Tuesday, April 20

Weekend Recap

I thought a little weekend recap was in order, since we had such a busy one.  Our weekend started on Thursday, where we did an exhausting amount of this:

After the update on Friday, we left town to go see Jeremy play.  It was a great show!  I'm not usually one to be focused on vocals, but Jeremy's vocals were completely captivating.  When Sleeping At Last started, their singer Ryan was just as impressive (the band was great as well).  :) 

Elsie's photo
(not to mention I got to see Rachel and Ruby for a bit... this one is also Elsie's...)
(She dresses better than half of my friends... and, yes that is a tiny Skunkboy shirt she is wearing...  ;))

Saturday was Parade Day and an alllllllll afternoon/evening Birthday party:

Sunday was... something busy... who can even remember?  ;)))

So, anyway... what did you do this weekend?  I feel like I've been running ragged for almost 2 weeks now, and I'm so ready for that point where stuff slows down.  Fingers crossed...

Oh!  And there is something new I'd like to start doing...  I'm going to start featuring one shop or blog on my blog per week.  I have so many talented friends online, I'd like to share them with you!  My first post will be tomorrow.  Also, I have a giveaway coming at the end of the week.  :)  Busy, busy...


P.S.  There are 3 owls left if you are wanting to snag one!  <3 <3 <3


  1. Looks like you had one busy weekend!! It's always great to see good friends, and catch up. Hopefully you get some deserved rest soon!!

    Also, cannot wait to see who inspires you!

  2. You have the same iphone cover as my boyfriend. hehehe Hes a girl. lol

  3. Funnn weekend for sure! I love Hope's p.s. on the birthday card *giggle*

    Also, one of these days, I WILL have to snag one of your adorable owly's!

  4. I loooove Owl 10!!! Whoever snags that one is a lucky duck! sooo adorable! -Katie

  5. :) What a fun/busy weekend! The little skunkboy tee is too cute!
    I Spring cleaned this weekend - whompwhomp!

  6. I've been seeing a lot of carnivals popping up around here, too! Yay!

    Looks like you all had a fun weekend! :)

    P.S. Adorable little Skunkboy shirt!!

  7. Oh what a fun, busy weekend you had! I hope you have a great week to follow it!

    Love and Turtledoves,

    P.S. Your little girl looks like such a little princess!

  8. Cute, cute, cute! Love it all!!! Your little one is the sweetest.

  9. I think featuring a blog will be fantastic... I've gone through your links to other blogs on the side and find them all fascinating... so I'm sure you've got tons of interesting ones to post :)

    I think it can't be helped, spring makes for busy weekends!!

  10. I'm excited to read about your featured blogs. I love finding new ones to read. But I guess everyone does, don't they?

    The little Skunkboy shirt is killer, as is the tutu. Clearly she naturally has great fashion sense.
