy out there, and I wanted to make sure I was giving MY proper spin on it.  I decided to finally give it a chance, and I have to say that I'm quite thrilled!

I'm definitely keeping this one for our little one who will be here in January.  I think it will be the perfect addition to her little nursery.  I also feel really happy to have already made her a special something.  I plan to add a little banner to the bottom with her sweet name on it.  :)  You will soon be able to find these in the shop.  Look for them in the coming months!  xoxo Katie

Monday, October 18

A Few New Friends

I've posted a few new friends in the shop!  I'm mostly working on custom orders right now, but if you pop over to the shop you will find a new penguin, a new owl, and a couple of mini narwhals.

Happy Monday!  xoxo Katie

Friday, October 15

Fall Fun

The weather is SO FALL right now, I'm going to spend every second I can outside this weekend.  I'm currently in the process of getting Mr. J to build me a fire pit so I can roast marshmallows and just generally burn things (yes, I was one of those teenagers...).  ;))  I also plan to do some more just-for-fun(!) sewing with Hope.  We are going to make some of these:

They're from Danielle's tutorial, and really seem to be THE PERFECT Fall decoration.  Plus, they are simple enough that Hope can sew her own (under my supervision, of course).

I hope your weekend is perfect.  I meant what I said about a "Katie photoshoot" soon.  I'll try and squeeze one of those in this weekend (sometime).  That way you can all see how extremely gigantic I've gotten!  ;)  (<--- I'm really just being dramatic.  I'm okay with my current preggie size.)

Oh, yes... also, I plan to do a mini update on Monday, so be sure to check the shop and see what has been stocked.  xoxo Katie

Thursday, October 14

Etsy Love: Nursery Edition

I have been browsing Etsy tonnnns more now that I have a little nursery to decorate.  The hardest part will be sifting through everything and actually making decisions!  Here's a little Etsy love for your Thursday:

As you can see, I don't really have a color scheme picked out, but I think I'm leaning towards bright colors for the nursery.  I go back and forth... I guess we'll just see once we get there.  ;)  Have a lovely day!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, October 12

Tuesday Treasure!

A little treasure came to visit my house today.  I was very excited!

If you're not a Blythe fan, let me explain:  this is a 1972 Kenner Blythe. She is amazing.

While we're on the subject of Blythes... Holly's Blythe is fitting in quite nicely here.  I kinda don't want to give her back.  I guess it's lucky that I'm waiting on some pieces to arrive before that has to happen...

Annnnd... while I'm showing things around my house, I should show you my Laura George painting.  Isn't it wonderful?!  It makes me very happy.  :)

It's perfect for this time of year, especially. 
I hope your Tuesday is treating you right.

(I promise to give you proper {giant} belly photos soon.  My camera actually died after this one was taken.  I guess it wasn't in the mood today.)  xoxo Katie

Friday, October 8

Friday Wishes

Aw... I just realized I skipped my Wednesday Wishes post this week.  I really have been terribly distracted lately, and I guess it totally slipped my mind.  Without further ado, I present 'Friday Wishes'!

Today I wish for:

Calorie-free candy (none of that icky sugar-free stuff, either).

(image via

I don't really need to explain this one.  ;)

My stress-eating, candy snacking self would really appreciate this wish.  Who's with me?  xoxo Katie

Thursday, October 7


Sometimes in life taking care of yourself becomes last priority.  It really is easy to make sure everyone else is taken care of, but when it comes to yourself, how much do YOU get pampered?  I've been thinking about this in my life lately, (which has a little to do with sparse blogging) and not loving the answers I find all of the time.  I have, in fact, been taking a little more time for me, and family (and naps!), and I'm discovering how much more well-adjusted I seem.  I guess that's 1 more step in the right direction to becoming an 'actual adult'!  ;)

So, we've been making more time for things like baking...

...just for fun sewing...

...playing with, and customizing dolls...

...spending time OUT of the house...

...and enjoying the gorgeous weather!

What about you?  What do you unwind?  xoxo Katie

Monday, October 4

Music Monday: Fort Christmas

Maybe I'm a little biased, because I know Jeremy personally and I think
he's a really cool guy, but his new side project Fort Christmas is just
great.  Please have a little listen:

If you love it, you should stop by and let him know! 
I mean, who doesn't love to hear great things about their hard work? 
:)  xoxo Katie

Saturday, October 2

Friday? Oh My!

As I visit some of the blogs run by friends this week, I'm comforted to know that I'm not the only one having a hard time with posting.  I do apologize for my absence, but I'm here now and that's what counts.  ;)  Anyway, I thought I'd post some pictures of the custom dinosaur wedding cake toppers I sent off this week...

Aaaaaaaah... that little stegosaurus melts my heart!  I think I need to try my hand at a larger one for the shop.  We shall see...

Anyway, we have a very full weekend, so I probably won't be back until Monday.  Have a great one, friends, and I'll see you then!  xoxo Katie