Monday, March 15

Music Monday: Jenny Lewis

I know a lot of you will be made happy by the title of this post.
  I mean, how could you not love this lady?  ;)  It's no secret, I don't
typically love females in music.  I'm
not sure what it is, but it takes a pretty special, captivating woman to
win me over.  That being said, Jenny Lewis has more than won me
over.  We had the privilege of seeing her live last year, and Johnny and I 
would both rank her high in the "Live Shows to See" category.  Her vocals 
were phenomenal, her band impressively tight and entertaining, and 
her relationship with the crowd special.  Though I don't fancy 
Rilo Kiley, I do believe  her time in that band to be an 
integral part of who she has become as a musician.


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you enjoy. :)

xoxo Katie



  1. love me some jenny xoxo

  2. " takes a pretty special, captivating woman to
    win me over." same here! i don't find myself listening to too many female vocalists.but i looove jenny. her music, her style, everything!

  3. I love, love, love it <3
    Have you heard this guys called Pomplamoose? They're so rad. You should hear them out and maybe someday share it in the music mondays :) if you like them, of course.
    Have a lovely day Katie!!
    I always enjoy so much music mondays!

  4. ummm, is it just me or does Jenny not look like she could be your sister Katie? I actually thought it was you in some of the pics as I flipped through.

    Or my vision could be slipping :p

  5. oooh, thanks for the links. love her and her style is so perfect also.

  6. i just LOVE her! she is so beautiful, so talented and has such great style. she is a major inspiration to me! great choice for music monday. i'm going to go listen to some of her now. ciao!

  7. Love love. Especially love because she wears cute hats:)

  8. Mamameah: You can say I look like Jenny Lewis any day of the week! ;))

    Glad so many of you enjoy her music!!!

  9. Oh I love Jenny Lewis, ever since I first saw her in Troop Beverly Hills. I've seen her perform twice and she is just has an amazing voice for such a petite lady. I just don't understand how you couldn't like Rilo Kiley. :(

  10. she's awesome!!...her music is rad!!

    got my creatures in the mail!!..thanks!!..they are soooooo them so much!!..thanks miss katie!!!

  11. she's awesome!!...her music is rad!!

    got my creatures in the mail!!..thanks!!..they are soooooo them so much!!..thanks miss katie!!!

  12. What mamameah said..She looks so much like you!
    Also: Is it monday already? Where did the week go?
    My week begins with your fab Music Monday, even though our week officially starts on sunday here.

  13. Yay!
    I'm definitely in love with this Music Monday post. Jenny is just super amazing. :)

  14. Good choice! Looooove Jenny! I saw her live last year too, in July and she was PHENOMENAL. And I don't know how you couldn't love Rilo Kiley after hearing More Adventurous. I'm enjoying music Mondays... Keep 'em coming!
    PS... your name is awesome. ;)

  15. I lurv Music Monday!!!!! Thanks Katie!

  16. Ah, yes!!!! SO happy she made it into one of your music posts. We should see her live together. It would be brilliant!

  17. oh wow i LOVE all of the things you sew! i'm a new follower. please follow me, too?

    thank you so much!

  18. I love Jenny Lewis! So glad you featured her.

  19. love love love.
    seriously, i am sort of obsessed with jenny lewis.

  20. p.s. blogged about you today.
    come see. :)

  21. OMG ! I LOOOOOOVE her !!!
    Saw her in June and was by far one of the best live shows I've ever seen ! She's amazing !!! Like her work with the Watson Twins, Solo and with Rilo Kiley !

  22. ohh, good to know you appreciate her more by herself! because that means if i like rilo kiley, then i'll love her?

  23. I love Jenny Lewis. Love all these videos, love, love Godspead! :) :)
