Monday, September 6

Music Monday: Playlist

Happy Monday!  I have prepared a playlist for this edition of Music Monday.  I hope you enjoy!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

xoxo Katie


  1. I've never heard of Dr. Dog before! I'm downloading him as I type this up... Thanks SO much for sharing!

  2. sun hands is MY FAVORITE song right now! Love that you have it on your playlist. Unfortunately, they don't come to Juneau for concerts ;(

    have a good week...mamma, teacher, baby maker xo

  3. i cannot WAIT to see Local Natives on the 18th! you have the best taste in music, seriously.

  4. So this is pretty random but I read your blog from time to time and I remembered that you love dr. dog, and Dr. Dog is coming to my school Oct. 16th. The show is only $5.00!!! the only down side, my school is in Alfred, NY. :(
