Sunday, January 10


Wow, there is definitely an interest in the craft swap, so now I'm way excited!

So, let's all make something really special!  Make a craft of your choice, and be sure to put a lot of heart and love into it.  Email me at and I'll partner you up with someone.  Then, I would like to have everyone ship their item by the end of the day on Monday, January 25.

I'm taking entries for the swap until this coming Friday, which is January 15.  Please email me by then if you want to participate.  Annnnd, please only sign up if you seriously intend to give.  It's not cool when someone only receives (I've been on the short end before, and it's a thumbs down).

I would love to include our overseas friends, so please state in your email whether or not you are willing to ship overseas.  This is going to be sooooo fun!!!  xoxo Katie

P.S.  I will set up a Flickr group where we can post pictures of our gifts given and received.  There is no price range at this time, just make something special that doesn't break the bank!


  1. Yayyy! I just sent my email! I can't wait.

    I did one for christmas, but I never got mine, so hopefully this one goes way betterrrr

  2. Ahh I'm SO excited :) what a brilliant idea!

  3. cool, excciteddd :D Is there a monetary value limit?

  4. No, I didn't really know how to set a monetary limit, so that isn't specified.

  5. Yeah, what is the $$ range we are working within, and also, are you going to have some sort of screening process? Because the last swap that I did ended up being really disappointing, because I sent of my most favorite creation, and got what was obviously a rejected prototype in return, and that was sad :(

  6. If you aren't gonna set a money limit, maybe set some sort of "at your own discretion" quality standard? Just so people have an ides of what sort of thing to send

  7. That was kind of the "crafts with lots of heart and love" thing. As long as everyone participating is crafting their best, I think it should be okay. That's just kind of the risk you run when you sign for a swap. There isn't really any way to screen that beforehand.

  8. Okay, I trust you :) And I think your blog attracts a specific kind of person, who would want to send in something full of heart and love, so I bet it will be great :)

  9. Yay yay yay! I just sent my email - I'm super excited and already brainstorming what I want to send!

  10. email sent!! this should be fun! will you email us the address we are sending our swap to once everyone enters??

  11. Okay, last post, I promise, but Plush Team just did a craft swap, and they each posted what they received on their blog with pictures and stuff, and I think that could be so fun for us to all show each other what we get! I will definitely blog about mine :D

  12. Hoorays and Yays, I just sent you an email! Can't wait!

  13. I'm sooo excited :)

  14. I just found ur page and i think i'm in love :) Amazing pictures I'm putting ur blog banner on my page xo

  15. What a great idea will send you an email :) xx

  16. Ok, my email has been sent. Can't wait!

  17. I sent in my entry... although I was so excited I forgot to mention I'm willing to ship overseas!

    (I'm Heather @ the littlebearries email addy) :)

  18. this is such an awesome idea! I hope someone will be willing to send crafts to canada!

  19. Glad I came across your blog, how fun!!

  20. I'm in! I just sent you an email :)
    I think this is going to be super fun!


  21. Real groovy idea! sending my email in a mo.. im so excited.. what to make?! (^_^) x

    Loving the new blog look by the by!

  22. yayy
    i'm in, e-mail sent.

  23. I am off to email you! Yay!!! I am excited.. this will be fun!!! :)

  24. I just sent my email. I can't wait to get started on a little somethin'!

  25. Just sent the email - I'm soo looking forward to the swap!

  26. Hey i love reading your blog so i've chosen you as 1 of 7 blogs to be tagged. Just go onto my blog and the posting called "7 THINGS" will have your own link as well as all of the details. Have fun!

  27. I fogot to do the same.. I am willing to ship anywhere as well! My email address is! I a sooo excited!

  28. i emailed you. i hope it went through!

  29. I am so excited for this! I just shot you an email! (:

  30. Beaucoup de distance entre nous mais j'adore ton blog ! bonne continuation !

  31. i absolutely love your blog, i found you some time back through elsies blog 'abeautifulmess' and check in nearly every day i would love to join in but im not sure what i make would be right sort of thing that people are swapping ??? i make little tote bags, hair accessories, jewellery, brooches that sort of thing, is this the sort of thing people are swapping ??? if not i am more that happy to just see what everyone else is swapping, have fun xxxx

  32. Faerielore: Those kinds of things would be perfect! Any pretty handmade craft would work. :)

  33. yay!!!!!!! email gone! and my yarn is at the ready!

    {{hugs}} mandyxx

  34. really :) ok if your sure then i would love to join in, that is if someone is willing to swap with me, i live in england, ill send my email to you now :)

    thanks, laura xxx

  35. OH OH OH..can I join please...I have been crafting for a while and have a good stash of homemade stuff ready to pass on...cant wait...


  36. I just sent an email. This sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!

  37. Oh, I would love to participate but just don't think I'd have the time to make something in the two weeks time before the deadline. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

  38. I just sent my email! Excited!

    xoxo Julie

  39. I'd love to do this!!! With Christmas over, I'd love to start a new project to give!!! I'll email you now!

  40. hello...sometimes i get so excited i stop breathing a little bit!!! this is one of those moments - i'd love to swap some crafted pretties - im sending my email momentarily xoxo

    eeep exciting xxx

  41. I'm on vacation and couldn't access the internet these days... I want to participate... Is there still time for that?

  42. This is such a cute idea!!! I'm sad that I missed out by finding it late! Maybe next time!!
