Saturday, January 30

A Blythe Kind of Day

It's very snowy here, so I spent the day indoors keeping warm, with these girls by my side.  :)

 This is my new girl.  Hope has decided she no longer wants the Saffy scalp, so this pretty Aubrena gets it.  I just love her!

 This is the girl I'm wishing for next.  :)

I hope you all had a fun Saturday!  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 29

This Snowy Friday

I meant to have my blog post done much earlier in the day, but we got quite a bit of snow today, and I knew that if I wanted out of my house, that this afternoon may be my only opportunity.  I took advantange quickly.  Some eats and a Starbucks visit with my little family never fails to disappoint.  :)

I'm so proud of all of you for participating in the craft swap!  I'd like to post a few photos from our Flickr group-- they are not "best of" pictures or favorites, just a few to inspire us!  All of the crafts posted are lovely, and I'm looking forward to seeing even more!

I love this batch of pretties.  :)

How cute are these gifts???

So lovely.

I'm kind of enamored with this.  :)

And, yes.  Even  beautiful paintings!

I have to say, I'm so impressed by all of you!  I love seeing your different mediums of art.  You've all done a great job, and I would encourage all of us to comment and compliment others as more crafts are posted.  :)

I'm in for the night.  It's time for me to buckle down and focus on my update on Friday the 5th.  I want to have lots to offer you!  Thanks for being by my side.  I feel a tad sensitive tonight, and I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you. <3

xoxo Katie

Thursday, January 28

'Tis Thursday...

I was hoping to do my next shop update tomorrow, but it just isn't going to happen.  The next official shop update will be Friday, February 5th!  So, mark your calendars!  I'm hoping to have a variety of things, but you can definitely count on more cupcakes!  I'm loving them right now.  :)

In other news... sometimes having money is harder than not.  Okay, so you may be thinking I'm totally crazy at this point, but when I have special occasion money (like the birthday $ that hasn't left my death grip) sometimes it's hard finding the exact perfect thing to spend it on.  I usually pick dresses.  I was trying to switch it up and do something more daring, but then someone sweet shared her favorite secret vintage shop with me, and now I think I need dresses.  I bought this one today:

I can't wait for it to get here!!!  I have a few more on my list, but I think I'm looking for some shoes next...

And, I'm wearing this green pretty today:

It was one of my birthday presents from Johnny and Hope.  
I hope you all have a wonderful evening.  We're supposed to get some inclement weather, and I kinda have my fingers crossed that we really do!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, January 26

T-Shirts and Other Things...

So, as I'm trying to place my order for t-shirt stock, (for Skunkboy tees soon!!!) I realize I have no idea what an "average" size is, and whether to err towards ordering more smaller sizes or larger sizes.  The tees will look like these: 

As you can see, they are thin and comfy, and sized for women.  Tees for men will follow soon after, but I haven't gotten there quite yet.  So I ask you, if you don't mind sharing, what is your size?  I'd love to just get some sort of idea for an average. 

Now for inspiration time.  I must work, work, work tonight for a potential shop update on Friday (I'll say for sure on Thursday), and I thought some pretty images would get me, and maybe you :), motivated!

This girl has the cutest photostream, and the prettiest kitchen ever!!!

Love this.

Pure beauty.

Danielle T is a color genius.  Just saying...

Have a wonderous night, friends.  I'm off to stitch up some newness for the shop.  Hoping to be super productive tonight.  xo Katie

And the Winner Is...

 And the winner is...

Please send me an email at with your full name and address!  Congrats!!!
Thanks for playing, everyone.  I'll be back soon. <3 Katie

Monday, January 25

Necklace Giveaway!

In honor of Elsie's blog party, I've decided to do a little giveaway!  Here's what we're playing for: 

A cute kitty necklace!  Sign your name in the comments along with your biggest goal for 2010.  I'll draw at midnight!  Also, stop by Elsie's blog to see how to make this:

Happy Monday!!!
xoxo Katie

Giveaway closed.  Thanks for playing!!!

Monday, Monday!

I love Monday.  :)  Okay, so maybe you don't hear that too often, but I really do.  Mondays are really good for me.  Today is no exception.  You can find a pretty feature on my little animals over at the Drifter and the Gypsy blog.  That blog is so lovely and inspirational, and I am honored to be seen there.

Also, my sweet friend Elsie is having a blog party until Midnight.  You'll see wonderful guests, giveaways, and DIYs.  You should definitely check it out!  You'll also see me!  Check over at noon for a cute DIY from me.

Remember that I'd love to have all craft swap crafts shipped out today.  If for some reason you are unable to get shipped out today, please let your partner know, and email me at  Also, don't forget to join our Flickr group.  We are getting some pretty projects posted over there!

I'm (hopefully) planning another shop update on Friday, complete with narwhals, more cupcakes, and other surprises!  Check back at noon for a little giveaway!!!   xoxo Katie

Friday, January 22

Happy Friday!!!

The shop update was a success today!  I had 18 items listed and only 4 remain, so you can imagine how excited I am right now!!!  Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word, and all of you who bought a little cutie.  You are the best!

Here's a picture of what I wore... oh, I don't know... like, Tuesday or something.  Typical clothing for me.  I realized that I haven't posted as many of these this week as I would like.

