Monday, March 1

Music Monday: Starflyer 59

I had chosen someone else for this edition of Music Monday.  THEN the mail came.  The lovely mail lady brought me Starflyer 59: Talking Voice Vs. Singing Voice and I knew I had my feature.  :)  I've been listening to this band for about 13 years now, and I can honestly say that Jason Martin only gets better with age.  His voice is one of my favorites, and the types of keyboards and guitars he chooses often make me swoon.

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(The playlist is for those of you who don't like to sit through videos!) 
Thank you, Mail Lady, for bringing me this:
My ears are happy.  If you are wanting to start on a Starflyer album, I would suggest Old or Talking Voice Vs. Singing Voice.  I hope you all enjoy!  xoxo Katie


  1. Oh wonderful! I was so surprised to see Starflyer 59 on this post, I have been listening to them for years as well! It is always refreshing when bands can continually put out innovative music!

  2. Ohhh I love Starflyer! I think my favorite album of them is Dial M... Their style is amazing!
    kisses from Brasil!

  3. starflyer 59!! Gahhh!! That takes me back to my youth. Perfection.

  4. (For a moment, I thought I was on facebook and that I could "like" this but then I remembered that I wasn't and that I actually have to comment.)

    I "like" this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Loooooove Starflyer 59. Thanks for posting :)

  6. Yay! Thanks for exposing me to yet another band I have never heard of.
    Going to check them out right now.
