Wednesday, March 17

Wednesday Wishes.

Ugh, I have such a bad case of the wants right now.  It would be so much easier to shop if I wasn't browsing online all the time.  Don't you agree?   Here are some things I'm wishing for:

 I adore this girl.  I thought I wanted Nostalgic Pop.  I was wrong. 

Summery shoes.

What are you wishing for today?

I'm aiming for a shop update sometime this weekend.  I'll keep you posted on date and time.  Happy Wednesday!

xoxo Katie


  1. yeah, I hear ya! I dedicate a whole Sunday post to my website addictions. Those red bow sandals are soo cute.
    Have a great day!

  2. I posted my wishlist yesterday! I love my Skunkboy Creatures t-shirt, it is so soft!! Have a lovely day!

  3. Holy crap! I have not seen this girl! Her hair is awesome, and her outfit, and her eyes. Oh my goodness! She is the whole package!

  4. You're such a cutie! I am diggin' the Broken Bells album for sure. Must purchase vinyl!

  5. you're so pretty! i also adore that hello kitty bag. i've been having a yucky case of the wants lately too... please follow!


  6. gasp! am i just trippin, or are you wearing lederhosen in that photo?

  7. You make such wonderful things... I especially love your giraffes! It looks like spring time today here in Idaho... so I am dying for some new shoes as well!

    I chose your blog for the Sunshine Blog Award... you can check it out and the other nominees on my blog: the crochet café

  8. UGHGUGJUGH she is sooo cute right?
    But nostalgic pop has that awesome skin!
    I feel your pain. I do.
    Simply Vanilla and chocolate rumor to... that one has got my interest seriously piqued.

  9. That doll is too cute! Online window shopping is horribly addicting, time consuming, and ultimately, unproductive. I can spend hours on sites extensively updating my wishlists, but I always leave without making a purchase. Of course, this also means I'm not spending money, so....

  10. Online shopping is the devil - in a good way. :) It steals your time, but sometimes it is sooo rewarding!

  11. I want She and Him Volume Two to be released RIGHT NOW!

    Classic springtime put-me-in-a-good-mood music!

    I love you blog and you are so lovely!

  12. holy monkey pies i must have that purse.

  13. I have been in a wanting mood lately too. I want new pretty/funky earrings, a bathing suit, new furniture. but, I'm also trying to spend less than I make, so... I'm daydreaming instead :)

  14. ugh, i want her too so much, that hair is just the best!!
    np is pretty special in her own rights though, i mean different translucent plastic, and those pretty lips ;) I want lele to use her scalp on my np!! :D


  15. I am wanting a new phone, my boyfriend got his snatched! gaaah!!
    Those wants are just the cutest!!

  16. I'm new here and thinking it'll be a fun place to visit! The pictures are lovely and inspiring. And I'm loving the shoes!

  17. Loving those sandals... too cute!

  18. Oh, Jodie! Putting the Lele scalp on NP would be GORGEOUS!!!

  19. That blythe is soooo pretty!! What is her name? I haven't seen her before.

  20. That bag is UNREAL!
    i really really want one:)
    where are they from?
    Thanks for posting!
    Be sure to check my blog out