I think I may be full of great intentions, but often forget to post things that I've said I would.  Here's a closeup of the hearts.  I guess I never got around to doing that...  :)


Oh, I can't believe I haven't blogged about this before now!  I was asked to be part of something called Planet Blanket.  Basically, people from all over the world crochet a granny square, and then they are going to make a huge blanket.  It's going to be so awesome and I'm so excited to be a part of it!!!  Now I just need to make my granny square.  I want it to be sooooo pretty for this amazing blanket!

(Not my picture. Found here.)

And, special thanks to Dolly and Boy Jewelry (Courtney!) for this pretty surprise in the mail.  I just love it!

The jewelry is made from recycled bullet shells that are molded into charms.  I thought that was pretty dang awesome.  :)

Have a lovely weekend, friends.  I'm off to chomp on my new favorite obsession (Cherry Twizzlers) and play Mario with my Mr.        Loves*Katie

Thursday, January 21

New Stuffs!

Okay, so as promised, here are some pictures of the things going into the shop tomorrow (ahem... 3 o'clock...):

Boy mouse needs a new photo, because his face looks stretched, but he isn't like that in real life.  Also, I don't love the black background.  It's a little harsh, I think.
A velvet gentleman owl- who was REALLY hard for me because the feeling of velvet makes me gag! Worth it, though.

My most favorite owl I've ever made!  She's such a lady.


I also have 9 (I think) necklaces and I'm going to try to make another item or 2 tonight.  So, that's a nice little beginning, and gives people plenty of time for Valentine's shopping, if they wish.

I'm off to work.  Have a super evening and I'll see you tomorrow at 3:00 central!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, January 20

Blythe Bloggeroo

I just have not had a ton of time this week for blogging.  I'm not apologizing, though.  I hate it when bloggers apologize for living life instead of posting.  That just seems backwards.  :)  I thought I'd talk a little about Blythes tonight, since so many of you have been asking questions!

 Where to buy...
I think I have bought all of my Blythes from Ebay, but I'm currently talking to someone on the Plastic Paradise forum about one.  You have to become a member to deal on that sight, but it's a great community.  :)

(Zooey is a Can Can Cat who was customized by Melacacia.)

Where to learn customizing tricks...
In this case, Google is your best friend.  There are tons and TONS of tutorials out there, you just have to be willing to read.  Oh, also, YouTube is great for that kind of stuff.  Just make sure you read up before you start in on your doll!

(Willa is a Miss Sally Rice.)

Wigs are great!  They are so cute, and fun to play with!  I say get a couple and enjoy!

(Amelie is Hope's Blythe.  She is a Prima Dolly Saffy.)

Where to buy clothes...
Etsy is great, Ebay is also great, This is Blythe has a little shop where you can purchase clothing.  Also, Blythes fit into vintage Skipper clothing, so I spend flea market days with my eyes peeled for vintage doll dresses.  :)

If there are any other questions, feel free to ask me!  I'm curious, what's your favorite Blythe right now???

I'll see you tomorrow!!!  *hugs* Katie

Shop Update Friday!

I'm just popping by to letting you know that I'm working on lots of new stuff for a shop update on Friday, January 22!  I'll be updating at 3:00 pm, Central time.  You can expect to see new owls, a cute little Valentine mouse couple, necklaces, and cupcakes!  I finished my first cupcake earlier today, and I was squealing with delight!  I'll post preview pictures of everything tomorrow.  :)

I know her cuteness is a little overshadowed by my sweet Blythe, but I think she is tops! 
I hope you all have a great night!  I just took an unexpected afternoon nap, so I have lots of catching up to do.  loveloveloveloves*Katie

Monday, January 18

Craft Swap Part 2

Okay, so by now everyone should have a partner.  If you don't have a partner, that means your email got lost somewhere in cyberspace, and you need to email me again.  The next step in this swap of swaps is to contact your partner.  Please feel free to talk openly about what you are making, that way, you can both get an idea of what standards are being set.  Eeeeeee!  This is exciting!  Also, please join our Flickr group to upload pictures of what you are making, and pictures of what you receive! 

Speaking of crafting, I made a cute Blythe sized beret to match Hope's beret that I made sometime last week.  I typically get car sick if I don't watch the road, but I crocheted for about an hour and a half, and was totally fine.  I think that is a bit of good information to have next time I take a "real" roadtrip.  :)

One more thing, if you haven't heard back from your partner, give it a couple of days and then email me again.  I want everyone paired up with someone who is serious about the swap.  Okay, I'm off to work on my newbies for my shop update this week.  Happy crafting!!!  xoxo Katie

Sunday, January 17

People I Admire

I was stopping by a couple of blogs this evening, and I thought I'd share a few people I admire and am inspired by.  Most of them will be plush artists, for obvious reasons, but there are so many people making beautiful art in many forms.

Her owls and birds are just AMAZING.  She is one of my absolute favorites. 

Nicole makes the most gorgeous everything, but especially deer busts.  I will own one someday.  I promise.  ;)

Eeeep!  Becky's plushies are so cute I almost can't stand it!!!

Eva makes the most classically pretty/cute little friends.  I think I love everything she comes up with.

Also, if you happen to stop by a bookstore soon, you can find my very own Skunkboy Creatures in Stuffed Magazine.  It seemed relevant, you know, since we are talking plush right now.  ;)

It's really neat to see your work in print.  I love it.  :)

I'm planning a shop update (for real, this time) this week.  I haven't decided on the day yet, but I will keep you posted.  I will have a couple of special edition owls, little necklaces, and maybe a new (and exciting!) feature.  Have a lovely night, everyone.  I'm getting these fingers to work.  xoxo Katie