Tuesday, June 29

Pretty, Pretty, Pretty...

Summer might be the best for dresses!  There are so many pretty ones to look at... I just can't help myself!

Love these from Anthro!

These dresses from Urban make me swoon!

 This one from Ruche is so lovely!

I'm smitten with this pretty from ModCloth!

****Speaking of dresses... I'm planning to have a closet clean out very soon here on the blog!  There will be quite a few items, and I'm very excited to share!  I hope to have it posted by the end of the week. :) ******

Also, I received the most thoughtful little package in the mail yesterday.  I would like to give a HUGE "thank you" to Smarty Pantalons.  You really made my day!

See you all soon!  <3 <3 <3 Katie

Friday, June 25

Take Me to the Ice Cream!

It's summer!  And, you know what that means... ICE CREAM!!!

via weheartit.com

If you couldn't tell, I have a slight addiction.  My all-time favorite is mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone.  I wish I had some now!  What's your favorite summertime treat???  xo Katie

Monday, June 21

Music Monday: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

This post would have been more appropriate last week, since
I had the privilege of seeing Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
in person.  It was such a fun show.  We snagged the very edge of
the balcony, so we were mighty comfy and happy as others were
struggling to see the stage, and in very tight quarters below.  It was pretty
sweet.  They ended the show by being up-front about the last songs and skipping
the encore (which I greatly appreciated), and sitting in the middle of the crowd
sing-along style during the very last song.  Like I said, it was a lot of fun.

Via Google Images

Hope you enjoy!  I'm off to stitch stitch stitch!  xoxo Katie

Sunday, June 20

Happy Father's Day!

...especially to you, Mr. J.  You are such a good Dad... better than I ever could have imagined.  Sorry we only bought you a hat.  Your other one smells baaaaaad.  It was time for a replacement.

Happy Daddy Day.  xo Katie

Thursday, June 17

My Nights...

Typically, I spend my nights sewing and sewing and sewing... basically until my eyes cross.  Right now, I spend them watching 30 Rock.  I don't know how this happened.  A friend suggested it to me, I gave it a try, tolerated the first half of the first season, and then somewhere in the second half of the first season became addicted.  I'm on Season 3 now... which reminds me, I need to go watch 30 Rock.

What shows are you currently in love with?  xo Katie

Friday, June 11

Dreaming of You...

I live smack in the middle of Missouri.  This means once a year when we visit the ocean it's a really special thing for us.  We have about a month and a half left and then we get to play, play, play!  Right now I'm dreaming of the ocean...
(images via weheartit.com)

I can't wait to go back!!!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, June 8

Life, Life, Life...

Even though I've been trying to keep the general "mood" of my blog up, I still feel like my posts are lacking, and inspiration is missing lately.  I apologize for that.  My family is going through some life stuff right now, and while I don't want to disclose all of my personal "junk" here, I do want to let you know that there is a reason for my distance.  I appreciate each and every one of you, and while posting may be a little sparse for some time, you are still on my mind.  I'll share more when I can... for now I'm doing my best to stay positive.  :)  Here's a bit of what we've been up to:

New favorite records. :)

Sprinkler-trampoline fun!

Buddy time.  <3

Packing things from here to there to here to there...

Receiving packages from friends with funny packing materials.  :)

Shopping for Father's Day presents.  Shhhh.

 Doing photo shoots for friends.

Enjoying my favorite summer fruit!!!!

Going to the pool! (Okay, typically I WOULD NOT post bathing suit pictures of myself, but I wanted to show my new suit!  I LOOOOVE it!)

Enjoying favorite dresses and summer days!

Right now we are in the middle of getting a new car as well, so we are keeping very busy.  I think staying busy is the key distraction from other things... at least for a while.  ;)  Anyway, I hope summer is treating you well... also, I hope you'll forgive the heaviness of this post.  I would so much rather be light-hearted ALL. THE. TIME.    xoxo Katie

Friday, June 4

Oh, Man... It's the Weekend!

I hope you all have happy-making plans for this weekend.  I don't have anything set in stone, other than to be foot-loose and fancy-free.  Kind of like this:

(this girl has one of my most favorite Photostreams ever)

Have a great one, friends! xo Katie

P.S.  If you haven't already checked out Chelsea's new shop, please stop by and give it a look through!  I'm so proud of her.  :)

Wednesday, June 2

Tomorrow's Update!

Here's a peek at some of the items you will find in the shop at 4:00 CST tomorrow.  :)

I don't have a whole bunch of pieces, but hopefully there will be enough for everyone who wants to snag one!  I plan to sew through the night and have more to offer by tomorrow.  Until then...

xoxo Katie

Tuesday, June 1

The Whole Shabang

I finally had J take some proper photos of my tattoo so I can share it in its entirety.  I can't wait until it's done healing so I can go swimming!

Girl silhouette by the very talented Charmaine Olivia.

There it is.  :)  Feedback on this is great (like always), but if you aren't a fan of tattoos, keep in mind that it's already on my body and nothing negative you can say will change that.  Mean comments will only hurt my feelings.<3

Three more days of house sitting and then I'll FINALLY be home!  I can't wait.  I'm planning a shop update for Thursday at 4:00 CST, so I hope to see you there.  I will have all new stuff!  Exciting!  Have a great day!!!  xoxo Katie