Saturday, April 17


I just wanted to stop in and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you for being so supportive.  It's so important to me to be surrounded by positive, encouraging people.  I appreciate you.  I'll be doing a little giveaway next week, so keep your eyes peeled for that!  All I have left to say is: sometimes you just need a little Seabear.

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As I was searching for Seabear videos, I came across this video.  I really like it.

Sin Fang Bous.  You learn something new everyday, huh?  :)

Have a great weekend.  Hope is in a parade in the morning, so I really should get some sleep.  Night night.  xo Katie


  1. I wanted to say I love your all your creations and that you are super super talented! And thank you so much for Music Mondays...I'm so busy with life in general that discovering new music has taken a back seat. Music Monday has helped me discover new music (for me)and I am loving the music inspiration I have in my life right now! Thank you!!!
    Sorry this comment was so long! ;)

  2. Anna Joy, you can make your comments as long as you want! I appreciate them!

    Thanks, Batzy Shop!!!

  3. love, love your new shop update. hoping to be able to snag a owl for myself soon.
    was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing the shade of red you use for your hair. i've been wanting red for a while and our pre-red color is very similar.
    and good luck doll.
    p.s your daughters lucky to have such a talented mommy :)

  4. Oooh. Love Seabear to bits! (And animated videos, also - they're always sooo inspiring!). Thanks for the rad tunes!

  5. Come check out the giveaway happening at !!!!! It ends may 1st!!!!!

  6. hi there just wanna say you that i let some pictures on my website with dolls and one of your lovely " galop" little horse
    hope you will like theme

  7. i forgot to give you the ink
