Wednesday, March 31

Adventure Time

Ah, I love this weather! It's gorgeous and 80 degrees here!  It makes even sleepy days seem incredibly happy.  :)  We had the privilege of going into the studio with Jeremy yesterday to finish up a bit of mixing, and I have to say, we had a wonderful time.  Now we are back home with Hopey and I'm trying not to pass out and sleep this lovely day away.

It was a fun night full of homemade lollipops (from Elsie), brinner, yummy coffee breaks, and productivity.  Not to mention, Elsie's house is like the most fun house with the most fun treasures!

Hope yours was delightful as well!!!  xo Katie


  1. the weather is amazing!!! great for easter weekend :)

  2. I spent my night reading Kundera until three in the morning... I started it in January and up to yesterday I had only gone through 90 pages. Then yesterday night I did another 90 in just three hours... : ) Yay, finally some time in life for sitting down to read! : )

  3. looks like a day to remember! pretty photos. granny blankets make me smile!

  4. i'm so glad you guys finally got to work with Jeremy! yay!
    also... thanks for liking my house & not telling about big green secret in my bedroom. ;) XO

  5. No worries, Els... your SECRET is safe with me. ;)))))

  6. I know, doesn't this weather make you feel like life is perfect?!

  7. that lollipop is so darn adorable!

  8. you're always gorge, but you look especially pretty in the last lollipop pic!

  9. Hey lady,
    Thought you or Hope might want a hello kitty email adress, cuz I sure did! You can get one here, dont put any caps in your username :)

  10. i LOVE your photos so much! hooray for beautiful weather :)

  11. whoa, it'll be hard to top a night at elsie's with homemade lollies! love your pics. you're so pretty!
