Monday, May 31

Music Monday: Dr. Dog

Gaaaaaah!  I just got Fate in the mail a couple of days ago,
and it has taken my Dr. Dog obsession up to max levels.
My poor friends... I just listen over and over on repeat.
It's the true sign (for me) of being in love with an album.
I'm pretty sure I wanna marry Dr. Dog... or just go back
in time and see them live again.  It was a pretty magical show.

(via Google Images)

*Side note: I typically have "I Only Wear Blue" 
stuck in my head, and I don't mind it. ;)

Enjoy! xoxo Katie
P.S. Special thanks to sweet Chelsea for rekindling 
this love. <3

Friday, May 28

Dear Buyer of Surprises...

Dear Buyer of Surprises,
     Just some ideas... ;) case you find yourself at ModCloth...

...or, if you'd rather, I have a long list of vintage pretties.  Just let me know!  xo Katie

Wednesday, May 26

No Man's Land

We are house sitting for Johnny's parents again, and that means no internet for me.  I'm postponing my update, partially because of that, and partially because I'm just off my game this week.  My blogging is all messed up, I'm randomly falling asleep in the middle of the day, which is killing my productivity, and I'm not used to having a kiddo around all the time again, who neeeeds me for lots of stuff.  I'm going to shoot for next Monday or Tuesday, that way I'll have plenty of pieces for an adequate update.  Sorry for pushing things off again.  I hope you'll still love me.  :)


In other news, what's your favorite color nail polish right now?  I love this one, but it's mostly because it doesn't chip off like everything else I have!

  Have a great week, friends.  I have no idea when I'll be back!  xoxo Katie

P.S.  Be sure to check out Elsie's update!  There are some REALLY cute dresses to snag!

Tuesday, May 25


Here are a couple of peeks at what I'm working on, and my tattoo from last week.  I'll take better pictures of both when I get the chance, but today has been kind of a whirlwind!

My shop update is scheduled for Thursday afternoon.  I'll give a time tomorrow evening.  I'm off to the gym now, but I'll be back later for my Music Monday post!  xoxo Katie

Monday, May 24


At some point Music Monday will have to become Music Tuesday.  ;)  My record hasn't been great lately for being on time, but I'll make it up to you by posting peeks of my new tattoo tomorrow.  Sound good?  I think blogging and Summer may conflict at certain points, but I'm a true believer in enjoying all the little things you can, when they arise.  I spent my day taking my kiddo to lunch (half day) on her last day of school, we made an appearance at the toy store, drove a silly amount of miles just to have the yummiest Root Beer freeze ever, and spent the rest of the day relaxing.  Totally worth it.

I promise to be back tomorrow with special treats. ;)  xo Katie

Sunday, May 23

Work Distraction...

I'm in the midst of working on some more new stuff, but I thought I'd pop in and share some of my recent Flickr favorites.  This post is mainly to make your eyes happy, happy!

I hope your weekend was lovely!  We ate lots of popsicles and picnicked.  It was fun!


Friday, May 21


I've been working on some new things lately, and I've finished one to share!  It's so pretty and cheerful, and makes me so happy.

I will be posting this in the shop next week, as I'm planning a shop update.  I'll set a date a little bit closer to the time.

For now, I'm off to deliver some food to an injured elderly woman (no, I'm not joking), and enjoying some family time after that.  Have a great weekend, friends!  xoxo Katie

Thursday, May 20

Etsy Love

It's been quite a while since I've done an Etsy Love post, so here you go!

 Love this blouse.

 Love this bag.

Love this art.

What have you found on Etsy lately?  xo Katie

Tuesday, May 18

Music Monday: Band of Horses

I thought it extremely appropriate to feature Band of Horses today, since their new album is officially released today.  I was reminded of this band last night as I was riding and chatting with some friends about their music.  The new album is absolutely gorgeous, and I would highly recommend it.  :)

Enjoy!  xo Katie

P.S. I realize it is Tuesday, I was just a little preoccupied yesterday. ;)

A Good Day

It was a good day, indeed.  Elsie and I both had tattoo appointments today, and both tattoos turned out quite lovely.  :)  I'll post pictures once mine has healed a bit.

Time for rest!  *hugs* Katie

Sunday, May 16


This week was jam packed!  I had surprise visitors, mega treasures, more surprise visitors, and a total food fest!  I'm full... and tired.  Here's a glimpse:

Erin and Will showed up in my town.  Everyone knew this was happening (including Hope) but me.  It was a nice surprise.  :)  This was us having Tootsie Pops and driving to the park for giant frisbee.

Haha... Hope and I accidentally, awkwardly posing... (photo by Will)

(again, Will)
 I'm notorious for making big breakfasts when friends are around, and that's exactly what I did.  Hope is giving my Free People magazine some extra personality.  I'll have to share one day... her additions are quite hilarious.

Treasures and traveling companions...

Silly faced friends and awesome Chinese food...

Many rainy day car rides...

And lots and lots of Starbucks.  :)

I probably should have taken more pictures of what was happening around me this week, instead of way too many pictures of that silly doll... but, hey, I can't help myself!  Also, I got a crazy awesome new dress this week, which I'll have to share pictures of soon.  I love it!

Guess what tomorrow is.  Tattoo day!  The day is finally gonna be here.  Elsie and I will be getting new tattoos and I'm SUUUPER excited.  I'll try to remember to tweet pictures throughout the day.  Wish me luck!  I actually have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I'm not that worried.  I'll share real pics when it's a little bit healed.  Have a great night, friends!

(Ha! This is even what I look like right now.  It's almost like you're sitting in the room with me.)
xoxo Katie

Saturday, May 15

Time Suck: Jim's Pancakes

Go here.  Seriously, I just spent, like, 2 hours there.  Man I love pancakes.  It's definitely my new favorite site.  :)

Jim, you're kind of my hero.  ;)  

In other news... I wish I was in Austin this weekend for Renegade!  So many things to explore... so many friends to see...  next year, right?  Have a great weekend, friends!  xoxo Katie

Friday, May 14

Lovely Inspiration: Vol. 25

There are all kinds of blogs... funny blogs, informative blogs, cute blogs, cool blogs, etc.  I've recently happened upon the Vol. 25 blog, and it fits into the "wonderful blog" category.  There are pretty things to gaze upon, inspiration everywhere, and tons of sweetness.  I'm pretty sure it's one of my new favorites.

There's a bonus?  Well, today there is.  There is a little feature on me over there.

I couldn't be more excited.  If you have a little bit of time, pop over and give Jess some love.  Happy Friday!
 xoxo Katie

Thursday, May 13


I was thiiiiis close to naming her Claude tonight, and as I was driving to the gym, it hit me!  August.  The perfect name for her!  She's kind of the prettiest August ever.  Thanks everyone for the suggestions and doll love.  You are the best!!!

(Another gratuitous doll photo...)

I know I said I'd be back with Lovely Inspiration tonight, but I'm saving it for tomorrow, because it works out perfectly.  So, yes... I promise a grown-up blog post tomorrow.  ;)  Also, a few things will be added to the shop tomorrow afternoon.  This fella included:

Oh, man!  It's good I have August to keep me distracted, because I LOVE him!  Anyway, you can snatch him tomorrow, if you'd like.  Now it's sewing time for me!

xoxo Katie

Coming Along...

Sorry, I'm trying not to obsess over her, but I am definitely failing on all fronts.  She's turning into such a pretty doll:

An improvement from yesterday, at least!  I'll be back a little later today with a Lovely Inspiration post.  See you then!  <3 Katie

P.S.  I'm having the hardest time naming her.  Any suggestions?